Nope. The gems will require 400 Blacksmithing to be active.if anything they fix the exploit and I keep my gems.gggggggggg
speculation?Nope. The gems will require 400 Blacksmithing to be active.
Something this big in the lower brackets won't go on that long. Especially something so blatantly fixable like this. They're going to slap "Requires Blacksmithing (400)" on the sockets next week.It'll take months before blizz will give a flying fuck if they follow suit with their way of fixing things.
Something this big in the lower brackets won't go on that long. Especially something so blatantly fixable like this. They're going to slap "Requires Blacksmithing (400)" on the sockets next week.
The leg exploit lasted months, this will too. Just my opinion.
posts like this need to be removed because it promotes malicious twinking, even if it isn't intended.
im sorry, is getting a more balanced bracket considered "twinking for the wrong reason"?The fact that people are encouraging this screams that certain forum users twink for the wrong reasons. Either way, whether OP condemns or supports this, which he says he condemns; posts like this need to be removed because it promotes malicious twinking, even if it isn't intended.
We do not endorse exploits here on TI.
Was meant to be a catchy title to get people to read about it. The exploit itself is no longer posted in the article as that wasn't necessary for exposure.lovely
I would like a "Thanks to Shamatix" Or something since i posted this in the 70 bracket forumbut well=/ to late i guess
please show a little love.
I'd love to see some real evidence that people are actually getting banned or striped of their gems from a person who was actually banned or striped of their gems first hand. But rather, it's just a bunch of haters that do not remember the true meaning of twinks that just wish for everyone to get banned because they are awful. These people clearly do not recall the vanilla "exploit" of the librams to the head and legs or the BC "exploit" of legarmor kits which lasted ALL OF BC. If you do not agree with an item then that's fine; just don't be a scumbag and make up lies about it becasue you don't like it and post real facts rather being a fake ass twink who's lost its roots or never had any to begin with.