Dragonflight Stat Squish

Is that all epics with no sockets ? Haha
Yes. And it will stay that way because 2 months until DF launch is not enough time to farm epic socket warforged for a full set. Also there are other stuff i need to test before the launch, and not enough hours in a day to farm like that.

Edit:Also I dont think anybody had seen a warforged +socket from wod dungeons
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What the people from beta posted earlier, IF and only IF the epics remain at the current level, they might be on par or better than the tbc socketed (depending on class and stat weight). BUT! Given that the socketed gear will be scaled to ilvl 61, it will become eligible for socketing BFA and MoP gems (also IF they dont change the ilvl requirement for those) and that changes the equation completely.
Oh and another thing, I read that we could theoretically get epic gea with sockets from ToC dungeon, but it involves the same type of creative use of in game mechanics as obtaining the items from Waycrest Manor, and sadly I have no ideea how to do that.
You cannot Korraks summon into ToC as a 20.
Yes. And it will stay that way because 2 months until DF launch is not enough time to farm epic socket warforged for a full set. Also there are other stuff i need to test before the launch, and not enough hours in a day to farm like that.

Edit:Also I dont think anybody had seen a warforged +socket from wod dungeons

I’d be more concerned with getting epic/warforge + tert
The real name is KCBD Summon, at least that’s what the people who discovered it calls it ;)
You can even drop the "summon", so that you can talk about "KCBD" and only people who know the name of the method understand. Keeps some mystery with newbies :p. Also, that's much shorter to type than "Korrak warlock summon" and all derivatives, and it doesn't give away the details, so it's technically a superior name :FrogeTorch:
Just epic doesn't seem to be enough, just FYI.

Only epics from certain expansions scale the highest, others scale up to only reasonable levels (some even lower than dungeon blues). Dungeon epics (Warforged WoD & regular epic drops in any expansion) seem to be the best choice.

I seriously don't think any of this represents the final scaling product, because it would make no sense at all, but Blizzard have done dumber things.
we could theoretically get epic gear with sockets from ToC dungeon,
ToC dungeon normal mode drops epic gear & you can enter it at 25. Same with the 3 Heroic Icecrown dungeons.
The ToC Raid, now... That's the one you have to summon out of an EPic BG to enter.
I seriously don't think any of this represents the final scaling product, because it would make no sense at all, but Blizzard have done dumber things.
Here here to that! Speaking of dumb.... as dumb as it may be, I'm really quite bummed out about world-drop BoE farming going away. I know many of you loathe it, but I & quite a few others have found it to be a rather amusing playstyle; not to mention it having geared out the majority of your toons.
Still though, we've gotta roll with the punches; & every alteration to the game that Blizz makes yields new opportunities for us to explore. In that, my hope is that we'll see expanded dungeon avalibility to root out the most interesting lootz available.... & hopefully, have it drop at OUR level, & not an unuseably inappropriate one.
Today I had some time and log into beta for the first time.. Quite confusing, I am looking at a lvl28 and the items geared and tons of items in the bags.. My question is can the figures in beta be taken seriously? If yes then certain items need to be farmed before df goes live, otherwise wasting time farming and when the game is live all the figures are totally different.. Some stuff, eg. trinkets, 2 exactly the same in retail, one proc 60 mastery the other proc 230 mastery in beta, and precisely calib boom becomes 6 agility now, literally making it worse than junk.. And regarding dungeon drops, one dungeon gives ilvl33 purple epic stuff for lvl28 and another dungeon gives ilvl100+ .. Such big disparities? Some enchants are up from lvl50 to lvl60, but all these lvl100s can't be enchanted no more
Just epic doesn't seem to be enough, just FYI.

Only epics from certain expansions scale the highest, others scale up to only reasonable levels (some even lower than dungeon blues). Dungeon epics (Warforged WoD & regular epic drops in any expansion) seem to be the best choice.

I seriously don't think any of this represents the final scaling product, because it would make no sense at all, but Blizzard have done dumber things.
SoO myth purple gears showed 1 agility on my hunters :PagChomp:

Previous lvl70 (current lvl27) having the Trial of the Champion drops, should enchant and gem them up, just in case it really gives these ilvl106 stats (shown in beta). Not available to current players because you need lvl30 to enter.. The bottom pics I compared the ilvl106 with the gear I am currently wearing in beta.. Even with 3 sockets it's still inferior!
found something a bit strange, while you can apply nitro boost to belts it only updates the tooltip. application of tinkers in general seems to be bugged right now, my og belt had frag belt but putting nitro boost or emp generator on it doesn't change what it does when I use it (as in, it still tries to make me use frag belt when it should have nitro boost/emp generator applied). same case with flexweave underlay and glider cloak

can't imagine how a player feels when his ilvl66 gear "increased" to become ilvl8 in bg.. prob shit in his pants :LULW:
So on the discord some1 posted that dubloon token gear can proc purple... This is amazing news but there are a few questions:
As stated in the original post, can they proc tertiary? In particular socket?
What is the ilvl they get scaled in DF? Some good soul with beta acces and a shitload of dubloons can test this?

This is great news especially for vets or ppl with acces to a high level char, because the token gear is BoA and they can be bought and mailed.IF the scaled ilvl is equal to WoD dungeons epics, you can skip the tediuos grind going on at the moment,and replace it with anoter one.


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As stated in the original post, can they proc tertiary? In particular socket?
What is the ilvl they get scaled in DF? Some good soul with beta acces and a shitload of dubloons can test this?


Upgrade chance is trash
Didn't get a single Tert or Socket upgrade
Blues are ilvl 54
Greens are ilvl 41
So likely Epic are worse than Dungeon Epics
Not worth it, go farm WoD Dungeons

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