EU Blackout - What you need to know.

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Muqmuq said:
How much would I be missing out on if I would make a 49 in blackout, but not on the draenor server? I know a few people that wanna roll 49's (on can't remember name of server) but I'm worried that it would be for nothing. If your scheduled wsg's contain two premades of 10, we wouldn't be able to join.

have always been solo queueing for months now. at least in my guild.
The alliance of Blackout kindly request that Hacksaw and Ragecage stop being fucking dicks and abusing the bug with [item]Mechano-hog[/item] to cap flags.
This is the third occasion in which Hacksaw has done this. He has said he's going to stop... but then again, he's told us that he has 20 friends incoming on both sides and he's claiming to have two pairs of Spellshocks, amongst other things.
tweedledum said:
just spam report him, he'll get a warning, perhaps even a ban.

No mate. It's waste of time and effort. and I cant' see why it would make you happier.

You may hate him. But, relax:) and we all be happy instead of all down:(

ps: I got to write it each time so people are clear. I do not support chopper abuse.
It's not a waste of time and effort if the prick gets banned even for a few hours, he might think before doing it again.
Well, we're getting games. We're just not supporting exploiting. Should he not have used the chopper I bet it would have been a nice game :)
Andraklas7 said:
No mate. It's waste of time and effort. and I cant' see why it would make you happier.

You may hate him. But, relax:) and we all be happy instead of all down:(

I don't really waste energy hating anything else than vampires and their 14 year old fan base.

's not a waste of time, he's the kind of guy who needs every inch of sense spoon-fed to actually use a percentage of the gray matter present in his skull.

So if he's contacted by the big bad blues, perhaps he realizes the errors of his actions.
We've given him several warnings, and according to my IRC-log, you have warned him too. It is also a well-known exploit, and according to my talk to him, he knows the meaning of the word exploit. Now he has learned the implications.

I'm going to ninja-edit here.

<@Andrakl> you wouldnt know, but I tried all, first time he did it.

...which means you know this was wrong. Yet you object for us getting infuriated the third time he does this? If we have no one mounted up and already ahead of him we have no means of getting to him until you set up a defense.

Additionally, there was something we could do about it. AFK out.

Ending the game because of one person (actually, two people) for something that we, and quite obviously you as well, have told him is an exploit on two previous occasions might be seen as harsh. But these two people ruins the gameplay for the Alliance, and judging from IRC, Horde-members were pissed off as well. Kutty apparently (quotation needed) received four PMs on IRC from people being annoyed with Hacksaw(the only one I could make out when we were talking was Venomx).

This was said by Hacksaw, when we had started arguing.

<hacksaw_> AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH bottom line is get a choppa and do it urself!!!

After we've talked to him and justified our intentions, Hacksaw said this.

<hacksaw_> Ok im sorry all. from now on u will never see me on a chopper again in WSG. only arena which i think is fair

I'm not going to go on, I could comment on the entire IRC-log, but the fact is that we got through.

Link to the blue-post about the exploit in question.
Tetrica said:
Whoopi! Tekku here.

You should really roll on Draenor. RNG Gaming is a guild where we have a core of old MYLers, but a lot of new people is there as well, :D

You would probably miss out on the spirit mostly, you'd be getting games. It's your choice ^^

Sounds mighty nice and if it were up to me we woulda joined RNG but my friends already picked out zenedar horde (with the funding being there and all). Perhaps if we're all geared up we could consider coming to draenor. But for the time being I'm glad that we'll be able to participate in events. We're currently with 5 people but I expect that at least 1 of us won't make 49.
Whoopi, Seffy here :p

RNG gaming is your home! Gear up and come over!

Aside from that, 49 is looking very promising at the moment - MYL reforming just strengthen a bracket with great potential.

I'm very well equipped in this bracket :p.

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