Duo's 250hk Video

Hey Qtshocks you don't have enough friends to premade que lol cause if you did you would. Trust me i got 6 people constantly asking to premade. So if you were half the person and just was decent and not an asshole you probably have friends too lol :D

Reading your posts is akin to seeing the inner-workings of a child's mind. Regardless, I hardly have any twinks on my friends list because I don't like to premade. When the outcome is already determined 9/10 times I lose all interest. I'd rather have competitive, crazy, random games. Guess you have an aversion to challenge.
Adal wtf is respect to you.... haha people on the site...is respect. Go get some real friends. You don't know me. -.- You really got alot to learn my friend. Thanks for the Gratz, Guys! the race to 500k is on. Honestly tho I think i'ma get hotshots before doing anymore Bgs. You heard it here first.
Hey Qt Challenges come and Go . If your life doesn't give you enough Challenges do something else with your life cause this is a Game and you can rage about how I have friends and We farm Gy together as a unit. You are w.e some person on a computer that i already farmed. Which means anything i say you find to be wrong anyways cause you are MAD. i'll Farm you again and Again and if you want you can stay and watch. But i wont change my ways. I chill in vent and when we have games against other 5 mans we farm them tooo. You know what i say tho.. Caping flags!? thats easy!!! You know whats hard? FARMING. Controlling 10 people who don't wanna be kept at one spot. haha You gotta be pretty Damn prepared to catch stealthers as they rez to cc the 4 healers that are healing everyone at the gy to focus hunters that disengage off the gy to denouce shadow priest that try to get 3 orbs and drop your dps. oh and talk about the mana burning trying to keep your dps alive haha You should try it :D
Hey Qt Challenges come and Go . If your life doesn't give you enough Challenges do something else with your life cause this is a Game and you can rage about how I have friends and We farm Gy together as a unit. You are w.e some person on a computer that i already farmed. Which means anything i say you find to be wrong anyways cause you are MAD. i'll Farm you again and Again and if you want you can stay and watch. But i wont change my ways. I chill in vent and when we have games against other 5 mans we farm them tooo. You know what i say tho.. Caping flags!? thats easy!!! You know whats hard? FARMING. Controlling 10 people who don't wanna be kept at one spot. haha You gotta be pretty Damn prepared to catch stealthers as they rez to cc the 4 healers that are healing everyone at the gy to focus hunters that disengage off the gy to denouce shadow priest that try to get 3 orbs and drop your dps. oh and talk about the mana burning trying to keep your dps alive haha You should try it :D

Lol, I'm mad and yet you're the one typing out paragraphs. Quit premading, go solo, and people might respect you.
haha To you :D and not to me! So I Shall Continue their was better footage of a battleground we did but didn't make it to the Video haha Nice job Spew. I appreciate it!

Good job Spew. Grats on 250k Duo. I'll be there for the next 250k as well. Hopefully it's 250ks of Lith.
Hey Duo,

First off, thanks for playing in 24 arenas was fun.

Secondly, I agree that it is harder keeping 10 people in 1 spot then capping flags. But IMO you go about it the wrong way. I think if you want to be more respected you would keep gy contained whilst one person is capping the flags. That is how a objective wsg is played. And if you cant spare one person to do that against 20's the your team needs more practice on doing that.

I guess if you dont care about respect or sportsmanship then you can go ahead and farm all you want. Me personally don't give a damn what you do nor really care. Im just simply giving you my two bobs about what people are talking about in these posts.

Grats on your Hk's buddy! keep it up.
Indeed :D Thanks Dimple for the Update haha But yeah LivingForce sorry I have never done arenas its good that having a high level and doing arenas has helped Alot of peeps Curls did good it was my fault haha I'm Such a Noob Arena player haha
There is nothing Equal about a priest with hotshots and a Rogue, against me.... some one who has never done arenas and a Random person on my friends list. We participated cause well 10k for free sounds nice to me. I have little-to no experience in Arenas and I managed to win 2 in the beginning.

So sorry that i'm so out of practice in 2 v 2 when a battleground is 10 v 10. I participated which is not as much as I can say for you :D I'll have my hotshots Soon and I'll get in a little more practice.... But just so you know.... I have never leveled to max level. I have never played Arenas. I play 24s in a battleground and I have farmed you, so you are in no position to discredit me. Maybe one day you will be worth me Patronizing you :D
I have never leveled to max level. I have never played Arenas. I play 24s in a battleground and I have farmed you, so you are in no position to discredit me.

Peson who's played endgame>24 gy farmer... She has EVERY right to discredit you? It was really what everyone already knew but was sooo much better hearing you say it :)

I held myself back from posting when you said you were a noob at arenas but I just couldn't here..

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