For those of you who aren't aware yet, Spirit is gone come Legion... More to point Spirit is gone come pre-Patch 7.0 which hits in 3-4 weeks. What they also took out is Bonus Armor and Multistrike. What I'm seeing on PTR, even though my Enchanting isn't working correctly, is just what Spirit / BA and Multi are changing into come Legion. As far as I can tell it looks like this:
ENCHANTING (any values given are baseline Level 100 in PTR)
- Spirit / Bonus Armor (Live) = Versatility (PTR) [Mark of Blackrock as example].
- Multistrike (Live) = Removed (PTR) [previously Enchanted Multistrike becomes a random Secondary Stat like Crit, Haste, Mastery].
- Agi / Int / Str (54 / 108) added to Legion Cloak Enchant table, uncertain if scales down. If the 108 scales to 12 like Gift of Versatility does now then hot damn!!
- New Neck Enchants added to Legion, uncertain if scales down [see below].
- New Ring Enchants, similar to WoD's variants but with a bonus, uncertain if scales down [see below].
- Mark of the Ancient Priestess: Sometimes Heal nearby Ally for 6660.
- Mark of the Claw: Sometimes increase Crit & Haste by 230 for 6 sec.
- Mark of the Distant Army: Periodically summon a rain of Arrows upon your Target.
- Mark of the Heavy Hide: Sometimes increase Armor by 461 for 10 sec.
- Mark of the Hidden Satyr: Sometimes summon a Satyr that fires a Nightmare Bolt at your enemy, dealing 7926 damage.
- Mark of the Trained Soldier: Mastery by 115.
- The Word (low-Tier) and Binding (high-Tier) Enchants originally were slated to also add Bonuses to the Neck Enchant. Beta Build 20740 listed these but I saw nothing on PTR to confirm that they're in game yet, or still plan to be, lets hope they are.
Ranks of Enchanting from 1-3 Stars in Legion don't seem to effect the Enchant itself but the number of Materials required to make it.
As an aside, I saw nothing new for Leatherworking that would effect 10's, or any lower Level Twinks for that matter. There's no new Armor Kits, Drums or anything of the like on PTR as of right now (see below). I also saw nothing helpful in Tailoring for 10's, but Engineering might have some fun bits, more on that later.
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