like no AP..but these videos make me cringe.Some people should not play healers.Period.I am not a good healer, i admit im pretty shitty at healing..but
how do you die with half of mana to a warrior?????? Then again i can understand they had anujabeats on their team.The healer dies to a warrior...with half of mana...this just induces rage into me when healers die with any amounts of mana 1vs1 ( a warrior LOL?)
quoting myself before.I dont hate on him/her..but its probably one of the most worthless druids ive ever healed
but eh..Both of those druids to me are worthless . He/she healed them..they couldnt peel or pressure the enemy dps..or even heal their healer.In my book-druids get healed last...but before warlocks.
Like I always say,
"easier said than done"