F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

He has over 120 days /played and is: (circle correct answer)

A. Frikkin' botter
B. God damn nolife
C. Cool guy who spends his time on F2P WoW

over 200days actually if i count with my other chars, could be more if i didnt played 24twinks or didnt have my computer for 6months.
Hi there fellas! I've just got my Drakewing Bands, there was a thread to it, but now its close, and I don't want to open a new one for this, but omfg I farmed and hunt chests about four days,

Wowhead said the highest chance form Wetlends from the Ebon Whelp, or Hillsbrad from Crushridge Enforcer, 8-9 hour farming and no such luck, then I go farming chest (I've got nearly every other items, fucking Amy's Blanket 8th times, Redbeard Crest 4 times, Magician's Mantle 5 times, Shadowfang, and all other stuff - I bet If I roll a rogue he never found the blade :D - anything BUT the DWB... I nearly lost hope, and think maybe it got grandfathered, and today

I move to Ashenvale let' se maybe found some chest there too, and found two (no such luck also) and I really want to skip Silverwing refugee (cause the fucking orcs) but unfortunately got too close and said to myself, whart the heck, lets go and see maybe found a chest there too (there were no chest at all)

BUT there were a fucking water elemental boss what is his name... Tideress and the second time - when I just want to move to the next location, but finally killed him too, IT drop the DWB, I nearly not realized it was the holy MacGuffin and nearly disenchanted it - cause Wowhead not write, so I m not expected from him. What a lucky day today is :D

My shop list nearly done:

Foreman's Gloves - check
Feet of the Lynx - check
Drakewing bands - check

the only blue thing I need Ring of Precision I really hope the mobs from BFD still drop that fucking ring :D
im still trying to get thorbia's gauntlets on my main... still no luck. i keep finding junk that other people find useful like feet of the lynx, MM, drakewing bands...
I have that at least three times too :D Keep looking. Chest hunt is your best bet though, Hillsbrad and Arathi.

Maybe it should be nice to have a full detailed guide where is exactly all the chest, because wowhead only pinned the location, but sometimes not very specific, Itss on the hill or below the cave, etc. So I print screen every chest I found.
I have that at least three times too :D Keep looking. Chest hunt is your best bet though, Hillsbrad and Arathi.

Maybe it should be nice to have a full detailed guide where is exactly all the chest, because wowhead only pinned the location, but sometimes not very specific, Itss on the hill or below the cave, etc. So I print screen every chest I found.
for me i found the most sturdy chests in ashenvale cuz not everybody goes there.
I have that at least three times too :D Keep looking. Chest hunt is your best bet though, Hillsbrad and Arathi.

Maybe it should be nice to have a full detailed guide where is exactly all the chest, because wowhead only pinned the location, but sometimes not very specific, Itss on the hill or below the cave, etc. So I print screen every chest I found.
and yes there is a thread somewhere on twinkinfo... ive seen it.
yeah somewhere ... over the rainbow :D Im not lucky enough to find everything I want in this site :/

I think timing more important, you know If you get early you get some shiny
Sadly i have no idea why iam not on that ranking if you will update this thread please check my Chars :) ^_^
Achieved my wings today. Didn't know that they were only usable by 85+.

Oi ! So It's ok now .. to be a lev 20 p2p in this rankings ? I saw some achievements.. from Draenor or whatever the name is, .. bank slots, ... etc. So if I buy crap box and get some guild looms I'm ... ok?.. I am still pure..., atm, well with dk bug (not me first) . I am just interested in the looms... Saw that some folks from the top already have the looms. PS Don't trust polish panda.
Oi ! So It's ok now .. to be a lev 20 p2p in this rankings ? I saw some achievements.. from Draenor or whatever the name is, .. bank slots, ... etc. So if I buy crap box and get some guild looms I'm ... ok?.. I am still pure..., atm, well with dk bug (not me first) . I am just interested in the looms... Saw that some folks from the top already have the looms. PS Don't trust polish panda.

They're probably former starters gone veteran. This thread hasn't been updated for quite a while so they might be still on the pure list or wherever.
Ok come on now how is it that Maratian has 500K HKs and still not even bothered with transmog?

The fashionista inside me is tearing up.


No no scratch that, I'm bawling.

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