Don't feel bad about being a 24.

And here I thought it was about having fun.

Never said it was just about the best gear, but that absolutely plays a factor. And yes, it's about fun.
Since I was born in Texas, Wrestling aka Wraslin' was a big deal when I was a kid and I must say Duopaladin is a perfect Heel.

I was born in Texas and raised as well and it is raastin'. Emphasis on AAA. And you are correct, a heel or better yet a rudo as they are known in the valley. But who is going to step up and be the face?

The thing that really bothers me is the inability of some people to unterstand the criticism.
In all honesty, everyone who pays for this game can make as many 24s or p2p 20s as he/she wants because I dont think, that there is a duty for people to play after whats fair to the weakest link - f2ps with their restrictions here - as some people posted here. But Yes, it is noble to think like that.
I criticise people for not taking a challenge, but making use of the imbalance of the bracket. To some extend this also includes f2ps who keep playing fotm classes over and over e.g. hunters in cata, hpalas in 5.0.0, prot warris in 5.1 (or 5.2? cant remember the exact patch) (I'm not talking about playing a class, thats strong overall, but seasonal strong ones), but it shows even more in absolutely superior p2p enchs, profs and 21-24 abilities.
Stating that the difference aint that big anymore is rediculous and would have never been made by anyone who speaks from f2p expierence.
Again, if a person decides to play the undeniable superior way, I'm ok with that, because I cant do anything about it anyway in the end. But either not admitting it or not even trying to realise and being aware of it, is what makes me angry.
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I actually ran with some really good f2p players. Alliesdruid and Dseries were on my team and they were two of the top dps in the WSG.
The thing that really bothers me is the inability of some people to unterstand the criticism.
In all honesty, everyone who pays for this game can make as many 24s or p2p 20s as he/she wants because I dont think, that there is a duty for people to play after whats fair to the weakest link - f2ps with their restrictions here - as some people posted here. But Yes, it is noble to think like that.
I criticise people for not taking a challenge, but making use of the imbalance of the bracket. To some extend this also includes f2ps who keep playing fotm classes over and over e.g. hunters in cata, hpalas in 5.0.0, prot warris in 5.1 (or 5.2? cant remember the exact patch) (I'm not talking about playing a class, thats strong overall, but seasonal strong ones), but it shows even more in absolutely superior p2p enchs, profs and 21-24 abilities.
Stating that the difference aint that big anymore is rediculous and would have never been made by anyone who speaks from f2p expierence.
Again, if a person decides to play the undeniable superior way, I'm ok with that, because I cant do anything about it anyway in the end. But either not admitting it or not even trying to realise and being aware of it, is what makes me angry.

The difference really isn't huge anymore. Especially with the rise of the F2P healer. The only seriously ridiculous 24 is a spriest, or a rogue that stacks agi and bursts down an FC.
The difference really isn't huge anymore. Especially with the rise of the F2P healer. The only seriously ridiculous 24 is a spriest, or a rogue that stacks agi and bursts down an FC.

I only read this thread until page 10, so I dont know what else you wrote.
Have you played a f2p lately? If not, then dont presume to be able to judge about balance here.
Also: rise of f2p healers? That doesnt have anything to do with the subject matter. That has something to do with teamplay in a bg and that can be different from game to game. What will stay constantly superior are p2ps advantages and I have seen 24s bursting through 2+ decent healers. The point is, that playing a p2p BiS char allows your team to focus less on teamplay, then it would require when there is no p2p around - u cant deny that. They ruin the tactical site of pvp and that is what I am sick of. And shadows aint the only thing, that can crit or burst for a shitload of dmg. Others are ferals, fire mages, frost mages, hunters, moonkins...

Edit: Is that Qtshocks from your sig the only char you have in this bracket?
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I only read this thread until page 10, so I dont know what else you wrote.
Have you played a f2p lately? If not, then dont presume to be able to judge about balance here.
Also: rise of f2p healers? That doesnt have anything to do with the subject matter. That has something to do with teamplay in a bg and that can be different from game to game. What will stay constantly superior are p2ps advantages and I have seen 24s bursting through 2+ decent healers. The point is, that playing a p2p BiS char allows your team to focus less on teamplay, then it would require when there is no p2p around - u cant deny that. They ruin the tactical site of pvp and that is what I am sick of. And shadows aint the only thing, that can crit or burst for a shitload of dmg. Others are ferals, fire mages, frost mages, hunters, moonkins...

