F2P Movies Thread

Can you add my lastest vid? Im doing retri content now. You can also merge Êlis and Alkazar im the same person.

Now I hope you enjoy vid :) as always in HD
Thanks for watching

loved the vid watched it as soon as it popped up nice to see some ret play :)
buttttt im still waiting for something to follow the demo introduction u uploaded a while back love you warlock stuff ... just keep it up ^^
I'm liking the videos! I will make a thread you guys might find interesting, its about a YouTube channel for all the videos. Check it out and give your opinion :)
Added [MENTION=17375]Lennyw-Borean Tundra[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2465]Achmed[/MENTION] videos.

Thanks guys and I will be faster to update the library in the future, I promise =)

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