F2P Movies Thread

Added [MENTION=2465]Achmed[/MENTION] and [MENTION=18779]Arberian021[/MENTION] videos.

I might make a change to the all time movie library so the most recent publisher gets to the top of the list. Will be much easier to find the fresh videos then.
Another movie from Spinebreaker-EU

Spinebreaker vs Destromath - YouTube

Have fun!

Umm , Cool vid btw , HOW CAN U MOG WARGLAIVES OF AZZINOTH ON A F2P btw ?!? :p

Edit : I just saw yor armory and... Is that a buff or what , please tell me about it :) !

Edit 2 : NvM got it. Please the macroo u use to tmorpgh your roguaaa !
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pretty sure nobody wants to watch f2p videos

Kiddin me ?!?! I just watched 3 entire vids of [MENTION=2465]Achmed[/MENTION] . And i really loved em.
Nice Skills Ach , MORE VIDDZ PLEASEE ^_^ !
Yeah, i got juked big time on the roof. I tend to do mistakes like that because im more used playing my lvl90 rogue and there is shadowstep there to fix things like that :))

Anyway thanks for the fact you appreciate what you've seen on the movies. There is alot trolling regarding my rogue gameplay on my YT channel ;)

azol is sad, obviusly troll bait.
Tmorph OP. :p Rising Sun kick animation replacing my Crusader strike animation derp.
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Reckful was streaming using tmorph and he didnt get banned. Basically you dont alter gamefiles and the mog cant be seen by others, only by yourself.

Tmog question - Forums - World of Warcraft

THe Ticket response in EU page .
World Of Warcraft - My character is stuck.
Status: Resolved
(Marked by User)
Lentian Pjeci
MY Character isnt Stuck at all. Anyway , this blizzard OPPENING A TICKET options suck. SO i wanted to know something about tmorpgh , is it illegal , im playing on a 36BIT windows and i want to know if it works or not , If its illegal or not... DO you get banned using it , it doesnt change the game files , it just makes your character look better. ONLY YOU CAN SEE YOUR CHAR , Mogged like that , no1 else... !
Im asking because i want to get a new 64 bit windows for datt :) !
15 hours ago
Customer Service Representative
Greetings Lentian,

Sorry I was unable to get in touch with you whilst you were online, such a shame, as I would have loved the opportunity to speak with you directly about your issue.

Regarding Tmorph, as this edits the files on the client to change how you view the characters, this is a direct violation of our policies and I can only advise against the use of such.

It's my personal goal to ensure that you feel like the valued customer you truly are, so hopefully this info proved helpful to you, my friend. Thank you for taking the time to read my response, and again, thank you for your patience with the wait on responding to your issue.

Alrighty then, well I hope that this message finds you well and that everything for the coming year is going to be great for you.

US response :

World Of Warcraft - My character is stuck.
Status: Answered
Lentian Pjeci
MY Character isnt Stuck at all. Anyway , this blizzard OPPENING A TICKET options suck. SO i wanted to know something about tmorpgh , is it illegal , im playing on a 36BIT windows and i want to know if it works or not , If its illegal or not... DO you get banned using it , it doesnt change the game files , it just makes your character look better. ONLY YOU CAN SEE YOUR CHAR , Mogged like that , no1 else... !
Im asking because i want to get a new 64 bit windows for datt :) !
15 hours ago
Customer Service Representative
Allow me a moment to introduce myself. I am Game Master Maximosindor! I hope this message finds you doing well.

Using any program that alters game files can potentially get you into trouble. We cannot confirms specific programs or actions that might take place, but if a game file is changed, it is likely something that could get you into trouble.

If you would like to add anything else to your report or if there's something else I could help you with, please hit the reply button. It's my pleasure to help you find solutions!

Farewell, and may your blades be as sharp as your wits!!
I wish I got enough good games to actually post a video of my own, but it's like shooting spiders in a barrel, to butcher the original metaphor slightly. Good video anyway Achmed.

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