Game 3 of our 10man Boomy premade! (the best of the 3 games we did)
feral charge feral charge ferAl charge
try using macros for standard charge and focus target charge
you should pretty much stay back spamming heals until some mele targets u . Drop ur instant feral charge and ur fine. Lower cd can be used for ledge jukes and over all is way better for a supportive role like resto.
jesus sit still and spam . Put on a lil more spirit gear and get friendly with your regrowth. Many a time I saw u just running around in a circle not even rejuving . I'm on my phone so I can't link certain times in footage but meh . Um yea spam more i hardly know any Druids that I think really know how to just spam . This is my opinion entirely so if u don't like it ignore and move on .
Im keeping this pertaining to ab mainly but u have like two styles of healing to choose from when you are about to encounter enemies . 1 the charge and root bastard /dps assistant (wrath >feral dps unless your going to be in a long fight where you are saving up points to cordinate burst with a friend ) in this role u are not having heavy damage so basically u can rejuv ur buddies then help them kill the enemy by rooting and what not . Then you got the second role is where u just spam the shit out of ur heals while sittin in a bush or in a sneaky space if u can find one and u only use feral charge to get away from a mele , u Maybey root him , set as focus and spam more heals while keeping roots on him if ur team is stupid and doesn't know how to peal .
So um ya spam more and use feral charge <3