F2P Movies Thread

Just link your F2P video and I will add it to this awesome list. Also realised I need to add some of the new Nevmind videos :p
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[F2P] Nevmind 3 - Frost Mage PvP Twink - YouTube

It have been awhile since I updated the featured section and I decided that I will feature only one video per week so it gets more attention and due to the lack of videos in general (also a bit of laziness from my side). I have been thinking about featuring one of Nevminds videos for a long time and now it seems like he stopped making videos for F2P which is kinda sad. This is Nevmind 3, which is number 5 of 12 videos he has made. I don't want to spoil and feature the last video already and because of that his videos will be probably featured very often here in the near future!

Now to the video and why I choose it. Well I would say it has everything to illustrate what F2P is; duels, battlegrounds, arenas, lvl 24 opponents etc. Combine this with a skilled player and awesome editing it can't be better. I also like the fact that sometimes the video slows down and then explains what he really did at that moment for his advantage.

Enjoy watching and I hope you like his video!
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Sorry, thought I posted it already :S


Salfir - WoW F2P Warlock - YouTube

It's not often you see warlocks man up like this rather than playing a fotm class, maybe the exciting challenge and being nearly the only one playing that class is why people choose warlocks. In this video Salfir is destruction and as you see it worked pretty well in cataclysm. Strangely enough, I really like the music in this video. I don't know how but I think the relaxing music really fits into PvP, the special music for a video like this makes it stick out from others. Also, the PvP gameplay is everything you can think about; WSG, AB, arena, duels etc.

Enjoy watching!
Yes, those were the golden days (no pun intended xD).

Lol nice.

Anyways - should we archive this thread and start a new MoP f2p movie thread?

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