Hi there fellas! I've just got my
Drakewing Bands, there was a thread to it, but now its close, and I don't want to open a new one for this, but omfg I farmed and hunt chests about four days,
Wowhead said the highest chance form Wetlends from the
Ebon Whelp, or Hillsbrad from
Crushridge Enforcer, 8-9 hour farming and no such luck, then I go farming chest (I've got nearly every other items, fucking
Amy's Blanket 8th times,
Redbeard Crest 4 times,
Magician's Mantle 5 times,
Shadowfang, and all other stuff - I bet If I roll a rogue he never found the blade

- anything BUT the DWB... I nearly lost hope, and think maybe it got grandfathered, and today
I move to Ashenvale let' se maybe found some chest there too, and found two (no such luck also) and I really want to skip Silverwing refugee (cause the fucking orcs) but unfortunately got too close and said to myself, whart the heck, lets go and see maybe found a chest there too (there were no chest at all)
BUT there were a fucking water elemental boss what is his name...
Tideress and the second time - when I just want to move to the next location, but finally killed him too, IT drop the DWB, I nearly not realized it was the holy MacGuffin and nearly disenchanted it - cause Wowhead not write, so I m not expected from him. What a lucky day today is
My shop list nearly done:
Foreman's Gloves - check
Feet of the Lynx - check
Drakewing bands - check
the only blue thing I need
Ring of Precision I really hope the mobs from BFD still drop that fucking ring