[Official]Cata Private Server - F2P : interest and poll

What is ur level of interest in cata f2p pvp private server?

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i played, i dont feel like going up against op hunters again

^ I seem to recall the huntards were at least as ridiculous as ferals are now.

I'm guessing that a lot of folks have recently invested in Vet gear and guilds, so it might be hard to get the numbers to make this viable atm. I'm interested though, for as it was so succinctly put...
I'd rather pay 15 bucks for a year of good pvp instead of a month of shitty pvp and going vet.
I skipped cata but wasn't wotlk better
Wotlk was a time when several brackets were doing well for themselves and the communities within them were awesome to be apart of. One could also say that many miss the pre-shattering gear and gearing methods. Nevertheless the gameplay in cata was superior imo. It's too bad that hunters plague the memories of many DD:
I forget how cata pvp was. All I know is, as long as someone can mod it to balance class damage so that all specs are viable; I'd be down.

Fuck it, if the private server can balance so that every class is viable and hunters aren't faceroll OP again; I'll personally fund this.
Since i wasn't playing in Cata or Wotlk here are my questions. Any answers appreciated:
* why start a new cata private server when others have already done that? what sets this one apart?

* you couldn't possibly be doing this alone which means you have a bunch of folks in mind to help with upkeep and programming etc. how long do you plan on keeping the server going, cause once we users start building toons we would want some assurance of reasonable lifespan.

* as a noob, i would be unfamiliar with the differences so for me it wouldn't be worth it unless there was a vibrant and robust resource like twinkinfo that could catch me up. my guess is that there are a lot of potential players who would be in the same position and would be interested if 1) they understood why cata is better 2) could be educated on the technicalities so they could play.

*approaches the camera*

Hello, I'm Rhaellia. I'm here, today, in this blood elf starting area to tell you a troubling tale!

These blood elves you see running around, questing, looting are... only moderately rich. You see, their starting area has low magical reserves. Even magic costs money, you know.The trainers here have run out of armor and weapons for these would-be adventures because they didn't get the funding they needed. They're forced to resort to floating brooms and gnomes as both weapons and armor. As you can see, some of them are still wearing last year's hottest hairstyles. Such a crude life for these beautiful creatures of the sun.

You've heard this small humble starting area and it's people's tragic struggle. Now, find out how you can help. You can be the change these poor elves desperately need.

For just a $1 a month, that's $14 a month cheaper than live WoW. You can help them. Please, these poor elves need your help now.

Please, don't give with your heart... but with your wallet. Thank you.

I would totally donate, not so sure on playing though :eek:
I feel kind of bad about voting no, but this seems like the kind of thing that would be fun for awhile, but would lose steam. I think at this point, what I'd rather see happen, is for someone to make a fantasy based, pvp game, with rigorous balanced, a la Guild Wars 1. If it weren't for 19s, I'd have little to do in this game, endgame being so bad.

Idk, I'm conflicted. I guess I'll just stick with voting no because I'm personally not interested atm, but you may consider me to be a well-wisher.
Since i wasn't playing in Cata or Wotlk here are my questions. Any answers appreciated:
* why start a new cata private server when others have already done that? what sets this one apart?

Well, there are ofcourse other cata private servers out there, however that is for endgame pvp / raiding. In those private servers, you'll instantly ding 85 and get the best gear so you can pvp or raid at end level. However since we want the same for twinks, a new private server of the people, by the people, for the people would be more efficient. We can make it so it's instant level 20 with BiS gear for everyclass. If we did do it on an 85 server, we'd need to farm all the gear and level the characters ourselves.
Just wanted to know which cata we're doing the one with the old talent and 1k hp or the other one where we had more hp. can't really explain but it was a patch where they scale health pool.
hmm idk I was going to say 4.3 due to the updated spell effects and fire mage buffs. On the other hand however I'm pretty sure that's when explosive shot got buffed
Cata is pretty much the Valhalla of f2p twinks haha. 5min pops, people knew the bg heroes by name, the gulch was king, having over 1k was a big deal and some of the brackets legends were born. I'm pretty excited to go back to the glory days. Played hpal through cata and MoP FCing and I can't wait to be able to do that again. Stam stacking being a thing again is also pretty cool. Can't wait!
"Hello everyone.

In an effort to further legitimize TI, the staff and I have reached a consensus about the removal of Private Servers and Account Sales from this website. To further show my push for this change, I have removed all backlinks to my own website (in the footer and my signature).

I hope that Blizzard will now take a more serious look at our community and it will not deter future members from joining.

I do not want this website to operate in the grey area anymore.

I do apologize to those that use the Account Sales and Private Servers sections. I hope that you can find somewhere else to auction off your wares and expand your Private Server community.

- Shane "
Vote for which option represents ur interest level for cata private server just for f2p games. This will cost ~50$ a month to keep up, imagining we have ~25-30 ppl at first its just over 1$ a month. If it becomes increasingly successful there may be bigger donors allowing us to hit our goal faster or expand. We will be aiming at holding specific times on multiple nights every week that everyone can come on and do elusive, competitive and balanced games. The exact patch and other details will be chosen once enough interest has been shown. Also use this thread to discuss these types of things and spread the word to any player u may believe would be interested, especially older players.

remake of last thread to make sure poll is in, please use this thread over the other one, thank you.

please make some classes like they were back in MoP
feral dmg would come from bleeds instead of burst
shaman can cast while moving and buff Lb 10%
make cd for brewmaster cc's (5 sec)
please nerf enchants- so the fights can last longer
remove av
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