F2P Addon

Damn, I guess you're the 2nd person who got it before I put a fix out for that (same version number, different upload). I'll add some macros to the first post that clear the friends list / purge the addon's database, in case someone needs to do that again.

Alright - I'll look forward to trying it out. It looks really well made - I'm impressed. Eventhough I don't quite get why it's called "1_f2ptwink" channel instead of "1. F2PTwink" or "F2PTwink" or "TwinkChat" or "F2PChat" or anythign else - that whole 1_ thing with decapitalized letters just seems like a "beta" thing

Good job non the less!

Best regards,
I'm not the one who picked the name of the channel, and the P2Ps still use it to send messages (you can change the options in the f2pconstants.lua file to whatevery you like, but it only modifies what's displayed by the addon. Normal messages sent to the channel will still say '1. f2ptwink'). Also, there's not a lot I can do about changing it without everyone downloading a new addon that works on a new channel.
I'm not the one who picked the name of the channel, and the P2Ps still use it to send messages (you can change the options in the f2pconstants.lua file to whatevery you like, but it only modifies what's displayed by the addon. Normal messages sent to the channel will still say '1. f2ptwink'). Also, there's not a lot I can do about changing it without everyone downloading a new addon that works on a new channel.

People updating addons is part of the the game
. Thankfully most of the people using it and playing f2p especially on AP is on these forums.

I'd go ahead and change it - then make it REQUIRED to DL the newest version for it to work - so no older version DLable

Best regards,
I am running a modified verion of this addon on another server with another channel and it works great, but getting people to update is always hard. P2P players do it more often, because they tend to use addons and know the advantages. For some f2p players, they only use this addon. I think if you decide to just change the channel and tell people that you are now using a new channel, the active players will update and still chat. Others will notice that they are having less and less players chatting with them and will eventually get here and get the addon update.
Well all of the addons are more or less working off the database now, so not being able to get invites or join premades if you don't have a current version should be enough of an incentive to upgrade. I want to make it a lot easier to form groups and queue for things, but for that to work everyone will need the same version.

Oh, and 1.2.4 has been changed to stable, as I haven't had any more bug reports since the last fix to it, and the only bug I've found is one that blocks new alts of people who are running a pre 1.2.0 build because they don't have a level in the database. No-one should be using versions that old, but there's still plenty on who I'm not seeing full database entries for, which means they don't have 1.2.0+. I'm not going to be providing backward compatability for versions older than 1.2.0.
hey yasueh, frist off what a great addon! im in the process of recruiting all the level 20 trials on my realm (Gundrak) and I've got the addon to work properly between my brother and I and another regular twinkinfo member who logged on really quickly. the problem is that to get the attention of some of the people i suspected of being trial accts through using the "Who" search regularly I invited people into the channel. Could this effect their ability to use the channnel once they have downloaded the addon? One of my new recruits has the newest version of the addon enabled but it doesn't seem to be updating his friends list and even though we are friends with one another and can communicate through whispering he cannot hearr me on the f2ptwink channel even though i can hear him? Just wondering if this is a new thing or if there is an old fix for this that i missed

thanks Damaku
hey yasueh, frist off what a great addon! im in the process of recruiting all the level 20 trials on my realm (Gundrak) and I've got the addon to work properly between my brother and I and another regular twinkinfo member who logged on really quickly. the problem is that to get the attention of some of the people i suspected of being trial accts through using the "Who" search regularly I invited people into the channel. Could this effect their ability to use the channnel once they have downloaded the addon? One of my new recruits has the newest version of the addon enabled but it doesn't seem to be updating his friends list and even though we are friends with one another and can communicate through whispering he cannot hearr me on the f2ptwink channel even though i can hear him? Just wondering if this is a new thing or if there is an old fix for this that i missed

thanks Damaku

hey damaku i tried to contact you about information about the oceanic community its probably because i have a older version. i will update my version and come and chat with you. Interested about meeting some oceanic people and playing with you guys
Damaku - bring everyone and reroll on AP - do eeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
New version of F2PI uploaded for those of you with payed accounts.

If you are having problems with any of the addons, please read the first post of the thread.
Well all of the addons are more or less working off the database now, so not being able to get invites or join premades if you don't have a current version should be enough of an incentive to upgrade. I want to make it a lot easier to form groups and queue for things, but for that to work everyone will need the same version.

Oh, and 1.2.4 has been changed to stable, as I haven't had any more bug reports since the last fix to it, and the only bug I've found is one that blocks new alts of people who are running a pre 1.2.0 build because they don't have a level in the database. No-one should be using versions that old, but there's still plenty on who I'm not seeing full database entries for, which means they don't have 1.2.0+. I'm not going to be providing backward compatability for versions older than 1.2.0.

I'm still using the original F2PChat addon because i see no huge benefit to updating yet. Once a stable version is released I'll be updating.

Looks like I need to go back to having the chat display function check a person's level evey time it's run instead of referring to a value that was read when the program started. I don't know why Bliz have the game playable before basic info like your character level is available to the addons. The loading process for the game is completey ass-backwards.
That'a boy. People slacking on updating cus they cba! ;P

Nah. I haven't encountered any bugs 'nor are there any huge featureful updates as of yet, so I'll wait until a stable release version with new stuff is out.
I'm getting this error:

Date: 2011-11-15 13:18:35

ID: 1

Error occured in: Global

Count: 1

Message: ..\AddOns\F2PAddon\f2pqueue.lua line 152:

F2PQText:SetText(): Font not set


[C]: ?

[C]: SetText()

F2PAddon\f2pqueue.lua:152: F2PQ_TableToDisplay()

F2PAddon\f2pslashcmds.lua:9: default()



F2PAddon\f2pslashcmds.lua:36: value()

..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4248: ChatEdit_ParseText()

..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3838: ChatEdit_SendText()

..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3876: ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed()

[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1:

[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1


Swatter, v3.2.4 (<%codename%>)

AtlasLootLoader, vv6.04.04

Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)

Bagnon, v4.2.9

BagnonForever, v

BagnonTooltips, v

Configator, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)

DBMCore, v


F2PAddon, v1.2.4b

Gatherer, v3.2.4

HealBot, v4.2.2.2

InterruptBar, v1.32

Postal, v3.4.10

Recount, v

SlideBar, v3.2.4 (<%codename%>)

targetAssist, v1.3

BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.2.2.40200 <us>


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