F2P Frost Mage CC Guide. Updated for WoD.

I would recommend organizing your guide a little more,
feel free to reference my guide for structural integrity.

GL with writer's block.
Switched away from eccentric fonts to regular text. Will on guide more tonight.
Switched away from eccentric fonts to regular text. Will on guide more tonight.
Still ugly and unreadable as fuck.
Still ugly and unreadable as fuck.

Other than "insulting" you can either give some ideas/suggestions either say nothing :p .

Anyway, OT : Looking forward to this Neon. Always hope to learn new things etc :).
This isn't the shit on neon thread so if you got any shit to say you can gtfo.
Added spells and talents. Will work on the guide some more tommorrow. Trolls will be burned at a stake.
Ok I´ll ask the question no one dares to:
Why didn´t you write the guide as a whole and then post it?
This here will take ages when you intend to continue in that rhythm.
Don´t misunderstand me but its 3 days now...I always hope you get the tactics-part but get disappointed :(
Always nice to see other ways of playing but I have a feeling it will take you at least till weekend :(
I'm confused as to whether this guide is supposed to be updated information about CC with a frost mage in WoD, as the title says, or just generic information about races and mage spells which everyone can learn from looking at tooltips. What is the functional purpose of this guide?

Also, I find the cutesy rewording of spell names to be off-putting. It's bad enough that you're not talking about -why- one ability would be better or worse than another, but for any person who was actually seeking information about playing a mage this is just unnecessarily confusion.

Your guide lacks purpose, focus, and clarity. You claim you want to share the knowledge that you gained from playing the class for so long, but so far I see no information here that would come from that experience. Discard and start over, write it offline, make it contain actual knowledge gained from experience, and repost when it's completed.

This advice is offered with the assumption that you are mature enough to accept constructive criticism.
Evanesce 45s cd.
Iceblock 5min cd. Are you sure that Evanesce is that bad?

Can you give a reasoning for not even considering? Specially when mages are as focused as food in madagascar?
Evanesce 45s cd.
Iceblock 5min cd. Are you sure that Evanesce is that bad?

Can you give a reasoning for not even considering? Specially when mages are as focused as food in madagascar?

It's ok. 3 seconds is pretty harsh, it's basically so you can force a miss. You can stop the Charge stun which is nice or Fade for those big casts like Mind Blast, etc.

I'm having a blast with Blazing Speed. Save your Blink for FoF/feral stun/charge/the 400 other stuns in this bracket now; between the 2 freezes, Blazing Speed, and Poly there shouldn't be anything on you. Watch poly though, it heals to full really quickly. This is really a great time for Mage, enjoy!
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I'm confused as to whether this guide is supposed to be updated information about CC with a frost mage in WoD, as the title says, or just generic information about races and mage spells which everyone can learn from looking at tooltips. What is the functional purpose of this guide?

Also, I find the cutesy rewording of spell names to be off-putting. It's bad enough that you're not talking about -why- one ability would be better or worse than another, but for any person who was actually seeking information about playing a mage this is just unnecessarily confusion.

Your guide lacks purpose, focus, and clarity. You claim you want to share the knowledge that you gained from playing the class for so long, but so far I see no information here that would come from that experience. Discard and start over, write it offline, make it contain actual knowledge gained from experience, and repost when it's completed.

This advice is offered with the assumption that you are mature enough to accept constructive criticism.

That is because I am not even half way finished genius. I can do whatever the hell I want with my guide, if I want funny tooltips I can put funny tooltips. Do you notice that if you hover over those funny tooltips that there will be the real ability. Like I said this guide isn't going to be finished overnight so your going to have to wait alot longer than 2 days to make a wild assumption like that one.
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That is because I am not even half way finished genius.

Believe me, that much is obvious. No one's really sure why you posted a guide thread when you don't even have a guide written yet.

But if you're halfway through and haven't even gotten to the relevant part yet...
Evanesce 45s cd.
Iceblock 5min cd. Are you sure that Evanesce is that bad?

Can you give a reasoning for not even considering? Specially when mages are as focused as food in madagascar?

You can gain more distance with Blazing Speed than you could by walking away with Evanesce, it basicly is like a 3 second shadowmeld with 3 seconds to walk away, Blazing speed can cover more gaps or close the distance faster.
Believe me, that much is obvious. No one's really sure why you posted a guide thread when you don't even have a guide written yet.

But if you're halfway through and haven't even gotten to the relevant part yet...

Please stop trolling me it's not funny, I haven't even covered gameplay yet. You know if everyone is disrespecting this guide like you are why even bother finishing it. I was just making it out of boredom, and so new players could learn something. I will fix the links in the first post later, see I took some critisism but you shitting all over my guide littering troll posts everywhere isn't something I can handle.
Please stop trolling me it's not funny, I haven't even covered gameplay yet. You know if everyone is disrespecting this guide like you are why even bother finishing it. I was just making it out of boredom, and so new players could learn something. I will fix the links in the first post later, see I took some critisism but you shitting all over my guide littering troll posts everywhere isn't something I can handle.


Seems like you define "shitting on my guide" as "telling me truths that I don't want to hear", but, good luck with your innovative and truly ground-breaking guide then.
Believe me, that much is obvious. No one's really sure why you posted a guide thread when you don't even have a guide written yet.

But if you're halfway through and haven't even gotten to the relevant part yet...

Everything is obvious about guides, if i were to make a lfh fishing guide it will be the exact same as Rhaellia's as well as doing it in-game....just let the guy be....btw nice gif
Add a color scheme to mage spells [MENTION=16230]Neon[/MENTION], yah know, orange for fire, blue for frost, purple for arcane. :)

And also, make the color on the text lighter, the colors do piece the eyes.....

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