EU & US ratings list!

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What does his question have to do with his ranking?

You are completly lost as fuck cuz this question is not adressed to you... You got à good ranking aswell so don't need to rude.

Roula was meaning only TL members got good rating i prove it no cuz you and roula got good rating aswell...
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PB 9.0 ownaque 8.3 AND bradpitirl 9.1 -,- comon man make it fair please

You seem to be lost too i will help you he don't compare PB to me or Ownaque to me... As you can see i got 8.8 as pala... PB 9.0 so PB > Me as pala nothing to do with my shaman ranking... Same for Ownaque... Since i don't have a drood Ownaque > me as drood...
rogue: blackout
druid: mesikämmen
warlock: mamey
monk: idctupaceu
mage: vig
hunter: satanah
priest: osiri
paladin: lith
shaman: roula
Cool list.
You are completly lost as fuck cuz this question is not adressed to you... You got à good ranking aswell so don't need to rude.

Roula was meaning only TL members got good rating i prove it no cuz you and roula got good rating aswell...

Try to understand the meaning of someones posts first before you call others lost. Roula clearly asked why all TL members got highest rating. This question has nothing to do with his rating. Also my rating has nothing to do with my post before noar was it rude. You have troubles to understand what ppl are saying so please may read it twice before you answer
Try to understand the meaning of someones posts first before you call others lost. Roula clearly asked why all TL members got highest rating. This question has nothing to do with his rating. Also my rating has nothing to do with my post before noar was it rude. You have troubles to understand what ppl are saying so please may read it twice before you answer

why do you try to reason with him? he doesn't want to reason with you, he just wants to insult you, in before his next "insult post"
Try to understand the meaning of someones posts first before you call others lost. Roula clearly asked why all TL members got highest rating. This question has nothing to do with his rating. Also my rating has nothing to do with my post before noar was it rude. You have troubles to understand what ppl are saying so please may read it twice before you answer

So in your eyes what Roula want to say us ? We are overrated ? Hell no... If you want to grab some points do it in arènes choose the members you think is downrated and play against overrated i'm tired to heard how TL is bad and how you do nothing to prove it...
So in your eyes what Roula want to say us ? We are overrated ? Hell no... If you want to grab some points do it in arènes choose the members you think is downrated and play against overrated i'm tired to heard how TL is bad and how you do nothing to prove it...

proving yourself in a arena is kinda a oxymoron. Arenas generally are 2v2 3v3 when you go against the right comp no matter how well you play your not going to win due to the comp being balanced and or kinda OP. You run into that even at 90. BGs is really where people could shine by playing there class well and objectively.
So in your eyes what Roula want to say us ? We are overrated ? Hell no... If you want to grab some points do it in arènes choose the members you think is downrated and play against overrated i'm tired to heard how TL is bad and how you do nothing to prove it...

It isnt that hard to understand what he wanted to say. You missread every single post.
Wrong. You can beat countercomps in arenas just like in bgs, just that in arenas u only have to depend on you and a few friends and not 9 other people. Good people beat countercomps all day, and not like mirrors cant happen. BGs are just a different tool of measuring skill however if you are a quality player your skill will transcend into both fields.
It is not a conincidence that the best players of the bracket are at the forefront in both arenas and bgs.

either way no1 wants to arena in this bracket with the way nerds get so worked up over it
proving yourself in a arena is kinda a oxymoron. Arenas generally are 2v2 3v3 when you go against the right comp no matter how well you play your not going to win due to the comp being balanced and or kinda OP. You run into that even at 90. BGs is really where people could shine by playing there class well and objectively.

so why blizzard make tournament in 3s with 250 000 $ win price and no 10 v 10 RBG are you retarded in BG your single error is coverred by 9 mates in arena your single error 2 guys can't handle it...
so why blizzard make tournament in 3s with 250 000 $ win price and no 10 v 10 RBG are you retarded in BG your single error is coverred by 9 mates in arena your single error 2 guys can't handle it...

No, it's because 3v3 is more entertaining to watch...
proving yourself in a arena is kinda a oxymoron. Arenas generally are 2v2 3v3 when you go against the right comp no matter how well you play your not going to win due to the comp being balanced and or kinda OP. You run into that even at 90. BGs is really where people could shine by playing there class well and objectively.

Please do stay polite! :)

Curious. How are the ratings worked out?

Posting how I calculate mine. Maybe there are other people following similar formulas?
(I hope my idea for rating isn't too close to trolling for a staff member. :p)

(80…100 ± 8…50) • π

Take actually observed skill (If unknown, guess from reputation or armory) on a scale to 100, assuming no-one drops below 80

if neutral; add bonus of 30 % of skill value
if friendship/self; add bonus of 30 - 50 % of skill value
if dislike; subtract penalty of 10 - 20 % of skill value
multiply by π
divide by 42
if result over 10, use 10

Feel free to use this completely accurate formula for your own ratings. :p

To be honest I just wanted π and 42 in there. The rest is working around those.
I have not done arenas on the US side pretty much since I rolled there, thats unfortunate if that is the case however I have done some Arenas on eu the last week or so and they have all been friendly and competitive games. However I think you will find that there are players that will queue into anything just to be able to play some arenas(I myself queued into prot pala feral disc for like 4 hours straight playing with a mage not so long ago on US).
To be fair, they spent the first 3 hours trying to figure out how their comp even works.
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