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Both me and Reece said we'd queue ferals because alliance NEED TO STOP STACKING HUNTERS AND STOP QUEUEING ROGUES. If they do that there would legit be no problem even Jva asked people to log off but does anyone listen no. The brackets horde is being ' backed up ' by some cancer stormscale guild that Is full of people who have the iq of a dead squirrel meanwhile alliance are spamming premade comps with 5 mans sitting on skype zzzzzzzzzzzz until u fix up these issues it'll be feral queues for days and no one is willing to fix up there just looking for some kinda troll or say lol u speedpotting feral trash take responsibility for ur shit actions and ill happily stop potting and queueing feral.

great way to kill a bracket, everyone plays fotm so i have to do the same.. worked well for the 20-29 bracket
Ally with 4 undergeared players, damn it's a hard day today.
Can we get a two wrongs sometimes make a right ruling on allowing lvl10 ferals to play in the 19s. That way there would be a special role for players that are unable to adapt to playing something besides lvl10s or ferals.
oh look at that 3 rogues already on ally, followed by an entire team of stormscale shits who play rogue and then say "let me FC" instead of helping 1 shot a druid fc jajaja
oh look at that 3 rogues already on ally, followed by an entire team of stormscale shits who play rogue and then say "let me FC" instead of helping 1 shot a druid fc jajaja
Nice to see you back on your feral again after one game on hunter :p
Nice to see you back on your feral again after one game on hunter :p

yh well ally stopped queing rogues so its all good im bk on hunt anyway
yh well ally stopped queing rogues so its all good im bk on hunt anyway
Lol, I was in that game. We had 2 rogues they had 3. We had mid control and just lost because we didnt have an fc. How much of an emo you have to be to get salty and queue feral because of this?
Lol, I was in that game. We had 2 rogues they had 3. We had mid control and just lost because we didnt have an fc. How much of an emo you have to be to get salty and queue feral because of this?

im not gonna argue, but if your gonna comment everytime i play feral you better hope theres not ally teams of 3+ rogues or its gonna be a lot ^^ + i never said horde didnt have rogues either, i just called out the differences above in that ours are shits that insist on being fc's at 4 stacks instead of being the ones to go 1 shot at 4 stacks
I always thought you were a smart guy Reece, but you're making yourself look like the exact opposite with the nonsense you write on this thread :/

edit: nvm I think it was the dog list thread where majority of ur posts were =)

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