F2P Frost Mage CC Guide. Updated for WoD.


Seems like you define "shitting on my guide" as "telling me truths that I don't want to hear", but, good luck with your innovative and truly ground-breaking guide then.

No, you are indeed shitting on my guide with your sarcasm, negativity, gifs, and troll posts I want you out of here.
Nice work so far on racials and abilities. Not everyone reads enhanced tooltips, or how to make sense of them—you know—noobs. People that criticize your guide probably don't need a guide anyway, and are looking for more of a "what's different in this patch", type guide. Thing is, it's a whole lot easier to criticize than to give positive critique. And even harder to generate novel content.

I would like to congratulate you for even trying. TI used to have guides and stuff. That being said, constructing the document in an offline processor, before posting the guide as whole, could prevent you a lot of undue criticism (I wish I'd do this with most of my posts). However. the drawback of this is that it would take longer to get this info out there, when your target audience is probably just looking for the "best" race/spec to roll.

Also, needs more Comic Sans! Best font world!
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Added gear and enchants will do professions and other stuff tomorrow, also fixed links for races.

Request: Can a mod come and delete any post that will deter user's from my guide, don't need posts like that littering my guide.
Nice work so far on racials and abilities. Not everyone reads enhanced tooltips, or how to make sense of them—you know—noobs. People that criticize your guide probably don't need a guide anyway, and are looking for more of a "what's different in this patch", type guide. Thing is, it's a whole lot easier to criticize than to give positive critique. And even harder to generate novel content.

I would like to congratulate you for even trying. TI used to have guides and stuff. That being said, constructing the document in an offline processor, before posting the guide as whole, could prevent you a lot of undue criticism (I wish I'd do this with most of my posts). However. the drawback of this is that it would take longer to get this info out there, when your target audience is probably just looking for the "best" race/spec to roll.

Also, needs more Comic Sans! Best font world!

It's not even that, theres like 5 posts left on gameplay I have not even got to yet, they are making the wildest assumptions that the guide is finished or something.
It's not even that, theres like 5 posts left on gameplay I have not even got to yet, they are making the wildest assumptions that the guide is finished or something.
Ionic when it clearly states that guide is under dev.
First and foremost and dont take this all too serious:
View attachment 4878

Does ">" mean that item on the left is better? When you do a stambuild why is Mystics better? Tattered scales to 17 as well. And why do u only make a stambuild? Give these people out there a Hastebuild like they want it. Gorestained Garb ftw. Would be good to separate BG-gear and Arena-gear as well if intended.

DPR for teh swag!1

Double haste for double Swag!

I dont get this. Explain plx

This set emphasizes Stamina over basic stats, because frost mages already hit like a wet noodle, and the mage class in general has turned into a supportive cc role.

This set is the best set to do cc as long as possible before dying, and most viable for mages in this patch.
If cc till death is your main goal then why isnt Panda BiS-race? Double stamfoodbuff + Extra-cc matches your stam-built+cc or am I wrong?
I would suggest you do various gearchoices for different build/race-combinations and then this thread would get a far higher value imo.
Also a part about Darkmoon-tickets for the heirlooms would be good so ppl know how long it takes to gear a mage.

edit2get all this comicSans and Size=5-stuff out...another reason against it^^


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Shatter - Timing Frostbolt and a Nova will give you a 60-70% chance for a critical hit, depending on your critical strike rating.
What does your gearchoice has as critrating for example and what a full critbuild? edit: in BG and arena

Counterspell - Prevents an enemy from casting that spell school for 6 seconds. Use this on healers alot to disable them from getting heals off.
That needs some explaining imo and a basic guide about fakecasting healers.
Blink - Use this spell to interrupt enemy spellcasting
Ok mages know what you mean. New players dont. Maybe elaborate

Evanesce - Vanish avoiding all attacks and is useable while casting a spell but, it replaces Ice Block. Any casting will disable the invisibility effect.
Spell says "while casting", you say "breaks casting". For new ppl explain more.
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First and foremost and dont take this all too serious:
View attachment 4878

Does ">" mean that item on the left is better? When you do a stambuild why is Mystics better? Tattered scales to 17 as well. And why do u only make a stambuild? Give these people out there a Hastebuild like they want it. Gorestained Garb ftw. Would be good to separate BG-gear and Arena-gear as well if intended.

DPR for teh swag!1

Double haste for double Swag!

I dont get this. Explain plx

If cc till death is your main goal then why isnt Panda BiS-race? Double stamfoodbuff + Extra-cc matches your stam-built+cc or am I wrong?
I would suggest you do various gearchoices for different build/race-combinations and then this thread would get a far higher value imo.
Also a part about Darkmoon-tickets for the heirlooms would be good so ppl know how long it takes to gear a mage.

edit2get all this comicSans and Size=5-stuff out...another reason against it^^

Okay I am going to respond to your questions in order keep in mind I am not always right about everything.

