It was 2.
Try using a staff lol
No... I'm so confused it's like we are playing different expansions lol. You do realise poly DRs very quickly now, as does all CC. And reapplying the same CC after a trinket nets almost nothing. The amount of pressure you can do with a staff and +sp greatly outweighs casting poly for a 3rd time. You should have no issues staying alive and casting CC. If you were to argue haste is BiS you might have something, since getting sheep below most people's 1.5 heals/etc would be beneficial. (React to what you see, poly before it happens) But there is 0 things you need to outlive, nothing hits that hard that you can't escape.
Blazing Speed - Spell - World of Warcraft 25 sec CD
Blink - Spell - World of Warcraft 15 sec CD
A 2 min trinket with a short jump isn't going to make a game. If you play ToT always it might be helpful. But play style really effects race BiS so... With gear you can show numbers. This depends on playstyle. For me I'd take the aoe silence on the group of healers that unkillable.
600 frostbolt crits on a 2 second cast.
This sounds like MoP not WoD...
Every ability for Mage can be used as Offense or Defense. How and when you do those makes a huge difference:
Blink (Offense)
-Gain position for melee range Freeze
-Blink through big spell cast that have a positiong requirement.
Blink (Defense)
-Blink to range cast and save yourself.
-Blink FoF. They keep swinging. You have time to cast or apply another CC.
Blazing Speed (Offense)
-Close gap for melee Freeze
-Gain better position.
Blazing Speed (Defense)
-Range a spell
-Escape, it supresses all movement speed reductions. Use when heavily CC'd
Frostbolt (Offense)
-Damage ability
Frostbolt (Defense)
-Apply slows
Pet Nova (Offense)
-Freeze target while 80% through Frostbolt cast. Increase your crit chance dramitcally. Fireblast right after, both will count as casted on Shatter and crit. This is your burst.
Pet Nova (Defense)
Polymorph (Offense)
-Poly healers
Polymorph (Defense)
-Peel stuff off yourself.
You have to bind.
You have to macro the Pet Freeze (/dismount /cast Freeze).
Place you pet on passive and macro /cast Waterbolt into your Frostbolt. It's better burst and better control.
Practice the rotations. Change up your CC to avoid DR.