Dragonflight Expansion slated for Dec. 2022 Release Date, Pre-Orders Available


Dragonflight Expansion Now Available for Pre-Order (rel. Dec 2022)

Looks like the expansion is finally getting an Official-ish release date of December 2022, this year.

Pre-orders available here:

Collector's edition here:

The $90 version also comes with wings, hearthstone, pet, cosmetic helmet and a new mount






(source: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/vhk0lc/dragonflight_preorder_epic_edition_screenshots/)

This is pretty interesting as most people predicted that the Wrath Classic launch would have delayed the Expansion release until at least early 2023. However, according to Blizzard's website (https://wowclassic.blizzard.com/en-us/) Looks like Wrath Classic still slated a release for this year, so I wonder how much of a time buffer there will be between Classic and DF expansion release.
most people predicted that the Wrath Classic launch would have delayed the Expansion release until at least early 2023.
wild, who could've guessed...
I would be SHOCKED to see them leave SL on 9.2.5 for almost a full year. SL has been on end-of-life for a while now. I get the impression we're a bit farther along in DFs development than we'd normally be during an xpac announcement.

And by "boo" I mean "I only resub for the rocket chance, and unless there's a credible and significant change I'm not going to bother grinding an army of toons up just so I can queue them all once per day". I'll be interested to see how the rest of it pans out.
The $130 epic SL/DF edition thingy is pretty interesting, even at the current sale prices for base SL it's seemingly not an awful deal... which is remarkable I hear myself saying at $130. For lazy mortals who dont farm gold for gametime, that is. (me)

edit- oops, not the physical collectors thing, meant the one with SL included and 2 months time and 2 boosts.
Do they not ship the collector's edition?
Most of the places where I live did away with the cd type of products. So, it’ll be a bit rare to find one copy.

Is it a local pick-up deal?
Na, still can get it shipped from walmart or amazon. they’ve kind of lost respect with me buying the physical copy. Still get the df expansion, just not the physical copy version.
Yet more evidence that Blizz has not learned form their mistakes: fervently hurling out yet another half-baked xPac before it's ready JUST so they can rake in the $$$$.
Let’s just hope wow doesn’t adopt the Diablo immortal loot crate system.

I’m sure some scummy exec in activision is trying
this is a lie - the 60 boost from the DF presale comes geared in i-lvl 148 which is a SL subpar level character boost
A Dragonflight-Level Character Boost
a 148 boost is not even geared to que normal SL dungeons, ill geared to even go to catch up zones. there is no squish this time.

blizzard is also not including SL into the DF package.

when SL presale was done the 120 boosts were rather well geared. you would be able to do a huge skip, go into heriocs and the eternal palace LFR along with three previous raids. you were also able to go straight into nazjatar and mechagon content

i will wait maybe 1 month into expac before i consider anything.

Yet more evidence that Blizz has not learned form their mistakes: fervently hurling out yet another half-baked xPac before it's ready JUST so they can rake in the $$$$.

ATVI quarterly earnings report is coming up. DI release and DF early release along with the money made may not have made the report cutoff, but they will more than likely to addressed in the forecast and questions from the Q&A
i dunno... I kinda like all the broken shit the first few weeks, it's more fun for me than just hunters being broken when it all gets "fixed". At our level, I mean - who cares about endgame?
I don't(and almost never have) played end game in any expansion. Usually just quest an ungoldy amount of alts and solo old content until i found how fun it was to level lock toons, the incredible grind to gear them and than tear into dungeons on them like a bat outta hell i will say, i will probably pre order the lowest $40 game so i can get the cool Dragon pet Drakks(spelling???). Not at all intrested in what little they have showed. I also am not excited by change in any facet of my life and prefer things simple. I'm not a fan of the talent changes. I wish(and i know they could never apply themselves) woulc have an option just like WM. Talents as they are now or swith to the point tree as you wish.

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