Do any of the mid brackets or even end game characters see such a wild difference between quest reward ilvls and dungeon ilvls? Seems pretty borked that a quest reward blue is ilvl 47 and a dungeon blue is ilvl 61
(and then I've got rare drops that are ilvl 47, 52 and 61, depending on xpac)
At 50 you get ilvl 57 gear from timewalking dungeons and ilvl 55-59 green-epic) from quests, dungeon normal ilvl is 60. Mythic dungeon ~87, normal raid 100, max mythic raid gear is 130s with 2/3 140s. World quests give ilvl 81, and a 100 ilvl item daily. Heirlooms jump over 50 ilvls from 50-51. SL quest gear is 90 for 48-50.
So the gear spread isn’t that huge if you don’t consider the endgame activity at 50, but you are somehow supposed to make up that 60-80ilvl gap in 1 level if you are a fresh leveling toon heading 47-51+. Now that big endgame gap is being spread out over each level instead of placed at one(50).
60 toons loot 164ilvl quest items, can buy full sets of 233 ilvl, base mythic dungeons drop 288, base conquest gear is 288 in pvp. End game is 304/311.
Much bigger spread here. remember that 50 underwent the same ilvl squish the whole game did in SL. Going from ilvl 485, to 130. Now instead of doing that for Df 60, blizzard just seems intent on spreading out SL ilvl range gap from season 1-3 throughout the entire leveling experience. This is in addition to the 60~ ilvl being distributed from bfa 50-51.
When I get a chance, one thing I’m interested in, is if the ilvl of 60 quest gear will be increased