EU & US ratings list!

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i dont really see how arenas would take more skill, its just a different mindset with a lot less players on both teams
Fuck guys i am sorry i made all this shit -,- and guys stop saying TL members are overrated PFFT cause they are so not PFFT and they prove it in bgs
Fuck guys i am sorry i made all this shit -,- and guys stop saying TL members are overrated PFFT cause they are so not PFFT and they prove it in bgs

The following is my OPINION only.

Explain please. This thread is entirely serious.

Really? So we're supposed to be taking stuff like this seriously:


Ownaque 8.3
Mesikämmen 8.8

Arkant 9.2
Stubs 9.4
Vianco 9.4
Orly? I'll admit I havn't seen much of your druids but when I did you just grouphug in mid/gy with a wall of healers, last time I checked Godmode doesn't have a skill requirement when you're just farming nobody teams for huge boners @ damage done.


Viancoqia 9.8
WOW! I totally didn't expect this one jaykay

Drama not even on the list
Cele not even on the list
I realize inactive but kinda contradicts some of the other ratings so err...yeah.


Stubs 9.7
Arkant 9.3
Phonebook 9.0

Baldimort 8.5
Hurrxlol 8.3
Quack 8.0
I understand Quack is your fwend and he's bought TL's friendship with the various shit he's given you but c'mon man, 8.0? You're basically saying he's nearly as good as Baldi (who should be higher)...idontfuckingthinkso, 6-7 at best.


Yowzabesteu 9.3
Arkantfotm 9.1
Hurrx 9.1
Yayu 8.9
Hurrx too high (such a poser, thinks he can dodge monk barrels like Neo dodges bullets and literally has no fucking clue of basic fundamentals - but does play a good priest), no idea who Yowza is but I'm guessing he's in TL.


Nicozy 9.5


Redrum 9.3
Shouldn't even be on the list, not played in like 5 months - just dangling on my nutsack coz of cards or w/e since we all know the general consensus is that I'm bad.

Tirea 9.3
Anarchism 9.4
Arkant > Nicozy

Hardbasseu 8.2
Ondura 8.3
Bungee: 8.2
Eriwen: 8.2
Hurrq: 8.3
Hardbass is miles ahead of these it's not even funny.

Hurrq: 8.3
Wait what? ahahahahahahahahahaok.

Inb4 "BULLSHIT! 5 points from RERDUM coz he disagrees with us and doesn't have a clue"

I don't really like numbered rating lists myself tbh but it's not half bad although a few people missing imo (only speaking for EU players on that list as I havn't played/seen enough US to make any judgement) if you take out the obvious egostroking/fondling which is either (notso)cleverly disguised trollbait or...well the alternative is a case of I don't know whether to burst out laughing because it's so lolable or burst into tears because it's horrificallly sad.

If I move to Draenor and donate 200k to your bank, some TGC items, shittalk every other aspiring tink for not being in TL and just generally act like a complete douchebag can I safely guarantee a solid 9.9-10 score? If so it might be a worthwhile investment <3

I realize these are all based off YOUR experiences and appreciate the time you put into making it even just to see the 14 pages of furious and butthurt responses which is cool so I'd be lying if I said I didn't find stuff like this entertaining even if I don't feel like getting too involved with it. EVERY list will have some form of bias within it especially when you play with the same group of people constantly but kudos for having the balls to share such a vast list with everyone else.

And on that bombshell it's time to end, peace...

Keep it real tinks...or as real as you can be in this Nazi world we live in.

ps. if this is somehow deemed inappropriate and banworthy I'll try find a place to put the fucks I couldn't give ASAP.

ps2. I like chicken

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You seem to be lost too i will help you he don't compare PB to me or Ownaque to me... As you can see i got 8.8 as pala... PB 9.0 so PB > Me as pala nothing to do with my shaman ranking... Same for Ownaque... Since i don't have a drood Ownaque > me as drood...

Tbh you're both lost.. this list has nothing to do with me>you. It's just who winlogs best and who's lucky rolling a good pug team..
Btw; we all know Wacotaco>all..
i have to agree with redrum actually hes quite right about most of what he said

except the barrel thing cus 1. ur awful and 2. you and ur bf tehbaws just walked together for 2-3 minutes not taking a single step to avoid the barrels and im the best at dodging barrels i dodge them more than hsa dodge tl

but werent you all friendly towards other tl members the other day or did i completely misread what you have said
Hahah i like that post of redrum, i even disagree with abit of the list, but overall its a pretty solid list, a few changes here and there, i shud be a 10.0 tho,
You are of course always allowed and encouraged to question decisions you consider mistaken in a polite manner and supported by logical arguments. Anything else is not acceptable. Please do not attack Stavie for the decision to lock this. It was not his alone.
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