Edit: Is that Qtshocks from your sig the only char you have in this bracket?

I play f2p all the time. They're fine. With the scaling f2p healers are incredible and game-changing. Everything is viable and does well in a capable player's hands. I'm tired of this self-victimization and complex that f2p players have. p2p players have an advantage, but it's not that drastic.

A p2p bursting through to heals? I find that hard to believe, or it was incredibly lucky crits with zerker.
I play f2p all the time. They're fine. With the scaling f2p healers are incredible and game-changing. Everything is viable and does well in a capable player's hands. I'm tired of this self-victimization and complex that f2p players have. p2p players have an advantage, but it's not that drastic.

A p2p bursting through to heals? I find that hard to believe, or it was incredibly lucky crits with zerker.

I can only speak from my expierence and I think the difference between f2p BiS and p2p BiS is too big. Scaling items are a step in the right direction, but they clearly cant compensate enchs and lvl 21-24 abilities for certain classes which leads to the loss of strategy I refer to.
Kinda like this?


Yeah, lucky crits. And I think we all know that rogues are very situational with their burst. More often than not you can't two shot heals like that.

As I've said, the F2P - P2P gap isn't huge like these crybaby f2p's make it seem like.
Besides the typical "24's ruin the bracket"....Why do 20s hate 24s so much? I don't get it. I've seen some really good 20s kick some butt.
Besides the typical "24's ruin the bracket"....Why do 20s hate 24s so much? I don't get it. I've seen some really good 20s kick some butt.

Right now it's difficult for a f2p to even compete due to the enchant scaling. I would kill to have the f2p bracket back to the way it was in 5.3 compared to now.

But to answer your question, if you look at most 24s by not just how they play, but their attitude towards it too, a majority of them always have such asinine comments and think they're the greatest ever because they can 1 shot someone 4 levels lower with in-superior gear. Or at least the cockiness is the reason why I don't like some of them. However, that right there makes this topic incredibly controversial within the community, because as you may or may not have read earlier in this thread, most people who play 24s brought up the point that twinking has always been about getting the best you can get. (Which btw, I don't really disagree with by any means.)
Personally, I twink to be competitive and have competitive matches. Back during BC and maybe even the beginning of Wrath, we would put together 10v10 WSG matches all the time. They were always a great deal of fun because they were competitive matches.

The most fun I ever have is being outmatched and pulling out a win due to better strategy.
Best games are at night. This is an active/ social 24/7 bracket. Competition potentially is there but 90% of the people you fight are at a disadvantage and f2ps. If you love an active bracket / social bracket.

i love my 24 but I try to bring at least 2 f2ps in my group if Guildies have a f2p. I get along with for fun while in vent. To help get honor and boas.
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The most fun I ever have is being outmatched and pulling out a win due to better strategy.

And this my friend is why I can respect you.

Unfortunately though our bracket isn't filled with players with the same passion you and I share.
Just groups of players that queue 10 mans, just to farm GYs, and nothing else. Then when challenged, to queue sync or wargame another 10 man it's always a "no, it takes too long".

People won't go out of their way unless it means farming players who aren't even rezing, then when the tables are turned, and WE have the 10 man advantage, vs 5 or 6. It's one big AFK fest.

Funny how the math works, and funny how the same people that swear up and down they're trying to better the bracket are the same players who DON'T do a damn thing to promote anything to do with competition, or better themselves as players.

Welcome to the 24s.
TY for the welcome. I personally plan to bring my brand of never give up to the horde side of this bracket.

I burst through some of the best f2p healers on my f2p hunter, haven't run into a healer who I can't take out solo, Tkatii was the toughest customer so far.

Saying 24dps can't beat f2p heals is moronic, basically, you're no

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