F2P Movies Thread

like no offense..to AP..but these videos make me cringe.Some people should not play healers.Period.I am not a good healer, i admit im pretty shitty at healing..but

how do you die with half of mana to a warrior?????? Then again i can understand they had anujabeats on their team.The healer dies to a warrior...with half of mana...this just induces rage into me when healers die with any amounts of mana 1vs1 ( a warrior LOL?)

quoting myself here..like before.I dont hate on him/her..but its probably one of the most worthless druids ive ever healed

but eh..Both of those druids to me are worthless . He/she healed them..they couldnt peel or pressure the enemy dps..or even heal their healer.In my book-druids get healed last...but before warlocks.

Like I always say,

"easier said than done"
like no offense..to AP..but these videos make me cringe.Some people should not play healers.Period.I am not a good healer, i admit im pretty shitty at healing..but

how do you die with half of mana to a warrior?????? Then again i can understand they had anujabeats on their team.The healer dies to a warrior...with half of mana...this just induces rage into me when healers die with any amounts of mana 1vs1 ( a warrior LOL?)

quoting myself here..like before.I dont hate on him/her..but its probably one of the most worthless druids ive ever healed

but eh..Both of those druids to me are worthless . He/she healed them..they couldnt peel or pressure the enemy dps..or even heal their healer.In my book-druids get healed last...but before warlocks.


so i shouldn't make videos? :{
Hu, being honest it's no fun to watch a 1.8k hp warlock faceroll over arena teams set to Mr. Rogers.
afk while i reroll fem draenie on my shaman :)

but in the druids defence they had shau healing ;]
my 4th rogue video is out btw :D thanks
Must resist commenting on how felix has disarm on autocast, and using a bird as surv.
Must resist commenting on how felix has disarm on autocast, and using a bird as surv.
disarm is on autocast because i keep my pet on passive at all times until i need to use the disarm. then i use /petattack (keybound) and my pet will charge/dive to disarm. and being on autocast my pet will disarm the instant it gets on target, so i dont have to spam the keybind as the bad ai is trying to find its target.

and i use a bird to help differentiate my 2 disarm pets, as i use a scorpid as well. so when i use one disarm and need to use another i can know which im switching to. also the bird is sexy.
disarm is on autocast because i keep my pet on passive at all times until i need to use the disarm. then i use /petattack (keybound) and my pet will charge/dive to disarm..

/cast dive
/cast snatch

turn off dive and use the above macro, that way you can take your pet off passive. thank me later or stop playing a hunter, both would be bonus.

and i use a bird to help differentiate my 2 disarm pets, as i use a scorpid as well. so when i use one disarm and need to use another i can know which im switching to. also the bird is sexy

make a macro of call pet and use a different icon, rocket science!

only wrote this cause i remember reading you kick bads from f2p chat, but who kicks you?
/cast dive
/cast snatch

turn off dive and use the above macro, that way you can take your pet off passive. thank me later or stop playing a hunter, both would be bonus.


make a macro of call pet and use a different icon, rocket science!

only wrote this cause i remember reading you kick bads from f2p chat, but who kicks you?

wouldnt of thought that 2 pet abilities could be put in the same macro and have them both go off. thanks, but ill still keep it on passive most of the time as i hate how the ai walks between every different enemy im attacking because assist is so indecisive. ill take my abilities off autocast, to use the macro, and use just /petattack more often to get a bit more damage out. which is why i assume is the reason you're telling me to take it off passive.

make macros just to do the same thing? why? or should i be using 2 birds instead. based on your macro you seem to prefer bird.

oh and i dont just kick bads. i kick people who are specifically trying hard to piss me off. they just happen to be bads doing what bads do. if i went around griefing events i would expect a ban. if anyone in the channel was even capable of doing so, op or not.
disarm is on autocast because i keep my pet on passive at all times until i need to use the disarm. then i use /petattack (keybound) and my pet will charge/dive to disarm. and being on autocast my pet will disarm the instant it gets on target, so i dont have to spam the keybind as the bad ai is trying to find its target.

and i use a bird to help differentiate my 2 disarm pets, as i use a scorpid as well. so when i use one disarm and need to use another i can know which im switching to. also the bird is sexy.

i can see the use of this, but you lose a lot of dmg from pet. i guess if you do attack with pet you can deal with it because you have 2 disarm pets and can afford to waste a disarm however when taking down healers you don't have the monkey for bad manner. If you do turn auto disarm off when attacking a priest, then good on you.

however i'd like to ask a few questions. for Surv which is better, bird or scorpion?, i've has multiple people say different things? and, do you have a seperate keybind for taunt so you can taunt my pet from disarming you.

i can see the use of this, but you lose a lot of dmg from pet. i guess if you do attack with pet you can deal with it because you have 2 disarm pets and can afford to waste a disarm however when taking down healers you don't have the monkey for bad manner. If you do turn auto disarm off when attacking a priest, then good on you.

however i'd like to ask a few questions. for Surv which is better, bird or scorpion?, i've has multiple people say different things? and, do you have a seperate keybind for taunt so you can taunt my pet from disarming you.

i dont really notice the damage of not using a pet for its auto attacks. if something isnt going to die from my focus dump then a pet wont make much of a difference. especially if it might mean sending my pet off somewhere when i might need it for the next fight.

as for which to use, there really isnt a significant difference imo. i do like the 1 second web as a bonus from the scorpid, closing in the last yardage instantly, and perhaps boosting damage slightly for its next attack. however there are situations when i might want to use dive over charge for closing in larger gaps, perhaps out of range to use KCs or jumping off roof and dont want your pet rp walking to catch up.

and lastly i couldnt see taunt being vitally important as to use it in every fight. since it needs to be used in melee range of the other pet you have to waste the pets time to growl it and then get on the hunter that you need to disarm first. perhaps if a bird is already out and you already have the other hunter los'd in the base or something you can sacrafice the second to taunt the pet before going to the hunter. but thats very reliant on if the other hunter isnt spamming /petattack on you. also i deal with hunter pets by just scattering it then maybe a conc. and i have a trinket for a reason. also i might los or range the hunter to take a full disarm.

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