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I always thought you were a smart guy Reece, but you're making yourself look like the exact opposite with the nonsense you write on this thread :/

edit: nvm I think it was the dog list thread where majority of ur posts were =)

ok :p first time ive been called smart on ti
Well, i can totally understand what Reece have done, you alliance guys seems to forgot that Kite (Seb) is opening on everysingle healer with the same rogue who open kick (especially when the healer is alone in the BG...). Horde didn't queue ferals for years, but you guys started the hype so...
Horde didn't queue ferals for years, but you guys started the hype so...

"Horde didn't queue ferals for years" is an obvious exaggeration, and who do you mean "you guys"? I can assure you that most people on alli didn't want anyone to que feral, I've been actually trying to afk out any ferals I see (as have many more people), and tried to talk with Seb to not queue his feral aswell, but he plays what he wants I guess. So please, just stop...
"Horde didn't queue ferals for years" is an obvious exaggeration, and who do you mean "you guys"? I can assure you that most people on alli didn't want anyone to que feral, I've been actually trying to afk out any ferals I see (as have many more people), and tried to talk with Seb to not queue his feral aswell, but he plays what he wants I guess. So please, just stop...

I bet you have kept your screenshots collection from MOP with ferals in every game from horde side just for me, please do so post them thoses late 2014/early 2015 screens (not from the recent beef with Reece or Quack). By "You guys" i mean Alliance, most of games i've played you were playing horde so i don't really know why you get triggered like that. You did tried to afk out Seb ? thanks for that, but that doesn't solve the problem since he was still in the glutch with full pots/buffs and oil on. I would not bother trying to afk out someone in PUG, but the feral player should understand that it's his fault if people start queuing their ferals. Work for whatever faction.
I bet you have kept your screenshots collection from MOP with ferals in every game from horde side just for me, please do so post them thoses late 2014/early 2015 screens
what the fuck lol, you really implying that no horde player has qued a feral in the past 2 years?

By "You guys" i mean Alliance, most of games i've played you were playing horde so i don't really know why you get triggered like that.
Because in around 75% of the games I've played (probably even more), I've been on the alliance side. I don't know what you mean by "triggered", I'm only pointing out how moronic the sentence I quoted was.

You did tried to afk out Seb ? thanks for that, but that doesn't solve the problem since he was still in the glutch with full pots/buffs and oil on.
Point is, contrary to what you said, there's no "hype" from "us guys".
what the duck lol, you really implying that no horde player has EVER qued a feral in the past 2 years?

Because in around 75% of the games I've played (probably even more), I've been on the alliance side. I don't know what you mean by "triggered", I'm only pointing out how moronic the sentence I quoted was.

Point is, contrary to what you said, there's no "hype" from "us guys".

Well i can't recall the last time i've saw a feral horde side, nor alliance side (since Seb recently), for the simple fact it wasn't that good back in WOD, it was okay but after your opening you were beyond useless.

75 % of your games were alliance ? Nice, you played with all your friends, yet you didn't manage to kick out 1 feral (Seb) nor somes rogues. Yet Horde managed to kick level 10 player in solo queue for a healthier bracket. #hype from "you guys" ;)
Well i can't recall the last time i've saw a feral horde side, nor alliance side (since Seb recently), for the simple fact it wasn't that good back in WOD, it was okay but after your opening you were beyond useless.

75 % of your games were alliance ? Nice, you played with all your friends, yet you didn't manage to kick out 1 feral (Seb) nor somes rogues. Yet Horde managed to kick level 10 player in solo queue for a healthier bracket. #hype from "you guys" ;)

Yes, because basically 100% of alliance players are my friends, and I have power over my friends which means whatever I command them, they will do.

God, you're so lost... Not even worth my time, I'm outta here
Yes, because basically 100% of alliance players are my friends, and I have power over my friends which means whatever I command them, they will do.

God, you're so lost... Not even worth my time, I'm outta here

Does it require 9 vote to kick someone ? Thanks God no.

If "Friends" refuse easy stuff like that, you should probably rework the definition of friends. It's not like you told them you need irl money and stuff, kicking the weakest player or the cancerous one should be an easy task if you have atleast 3 friends in your BG (Unless Seb is your friend aswell #feralhype).
Does it require 9 vote to kick someone ? Thanks God no.

If "Friends" refuse easy stuff like that, you should probably rework the definition of friends. It's not like you told them you need irl money and stuff, kicking the weakest player or the cancerous one should be an easy task if you have atleast 3 friends in your BG (Unless Seb is your friend aswell #feralhype).

How many players does it exactly take to kick a player? Please answer, genuinely curious.

I do what I can, but tbh, even when multiple people are spamming "report blablasbsl afk, he has no gear at all and shit class", he usually doesn't get kicked. Not even if the majority of the team seems to consist of somewhat senseful players. Go and see for yourself, don't ask me why people don't report them afk even if they're obviously 100% useless. Just go and see for yourself and you'll see what I mean.

