F2P Movies Thread

I agree that pet white dmg (auto-attack) is not much, but Kill Command is quite a bit of dps/burst, and in order to use it your pet must be within melee range.

I suggest the following macros with the pet on passive/defensive and macro'd abilities off auto-cast:

Kill Command macro:
/cast Kill Command

Dive/charge macro:
/cast [pet:Scorpid] Charge; [pet] Dive

Disarm/silence macro:
/cast [pet:Bird of Prey] Snatch; [pet:Moth] Serenity Dust; [pet:Scorpid] Clench

Pet return macro:

I'm not convinced that Scopid > Bird of Prey.. Scorpid has charge in 25 yd range with 1-sec immobilze that has no interrupt/stun (25-sec cd). Whereas dive has 180% movement for 16 seconds (32-sec cd), which can catch up with mounted targets. Kill command crits for 500 regularly, and has a 6-second cooldown, meaning you can easily get two of these off on a runner. I can see how the scorpid would be better in some situations, but I think it's just personal preference at this point.

Also, I didn't realize you could use two disarm pets and that they didn't share a cooldown! I've been using moth as my 2nd pet for silence vs healers. However 90% of the time in BGs I'm disarming hunters/rogues, so a second cooldown would be nice ;o)
its not just about the extra dmg your pet does...

1. push back vs casters
2. keeps your target in combat longer and you (less saps)
3. stops bandages
4. kill command someone who los's/out ranges you
5. explosive shot>kill command is insane burst vs healers

thats just off the top my head. moral of the story is, a pets for life, not just for xmas. :p
Thanks Nevmind and Felix for your videos, added to the library.

Also, 2 new videos from Dubbs added.
thank you :)
Sorry to keep you busy for making too much videos...
i already made the next one and its really good imo so be prepared to edit your thread once again :D


Updated Dubbs videos,

Added Broken's videos,

Some facts: Dubbs has 47.5k channel views, when he gets 50k views he will switch place with my section. Hue needs to make 3 more F2P videos to get his own private section.

Also, I will update the featured section in about 3-4 days and will focus on 5.0.4+ patch videos =)
Hello. I have made a few videos a little while back before the MoP patch. I don't expect anyone to give me much credit, I didn't set out to edit these videos much or to emphasize the lack of skill/bindings/keyboard turns I do/do not have. Being on Hellfire, there is literally no-one to war-game/arena with but I nonetheless enjoy the bging with people in my battlegroup.

Besides if too many people go blind from watching these, just delete my post. Below is an ok one with Capstauf. My music choice is awesome...

Introducing Captstauf - Warsong Gulch PvP with Billymays feat. Captstauf (Ironman) - YouTube

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