[EU Horde] Cross-Realm 80 Raiding

Hello there - I'm just wondering, What's the raid looking for class / spec wise atm ( I'm not really keen on tanking but I don't mind anything else )

I just resurrected one of my old accounts and really want to twink at 80 so I can make pretty much anything :)
Armory Link: Fatmongx @ The Maelstrom - Game Guide - World of Warcraft (Just Scrolled, so got no gear at all yet.)
Main spec: Shadow
Off spec: Disc
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Yep
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid? Yep
Would you be interested in doing 10mans? Yeah, up for basically anything
Would you be interested in raids other than ICC? Would love to do Ulduar aswell, and maybe Naxx and other shit for transmog gear.
If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each: This is my first level 80 twink, only got a few 70s.

Cleared 11/12 HC in WOTLK on my druid and my Shaman, so I pretty much know all the tactics - Might just have to quickly check up on them to make sure I haven't forgotten too much.
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Armory Link: Sequences @ Lightning's Blade - Game Guide - World of Warcraft ( for achievements etc: Duuxx @ Ravencrest - Game Guide - World of Warcraft Main )
Main spec: Protection
Off spec: Of choosing. Can go dps or healing. depends of what raid needs.
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? i can raid Mondays till friday from 20:00 till 23:00 ( and beyond ) Sunday all day ( work on saturday till 16:00 )
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid? See above.
Would you be interested in doing 10mans? Yeah thats fine with me. Would just like to redo all the Wotlk content ^^
Would you be interested in raids other than ICC?: Yeah more then happy to.
If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each:
Updated the list.

Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? i can raid Mondays till friday from 20:00 till 23:00 ( and beyond ) Sunday all day ( work on saturday till 16:00 )

Does this mean you can or cannot attend a Saturday evening raid?
The next raid will be on: Saturday 17th March (20:00-23:00 realm time)
- Please make sure Mumble is installed and working. You have just under a week to Google any problems you have and get them fixed (this guide I wrote might help).
- Be online and ready for an invite at least 15mins before the raid starts.
- Make sure you know the tactics for all ICC25 bosses on heroic (especially Putricide, Sindragosa and the Lich King).
We've been raiding for 6 weeks now (5 raids + 1 week break) and due to recent attendance, I've reviewed the raiding roster to try figure out if there's still enough of us remaining to make this work. After discussing it with several of the active raiders, I've come to the difficult decision that it's best to call an end to these cross-realm raids that I've been organising.

To give you a bit more of an idea as to why there won't be anymore raids, I've used the spreadsheet to calculate some statistics:
- The average attendance was 44% per person
- 19 people attended 60% or more of the raids (after they signed up)
- The average person attended 1.63 raids
- 15 people attended 3 or more raids since we started

We've had some great progress and fun during the few raids we did (11/12 iCC25hc, LK25 normal, 12/12 ICC10hc, most ICC25 and ICC10 achievements) and I'd like to thank everyone that turned up on a regular basis to play their part.

There's always the possibility that we might try reform these raids in the (very) distant future, or if someone would like to take over leadership in an attempt to keep them running, you're more than welcome to.

So what now? Well there's 2 options I'm considering at the moment:
1) I might set up a 10man team of reliable and dedicated 80 twinks to do some fun and challenging things. These raid spots would be invitation/application only (rather than signing up like we did with the 25mans), for those who have shown good skill, reliability and attitude over the past 6 weeks. We would be doing all the 10man content (in appropriate gear if enough people wanted to) along with some crazy things (for example: naked Naxx10, Naxx25 with 10 people, and much more).
2) This French guild is looking for some 80 twinks to fill in the last spots for their 2 weekly 25man raids. They raid Friday (ICC) and Saturday (Uld/ToC/RS) from 20:30 until 0:00 realm time. They would obviously prioritise raid spots to their own guild members, but would probably need around 4-10 more people (currently in need of healers/dps). They don't allow Cataclysm gear/consumables in the ICC raids, although they do allow mastery/reforging. Loot is rolled for and legendary acquisition is decided by their officers, based on activity and current progress.
Yeah, fuck you all.
2) This French guild is looking for some 80 twinks to fill in the last spots for their 2 weekly 25man raids. They raid Friday (ICC) and Saturday (Uld/ToC/RS) from 20:30 until 0:00 realm time. They would obviously prioritise raid spots to their own guild members, but would probably need around 4-10 more people (currently in need of healers/dps). They don't allow Cataclysm gear/consumables in the ICC raids, although they do allow mastery/reforging. Loot is rolled for and legendary acquisition is decided by their officers, based on activity and current progress.
is there someone on twink info i can pm?
What a shit attendance, people don't seem to want to do anything anymore with just people from the same level, all people want is to get boosted as quick as possible.

Shame this didn't work out, might try it on the alliance side but I doubt it'll work.

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