Duo's 250hk Video

lol yes you farmed me in a premade when I was solo. There's no accomplishment in that. It's expected.
Duo for president. Looks at my bank at boe hotshots, looks at Duo.

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Metro I'm at 572 i estimate that between 600-800 they Should Drop, i'm going 30-50 runs per day! LETS GET IT! Its not a BOA title its on one Character. But yeah The Boa Achieve I got it like 9 months ago.
Already been covered :eek: Careful though! You have a wall of text that looks like it was made by a 10 yr old inc

I'd tread carefully with the majority of your posting now (as 90% of it is largely irrelevant, personal attacks, off topic and the like). You probably don't have moderators/admin at your back anymore...

As for arena, we all start somewhere and you can only get better by doing it. I don't understand why anyone is getting flak for trying...

Now on to the video, Spew, you can do better! :p Make your next one with some epic BG footage, I know you can put together some solid stuff! :)
I'd tread carefully with the majority of your posting now (as 90% of it is largely irrelevant, personal attacks, off topic and the like). You probably don't have moderators/admin at your back anymore...

As for arena, we all start somewhere and you can only get better by doing it. I don't understand why anyone is getting flak for trying...

Now on to the video, Spew, you can do better! :p Make your next one with some epic BG footage, I know you can put together some solid stuff! :)

I did have some BG footage, but we all know what that looks like :D I was actually amazed with all his custom gear sets! and wanted to show that side of him.
I'd be more than happy to do montages for other people that reach this milestone.
(myself account wide 220,000) :p
Thanks Honey!! I am Finally 20. :D I Don't Live for Arenas, I Do battlegrounds. I Farmed all the peepz that people me In Non-Ranked Arenas they don't Count to me. But like I said free 10k Does count for me. :D Thanks Sally but let them Troll it doesn't matter in bgs that's what matters.
Im letting everyone know that his next-to-perfect WSG win ratio is a fraud. He afks any game that hes about to lose. Ive played against him with alliance AP premades and we've often made him leave.

haha You mean when I have a Two man at 9 in the morning and I have to go to work Bah Everyone afks bitch but you Aeries peak fags afk everytime you see my premade so I would love to see a SS :D Much appreciated!

no...Chantale was right... Do i really need you post you afk'ing out of a loss 1 min before game ends when you brought a 5-6 man 24 premade to a pug? (Ghoulshine and I were running 2 mans as rets ;-) )


and then he afk'd


Hail to the lil bitch for his ach and win/loss ratio. He spent far too much time and money farming randoms to not receive a good pat on the back.
I'd tread carefully with the majority of your posting now (as 90% of it is largely irrelevant, personal attacks, off topic and the like). You probably don't have moderators/admin at your back anymore...
:) not worth the reply I typed out to give you :) Sally fishing for a reaction singling me out and insulting me like normal. That's fine though as anybodies opinion who I value has told me the exact opposite about my posting.

Also pretty sure this is just another attempt at bashing ydes moderation but I've never had any mods/admins having my back either.. Sure most have been able to agree with some of my points or see where I am coming from but I still get the infractions/warnings for going too far like everyone else does..

I hate you as a player but still wish you a happy bday as a person duo :)
New rules no more f2p posting here, i post in f2p but never to insult or bash.. Make it happen mods.

2nd new rule Lil wanted her account banned please do it. I will donate extra money name price

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