*approaches the camera*
Hello, I'm Rhaellia. I'm here, today, in this blood elf starting area to tell you a troubling tale!
These blood elves you see running around, questing, looting are... only moderately rich. You see, their starting area has low magical reserves. Even magic costs money, you know.The trainers here have run out of armor and weapons for these would-be adventures because they didn't get the funding they needed. They're forced to resort to floating brooms and gnomes as both weapons and armor. As you can see, some of them are still wearing last year's hottest hairstyles. Such a crude life for these beautiful creatures of the sun.
You've heard this small humble starting area and it's people's tragic struggle. Now, find out how you can help. You can be the change these poor elves desperately need.
For just a $1 a month, that's $14 a month cheaper than live WoW. You can help them. Please, these poor elves need your help now.
Please, don't give with your heart... but with your wallet. Thank you.