EU: Who is still active?

No prob ;D
Time etc. and then count me in. Maybe we can have some wargames and bring back the activity day by day.... need something to calm down from 19s ;-)
Great ;D ... First step is nearly done ... If we have some wargames regularly we will attract new people and get old ones hopefully back into playing 29 twinks!

Would be great if we can have even some real bgs in the next months :)

Looking forward to have some epic fights!
Hi guys.

I've stop played since few month, tired of being nerf by Blizz.

My friends Carstens (Ally warrior on DMF) and me (Ally Druid, pala etc) on DMF we'll be ready to come again, if BG pop again and again...

Maybe see you again,
Ok, like most of you know we are now enough players to start playing 5vs5 wargames (wsg)

That's why it would be cool to find a good date to try them out :)

For example 18th decembre

Pls let me know who wants to participate and feel free to poste a good date
  • Eratas, Mendil (H)/(A)
  • Dalurok (H)
You really don't want to play Wargames without 2 healers on both sides. I might get back for some time if you get enough people.
I have a number of 29s on russian realms and since it's possible to play EU BGs from RU via realID party I'd wanna join you, guys.

General@Azuregos gonna gear up if we'll have games =)
Hey guys none of you probs remember me seen as I stopped twinking in very early wrath. However I am looking to start again in my beloved 29 bracket. I'm creating a char from scratch and am currently gearing him. I am on dmf btw. My only problem is there is no one ingame and I would really appreciate it if someone would ID me on this realm seen as I feel kinda isolated in DMF atm.

O and I would love to be part of the rebirth of the best bracket IMO.( if that day ever comes)

I am vóódóódolly on eu.

Much thanks

Emerald Moon is the home for twinks on horde side - I've made sure everyone of every rank can invite and Remembered is the alliance home. I can log Dee to invite you if you're ally, just let me know when.

My Real ID is or I dual box, hence two ID's.

Vianco said:
yeah indeed. mendil you saw those 2k feri bites on you, so this is so true

well as a mage you can rape me easily ... maybe it looks different against my enhancer or my warrior^^

Hey guys none of you probs remember me seen as I stopped twinking in very early wrath. However I am looking to start again in my beloved 29 bracket. I'm creating a char from scratch and am currently gearing him. I am on dmf btw. My only problem is there is no one ingame and I would really appreciate it if someone would ID me on this realm seen as I feel kinda isolated in DMF atm.

O and I would love to be part of the rebirth of the best bracket IMO.( if that day ever comes)

I am vóódóódolly on eu.

Much thanks


Looking foward to see you ingame
wether you're horde or alliance... we need both xD

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