F2P Movies Thread

Added Dancingroot F2P 10 balance druid videos. Both game 1 and game 3.

The movie library update is now live. The recent video publishers will now be at the top of the library.
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Yes! Dubbs and his rogue are on here old best friend of mine he needs to come back to wow!
Destruction Warlock Chapter 4 SUPER BURST - YouTube Destruction Warlock Chapter 4 SUPER BURST
THe last Video !
Please [MENTION=2663]Hiidden[/MENTION] Add it.
Anyway i've posted some other vids.
Im posting here again and Writing their name , so it can be easier to add , you can copy paste the VID NAME !
Destruction Warlock Chapter 1 Constant+Easy Burst - YouTube Destruction Warlock Chapter 1 Constant+Easy Burst
Double Hunters At Gnomeregan - YouTube Double F2P Hunters At Gnomeregan
Triple F2P Hunters in WSG - YouTube Triple F2P Hunters in WSG
A F2P Premade SHAMAN - YouTube A F2P Premade Shaman
A F2P Premade ~HUNTER~ - YouTube A F2P Premade Hunter
Destruction Warlock Chapter 2 ConstantDMG - YouTube Destruction Warlock Chapter 2 ConstantDMG
Destruction Warlock Chapter 3 CC'ed - YouTube Destruction Warlock CC'eD
New Introduction - YouTube New Channel Intro
Destruction Warlock Chapter 3.5 Mini Burst - YouTube Destruction Lock Chapter 3.5 Mini Burst
Thanks ^_^ !
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Holy crap. I haven't played since Wrath... watching these videos wondering if it's even possible to go OOM anymore.
Hey there! I have another montage.

WoW F2P Resto Druid Montage - YouTube

- Wildbloom
feral charge feral charge ferAl charge
try using macros for standard charge and focus target charge
you should pretty much stay back spamming heals until some mele targets u . Drop ur instant feral charge and ur fine. Lower cd can be used for ledge jukes and over all is way better for a supportive role like resto.

jesus sit still and spam . Put on a lil more spirit gear and get friendly with your regrowth. Many a time I saw u just running around in a circle not even rejuving . I'm on my phone so I can't link certain times in footage but meh . Um yea spam more i hardly know any Druids that I think really know how to just spam . This is my opinion entirely so if u don't like it ignore and move on .

Im keeping this pertaining to ab mainly but u have like two styles of healing to choose from when you are about to encounter enemies . 1 the charge and root bastard /dps assistant (wrath >feral dps unless your going to be in a long fight where you are saving up points to cordinate burst with a friend ) in this role u are not having heavy damage so basically u can rejuv ur buddies then help them kill the enemy by rooting and what not . Then you got the second role is where u just spam the shit out of ur heals while sittin in a bush or in a sneaky space if u can find one and u only use feral charge to get away from a mele , u Maybey root him , set as focus and spam more heals while keeping roots on him if ur team is stupid and doesn't know how to peal .

So um ya spam more and use feral charge <3
feral charge feral charge ferAl charge
try using macros for standard charge and focus target charge
you should pretty much stay back spamming heals until some mele targets u . Drop ur instant feral charge and ur fine. Lower cd can be used for ledge jukes and over all is way better for a supportive role like resto.

jesus sit still and spam . Put on a lil more spirit gear and get friendly with your regrowth. Many a time I saw u just running around in a circle not even rejuving . I'm on my phone so I can't link certain times in footage but meh . Um yea spam more i hardly know any Druids that I think really know how to just spam . This is my opinion entirely so if u don't like it ignore and move on .

Im keeping this pertaining to ab mainly but u have like two styles of healing to choose from when you are about to encounter enemies . 1 the charge and root bastard /dps assistant (wrath >feral dps unless your going to be in a long fight where you are saving up points to cordinate burst with a friend ) in this role u are not having heavy damage so basically u can rejuv ur buddies then help them kill the enemy by rooting and what not . Then you got the second role is where u just spam the shit out of ur heals while sittin in a bush or in a sneaky space if u can find one and u only use feral charge to get away from a mele , u Maybey root him , set as focus and spam more heals while keeping roots on him if ur team is stupid and doesn't know how to peal .

So um ya spam more and use feral charge <3

Hehe, thanks for the tips! I've ben playing resto druids for years, and my style is a not necessarily the most "practical." But I've found the playstyle that suits me best. I actually do spam rejuv just about always, but it's relatively pointless when I'm the only one taking damage and I'm not going to die anytime soon. Also in one or two clips when I ran around a lot I had a rogue or feral druid on me. BUT I also do love to run around a lot for no reason while healing.

I find displacer beast to infinitely more practical for resto than feral charge. I've played with feral charge quite a bit and displacer beast does much more work towards saving myself and saving other people. It's an uncommon opinion, I'm sure, but my healing potential suffers from feral charge.

Also, staying back as a resto druid defeats the whole purpose of the class. They are supposed to jump straight into the fight to throw heals around and be a distraction. Good resto players can maneuver through a fight and be aware of the threats around them. Even pre-MoP when resto druids were considered trash, I jumped right into the fight and sometimes outhealed hpallies and shamans. Obviously this is more of an opinion, but I think a resto druid is wasting his or her true potential by staying back. In the middle of fights, when the situation is stable, I'll hop into cat and use the 3 combo point seamless bite and start healing again. Maybe I'm just a weird druid, but I top the healing charts 99.8% of the time even after joining late. *shrug*

But I appreciate the tips! Maybe I'll try feral charge a few more times :D

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