Re: Yasueh's Macros and Addons for F2P
That sounds really cool ! Thanks for all the job Yasueh. However I don't get the point of showing the ilvl. Can you explain ?
The iLevel is just a very basic way to see how geared up someone is once they reach 20, so if someone has a lot of 20s, you can see if they have geared ones or not. It would help out making arena groups if you look at someone's list of alts and can suggest an alternative for a better comp, or if I make an areana queuing module, it could check iLevels before trying to build teams.
Also, does the addon still show deleted alts? If so, do you think you can fix it ? I remember seeing people with 20+ alts, but it was some time ago
It's still a problem, because when someone deletes a character on their account, no information is available to the addon while on any of their other characters, to say that this has happened. I'll have to try managing the list of characters that is sent out, probably by adding the last time they were logged in (although this information wouldn't be sent to other players, they'd still have to rely on logging the time they'd
seen someone online). That way the addon can make a better guess as to which of the characters on the account are active, and which should be removed.
The tooltip will still only diplay the alts you've seen for yourself, so if you haven't been using the addon for long, the list can be very short. I might be able to fix it so that the list is both more accurate, and doesn't rely on seeing somene's alts for yourself, but that would require the addon to send more data when you first log in, and it's already having problems on start-up because the list of people in the channel can be lagging.
Last question, I'd like to see the addon in my first language but I don't know how addons translations work. What have I to do ?
When the addon starts up it loads a default set of text strings from the file '
f2ploc.enUS.lua' in the '
locales' folder. If your game client is instead set to display French, German or Spanish, the addon will then also load one of the other 3 files in that folder, overwriting the default text strings with any that are present in the extra file.
You can refer to the enUS file to get an idea of what should be added to any of the others, to provide translations of the defaults. That file already has some notes about providing translations, although you can ignore the line starting '
Bear in mind that many of the messages below are what your addon sends to other players', as any new version of the addon won't be sending the actual messages, just a keyword, so that the recipient's addon can display the message in the correct language.