Yes Seb is my friend, but that doesn't prevent me from telling him to queue something else because he's ruining the games, or from reporting him AFK. I ask him to que something else because it's bad for the games, just as I ask other friends to not pop drums/speedpots/gliders if they happen to do, because it ruins games.

If you think that the moment I say "please report this feral", everyone's gonna instantly obey and votekick a bis feral, idk even what to say.

This will be my last reply to you. If you still don't get my point, I will simply accept the fact that you are literally too dumb to have a conversation with, so no point in even trying :D
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Reece and Ridwane I don't think you're getting it.
If me or Reece queue feral on horde its fotm scum and should NOT be done.
But if it's done on alliance it's A-Okay.
Because horde has shit comps and shit players
Alliance has premade comps with decent players.
The display of intelligence in this thread is beyong my comprehension.

Its time for virus zika to make entire population sterile,or for Mr Kim to cause a nuclear holocaust he dreams about in his fantasy world.
How many players does it exactly take to kick a player? Please answer, genuinely curious.

I do what I can, but tbh, even when multiple people are spamming "report blablasbsl afk, he has no gear at all and shit class", he usually doesn't get kicked. Not even if the majority of the team seems to consist of somewhat senseful players. Go and see for yourself, don't ask me why people don't report them afk even if they're obviously 100% useless. Just go and see for yourself and you'll see what I mean.

Yes Seb is my friend, but that doesn't prevent me from telling him to queue something else because he's ruining the games, or from reporting him AFK. I ask him to que something else because it's bad for the games, just as I ask other friends to not pop drums/speedpots/gliders if they happen to do, because it ruins games.

If you think that the moment I say "please report this feral", everyone's gonna instantly obey and votekick a bis feral, idk even what to say.

This will be my last reply to you. If you still don't get my point, I will simply accept the fact that you are literally too dumb to have a conversation with, so no point in even trying :D

It doesn't take the number of players into considerations, it take votes into consideration (each players got a certain amount of votes), this mean you have to spam the report and not just tell your friend "i see you are queuing feral, that's unfair, log offline and queue something else." TL have done it for years, so we had better members in the battleground, ask Junoo (I remember him being kicked multiples times). I didn't say feral was useless i said it was overpowered.

If you think you have tried, well you better tryharder, because even if noone listen you, if you were atleast with 3 mates Seb would be out for a solid 10 mins.

I would not even report a friend, but i would not whine over a forum when the opposite faction play the spec your friend is playing.

Alliance had one guy who was nit a random queuing feral and that was seb. He also queued feral on Horde. I think there were tons of ppl telling him not to do so. I tried my best and ended up deleting him from Id.
And its not like quack and reece started to queue feral because ally had one (who also queued feral on horde) they did it because they got salty over bad horde comps and good ally ones. Reece queued his feral yesterday after his first game because the 2 horde rogues were worse than the 3 ally ones. It doesnt get more acceptable or legit no matter how you twist it. If everyone keeps chill and just dont queue feral we wont have a problem. You need to get the salt out of your vaginas and take a loss like a men. I happen to be in the same games as you guys but I dont go full emo just because I lost a pug. Just chill and hope for better ppl next game.
Alliance had one guy who was nit a random queuing feral and that was seb. He also queued feral on Horde. I think there were tons of ppl telling him not to do so. I tried my best and ended up deleting him from Id.
And its not like quack and reece started to queue feral because ally had one (who also queued feral on horde) they did it because they got salty over bad horde comps and good ally ones. Reece queued his feral yesterday after his first game because the 2 horde rogues were worse than the 3 ally ones. It doesnt get more acceptable or legit no matter how you twist it. If everyone keeps chill and just dont queue feral we wont have a problem. You need to get the salt out of your vaginas and take a loss like a men. I happen to be in the same games as you guys but I dont go full emo just because I lost a pug. Just chill and hope for better ppl next game.

I wasn't in thoses game were Seb was playing his horde feral, what a fucktard for having it on both side... We usually loose tempers when 3 man queue from Stormscale, ruin your mid presence by playing random stuff like rogues, ruin your healing experience by LoS everysingle heals from horde team as FC, and basicly playing defense and yet the FC still cross. It's okay to loose a competitive PUG i agree, but man seriously, throws aint good for the bracket either.

I do recognize i've lost temper recently (resulting into queuing 2s instead of Warsong Glutch). But in my opinion people need to step up instead of elitists trying to calm down.
still dont know how to screen on my new computer ^^^^^^^^^



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idk why seb plays feral for a full 2/3 days but i play it for 1 game and your crying like shit kinda funny

and it wasnt a case of rogues being worse, it was a case of yet again, too many ally rogues qued with seb and smull queing rogues aswell, sick players
still dont know how to screen on my new computer ^^^^^^^^^


Strange, I don't remember that game (was playing my destro warlock, Objectives).

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