1. In MoP mystics scaled 1 stam higher than tattered I am guessing the same doesnt apply here, in that case tattered would be best in slot. There is no reason to gear for haste in my own opinion as it is not going to dramatically increase casting at the loss of much stamina.

2. Dpr only has 4 stamina at 20 right, even so the critical strike is not beneficial for mages as they hit like a wet noodle, they fill basicly a cc only role now.

3. Going double haste would lose tons of hp and a trinket I would highly not advise doing this.

4. Dawn/kris and furbolg are bis for a cc frost mage. Dawnblade for horde and sharpened scarlet kris for alliance. DHC is also another option I put down in case you don't have furbolgs yet.

5. Goblin is bis because rocket jump is a nice gap closer, and has endless possibilitys, jumping off ToT, going from top floor to 2nd floor in bases, etc. Blood elf is 2nd bis because of the area of effect silence, the fact it can silence 3 or more people at once is better than double health from food buffs.

On darkmoon ticket farming, I don't do that at all so I would not know where to start.
What does your gearchoice has as critrating for example and what a full critbuild? edit: in BG and arena

That needs some explaining imo and a basic guide about fakecasting healers.

Ok mages know what you mean. New players dont. Maybe elaborate

Spell says "while casting", you say "breaks casting". For new ppl explain more.

Keep in mind the guide is not done yet, I am basicly getting the format done then coming back and adding all the details in afterwards. Now I will answer your questions in order.

1. The set I listed in my guide is only at 10.44% outside of bgs.

2. I will get to fake casting later, tbh I don't think counter spell needs to be explained.

3. I will come back to this and make it more clear for people to understand, thank you for noticing lack of detail.

4. I said it is useable while casting a spell, but if you try to casting again it will cancel the invisibility effect. Yeah your right I will add more detail on that later.
Yea I don't understand but yea...

The comic sands doesn't bother me, people be crazy.

The gear is off... And BE>all, really. How are you dying so fast? I have 4.3k in BGs and its fine.

Anyways keep it rolling, we'll see what happens.

The gear listed is the best gear to have if your main objective is to cc. Not to dps but to cc.

Goblin Jump is a bis spell because it allows the mage to close distance between enemies, plus there are endless possiblities with it. I do agree with you thats why belf is a close 2nd.

It is not that I am dying quickly it, this gear is to stay alive as long as you can while ccing as long as you can.
bis is subjective cuz playstyle...
plus sanguine cuffs are 7 stam

This guide is revolved around a certain playstyle that I will get around to later in the guide.

I have not messed around with scaling this patch so I don't know what they add up to I still need someone to clarify if sanguine cuffs are bis stam.
Fixed many things people pointed out. Keep mentioning things I need to fix, this has become a project for me.
Not a big fan of the whole mage stacking stamina for CC role thing. Mage's are meant to be a super offensive class... stacking pure stamina is only putting yourself on the back foot massively. Re roll to a protection class if you want to stack stamina.. glass cannon haste/intellect for the bad boy mages! ;)

*Imo mage's should have a stamina set, but should only be used when FC'ing or assisting FC. Apart from that, stack Haste/Int, whichever you prefer.
Not a big fan of the whole mage stacking stamina for CC role thing. Mage's are meant to be a super offensive class... stacking pure stamina is only putting yourself on the back foot massively. Re roll to a protection class if you want to stack stamina.. glass cannon haste/intellect for the bad boy mages! ;)

*Imo mage's should have a stamina set, but should only be used when FC'ing or assisting FC. Apart from that, stack Haste/Int, whichever you prefer.

Well this guide, is for frost mages, and their damage is a little lackluster this patch don't you think. They are a super offensive class just not the best for dps dealing. Stacking intellect or haste, isn't going to increase damage that drastically where losing some dps that could help you live that much longer to make a gamechanging play for your team.

Tell me, when is the last time you saw a f2p frost mage top the damage charts, frost is all utility and cc this patch.

Your objective is not to kill targets but to make it easier for your team to kill targets and this build is the best for that.
Well this guide, is for frost mages, and their damage is a little lackluster this patch don't you think. They are a super offensive class just not the best for dps dealing. Stacking intellect or haste, isn't going to increase damage that drastically where losing some dps that could help you live that much longer to make a gamechanging play for your team.

Tell me, when is the last time you saw a f2p frost mage top the damage charts, frost is all utility and cc this patch.

I disagree. But that's just my opinion. x)
I disagree. But that's just my opinion. x)

A mage's job is to make it easier for our team to kill targets not actually do the killing. At least that's my playstyle, and the one listed in this guide.
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