EU+US Enchanting changes in Legion

More things I noticed is that they attempted to fix the - Superior Stats gives more Stats than Glorious Stats thing, which means quite a handful of enchants from the higher expenasion have been upped for lower levels.

Not sure which ones still apply to level 10, but for 60 and 70 for example, Cloak - Superior Stamina actually adds more stamina than on live, and more stamina than it's weaker counterpart.
So how is the damage on that toon tho is it good XD
I haven't checked at all TBH. I was only on PTR testing Enchanting when I realized about all the Versa changing coming so made this Thread about it. Keep in mind that the 152% I achieved means 152% more damage than baseline, non-crits. That also means if you could stack both a Versa > Crit build would be absolutely devastating. The problem ofc is you can't stack both, it's pretty much one (to max) or the other then as much of the 2nd Stat as you can manage.

It will take some time testing to see if max Versa then Crit/Haste is higher Damage output vs 99.71% Crit then Versa (which would be around 90-100% in Legion with a Crit capped build). The secondary issue ofc is the loss of Damage reduction that the 150% or higher Versa would bestow you, giving you near God mode. Don't get me wrong, even having ~100% Versa is outstanding damage reduction.
Legion might not be as bad as I thought other than bgs gf'd people will destroy my poor toons
In the 10-19 Bracket we're seeing the MAX difference in iLvL of roughly 28 points, meaning that fully GF'd toon will have ~2.8% higher Stats than your no-GF geared toons would. Since our Stat values are so low to begin with that 2.8% is hardly anything, meaning fully GF'd 19's will have almost no advantage over brand new 10's with shit gear, except 1 Ability, 1 Talent and possibly a few Minor Glyphs applied to Abilities (if that's possible at that low level, they aren't working on PTR yet to my knowledge).

And if I'm being honest, I think that's what is pissing some of the 19's off (saying Twinking is over), that they will no longer be 'superior' to 10's and with BG's re-merging they can't play insta-kick on 10's when they try and join a BG.
More things I noticed is that they attempted to fix the - Superior Stats gives more Stats than Glorious Stats thing, which means quite a handful of enchants from the higher expenasion have been upped for lower levels.

Not sure which ones still apply to level 10, but for 60 and 70 for example, Cloak - Superior Stamina actually adds more stamina than on live, and more stamina than it's weaker counterpart.
There was a cool spreadsheet in Google somewhere which had all the chants from Mists and how they scaled and it was updated again for Warlords. If old chants have changed and are scaling differently, it would be cool to see if this gets updated, or if something similar could be produced. Although I know it would be a huge task to start from scratch :eek:
That spreadsheet made it so easy to work out what chants were best for which level and slot.
I'd be interested to see what people have found so far in regards to low level toons and chant scaling and how it differs from the current live game.
Edited the OP to reflect my find of Magister's Armor Kit that'll add +1 Versa > Gloves in 7.0. Fail, won't work for 10's and I should've tested that before replying here, sorry.
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1 Ability, 1 Talent and possibly a few Minor Glyphs

Travel Form, Lunar Strike, Moonkin Form, Remove Corruption, Tiger's Fury, Thrash, Ysera's Gift, Nature's Cure, Swiftmend, Disengage, Aspect of the Wild, Hunter's Mark, Marked Shot, Mongoose Bite, Hatchet Toss, Ice Barrier, Polymorph, Arcane Missiles, Fire Blast, Hot Streak, Enhanced Pyrotechnics, Shatter, Flurry, Frozen Orb, Breath of Fire, Rising Sun Kick, Windwalking, Divinie Shield, Sword of Light, Blade of Justice, Psychic Scream, Shadow Mend, Holy Fire, Holy Word: Serenity, Mind Blast, Crimson Vial, Kick, Sap, Shadowstep, Crippling Poison, Pistol Shot, Ambush, Shuriken Toss, Ancestral Spirit, Ghost Wolf, Lava Burst, Thunderstorm, Cleanse Spirit, Flametongue, Frostbrand, Healing Stream Totem, Fear, Soulstone, Health Funnel, Secrets of the Necrolyte, Demonic Empowerment, Call Dreadstalkers, Conflagrate, Colossus Smash, Tactician, Enraged Regeneration, Raging Blow, Rampage, Devastate, Thunder Clap, Shield Block, all resurrections, taunts and tier 1 talents.

[19s] will no longer be 'superior' to 10's

@Squidgy I'm guessing you don't get the 'PER Class' bit so I'm not going to bother wasting sarcasm on you. Enjoy the fall from your Throne of "Superiority".

Oh no, I understood perfectly what you meant. I just wanted to show you exactly what the abilities that you so casually dismiss are, because a lot of them are absolute gamechangers in this bracket. How could you possibly think a rogue that has Crimson Vial, Sap, Kick, Shadowstep, Crippling Poison and a talent of their choice is not superior to one that doesn't?

Listen, I don't want anyone to be superior in terms of stats or abilities, and I certainly won't mind what level you choose to play at in Legion, but who are you trying to fool here?

OT: Great thread, very informative as always.
Heartsong give 30 vers on ptr
The only problem I see with Heartsong is for Physical dmg Classes. However it should be superior to Shadowmoon, here's why:

Shadowmoon: 15 Versa for 15 sec, 40s ICD.
Heartsong: 30 Versa for 15 sec, 20s ICD (TT states only Spells can trigger it, so maybe EF can). Do we know if Rogue Poison is Physical or considered a Spell? I know Hunter Abilities like Arcane Shot used to be considered Spells but iirc they aren't anymore.

@Squidgy I understand your point of view, but you do realize every single Class is changing in Legion yes? They are all getting different Abilities at different Levels than what we have now, and several Classes get considerable Movement Abilities at 10 come 7.0.

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