Dear 5+ person premades against pugs...

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dude... queing with 5 people is not an automatic faceroll... ive seen plenty of guilds que with 3-5 and get beat by a bunch of good pugs. in fact this happens all the time.
Happens to us :p We're just out to practice for now though, winning is not number one priority... yet :p

And about the guilds that DO queue with 4+ hunters / healers - oh wait, there aren't any. I have only personally seen that happen ONCE, and that was when I was in TCF and we did it lol. We immediately got called out for it and never did it again. No one is stupid or arrogant enough to actually blatantly queue with that many of one class.
Implying that we started a chain reaction of hunter queuing when you (WT) were running the same number of them plus 4 extra people before we even got on is just sad.

We only had one group of 3 hunters and 2 healers going after discovering your seven man of 3 hunter, 2 healers, an fc, and yourself on lock . We actually fell to four people and 1 healer in the third game that you all ended up leaving.

I'll give credit where it's due though, the perfectly coordinated afk. 7 people gone within a second of each other is very impressive.
So basically people group queing with 2-3 hunters and pocket healers is the root of all evil. Just stop it people. Youre bound to get another pug hunter which will put the count at 4-5.... fucking stupid. If you're going to group que, stick to 1 hunter. Also, when we finally do get a somewhat even matchup, don't Fkn afk after your first death. God that shit pisses me off. and then to put the cherry on top of the pussy sunday you switch factions and roll on the winning side... If anything, players on the winning side should log over to the losing faction to even things out. Come on now people.

and yes... I'm looking at you WT and NA
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So basically people group queing with 2-3 hunters and pocket healers is the root of all evil. Just stop it people. Youre bound to get another pug hunter which will put the count at 4-5.... fucking stupid. If you're going to group que, stick to 1 hunter. Also, when we finally do get a somewhat even matchup, don't Fkn afk after your first death. God that shit pisses me off. and then to put the cherry on top of the pussy sunday you switch factions and roll on the winning side... If anything, players on the winning side should log over to the losing faction to even things out. Come on now people.

and yes... I'm looking at you WT and NA

I am truly apologetic, Drugs - none of this would be happening if we were not forced to answer their provocations.
Whether its 4 hunters and 2 healers, 4 healers and 2 hunters or even 6 warriors... Please don't bring more than 5 or you're just shooting fish in a barrel. I just wanted to point out how often I see 5+ premades against poorly geared groups that are a completely random setup, often with way too many rogues that don't communicate and mid is left a disaster.

Go ahead and continue if that's what it takes for you to win, I guess. Or just organize a premade wargame with other premades... And don't give up and disband your guild if you lose! I know Horde has a guild that is ready and willing whenever anyone is up to it. Who cares if you like them or care about them... It is the right thing to do. Like someone said before, you might as well pit Manchester United against a team of 11 y/o kids. Its the exact same thing. Sure MU might have fun and might build their team up a little but its horrible and it actually kills the sport in general. Why would those 11 y/o kids want to continue playing that game if the best are like that?

I've said what I wanted to say so I'm out. Good luck and enjoy.
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We usually queue 2 geared twinks and 3 old school players in green tintented goggles and talbar lol, although I do understand the two arguments, but it really is only a problem if there are no other guilds queuing and/or competition.. So I'm neutral on the subject :)

There's usually more than one game going at a time, sometimes multiples. You can't guarantee that your group of 5 will get paired against another group of 5, so these notions of 'everyone group queuing' is a joke at best. It would be an amazing bracket if all games could be equal and balanced, but that's just not possible with the sheer number of people queuing up in this bracket constantly.

So save your group queuing for wargames, grow some testicles, and solo queue.
There's usually more than one game going at a time, sometimes multiples. You can't guarantee that your group of 5 will get paired against another group of 5, so these notions of 'everyone group queuing' is a joke at best. It would be an amazing bracket if all games could be equal and balanced, but that's just not possible with the sheer number of people queuing up in this bracket constantly.

So save your group queuing for wargames, grow some testicles, and solo queue.
I hardly ever group queue... but when I do it's with bc geared buds who have no clue what Cata is like and end up doing either 3k healing a game or maybe 3k damage a game.

In no way am I in favor of queuing 2 hunters, a pally, a priest etc (all cata geared) just to stomp pugs and to group queue for the entire night.
i was just talking about this in a WSG a second ago where a certain horde guild rolled 3 hunters 1 disc and 1 hpal. after i raised a concern their 5 man premade coordinated to all simultaneously report me afk so i would be booted from the game and flagged with deserter *cough* TW WT TW *cough* and then i saw this thread...
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