Dear 5+ person premades against pugs...

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its up to the people that have horde and alliance characters to switch according to which side is doing worse... unfortunately most of them just stay on the winning faction. im sure horde activity will pick up this afternoon, its still early

Outside of my basement I am a loser :(. I have a really big in game 19s hunter EGO and all I care about is winning. I don't care about competitive games. I like GY farming.
Outside of my basement I am a loser :(. I have a really big in game 19s hunter EGO and all I care about is winning. I don't care about competitive games. I like GY farming.
So let me get this straight, First you roll a druid and bitch on the forums every day about losing cuz alliance is bad blah blah w/e. Then you role a hunter and bitch about competition?
yo, there is absolutely nothing wrong with queing with 5 people. theres a very good chance the other team will have 5+ high quality twinks on the other team, making for a good game. I mean, it's not like these guilds are queing 4 hunters and a holy paladin...

Yeah your absolutely right. except whenever there is a potentially good game, WT just afks and goes alliance.
& for your 2nd comment... well l m a o. Yesterday wt actually did que with 3 hunters.......a priest..... and yep.....a holy paladin.
I called drood ignorant, but yes I feel you, and agree - 7-10 in a pug is simply stupid... I havn't seen anything like that though since LS had its peak activity. I can't speak for my guild during the day cuz im at work, but I dont believe they que with anything more than 5.

oh true i dont know shit about eu, but, yes, i have personally witnessed WT groups, TC groups, LS groups, and even my own guild get beat by pugs when they are queing with 3+. I mean, let's be honest, if a guild ques with 2 healers, a mage, warlock, and warrior, there is a hell of a good chance the opposite team (alliance) has like 5 hunters, and if they so happen to have a good healer, too, its GG, despite the fact that the one team is organized in vent. and yes, its pathetic how much having hunters can change a game... and its no surprise for alliance to have 3-5 per game.

"you don't know the power of the dark side."

Not sure if serious, I don't que with anyone... I'm on sargeras... lol kats.

You seem to be taking the issue way to seriously, go make some 19 friends (HORDE SIDE) and que with them.
Problem solved, amen.

Which is more pathetic though, bringing a small partial group of guildies and getting beat by a full 10 person premade - or is bringing a nuclear weapon to a knife fight more pathetic??? Please answer the question, srs bsns or not.

It seems like you're saying that the entire 19 tink bracket should premade with 5 or more people? That's not practical at all... I have some of the best players on RealID but I don't bring all of them at once because its just not fair, its not honorable and it doesn't improve my play at all. If I want to play with a full premade then I'll do wargames or premade against a premade like we did a few weeks ago.

I only sign on for a couple games and most of them are filled with 800 hp scrubs, an enemy team with 5+ people with an OP composition or a combination of the two...

It seems quite obvious that if you bring a full premade against pugs, and spam queue all day, you are just winning at any cost - even if it kills the bracket. I'm reading a lot of excuses: its fun, its great for us, its how things are get used to it... I don't know how you can defend it at all D:
Yeah your absolutely right. except whenever there is a potentially good game, WT just afks and goes alliance.
& for your 2nd comment... well l m a o. Yesterday wt actually did que with 3 hunters.......a priest..... and yep.....a holy paladin.

True Facts ^
Yeah your absolutely right. except whenever there is a potentially good game, WT just afks and goes alliance.
& for your 2nd comment... well l m a o. Yesterday wt actually did que with 3 hunters.......a priest..... and yep.....a holy paladin.

In all fairness, we only did so to counter the 4 hunters and a holy paladin that Noodle Arms was queuing up with. This is what happens when one guild queues with so many hunters - it is like a chain reaction.
lol who are you?

Please don't start a flame war so people that don't check TI hourly can comment here sometime in the future.

I appreciate your input and I know who your character is in game. I also appreciate the input of people I am not familiar with.

This concept of pugs versus full premades is basically like the idea of 300 the movie: sure its amazing when they do well but we all know it was a greedy slaughter of innocent people, in the end.
In all fairness, we only did so to counter the 4 hunters and a holy paladin that Noodle Arms was queuing up with. This is what happens when one guild queues with so many hunters - it is like a chain reaction.
this is actually a total lie lol. I was solo queueing, ran into your 7 man with 3 WT hunters then got some people on to queue and we pugged a couple hunters in with our 3 then you guys decided to afk and come back and queue an 8 man which consisted of 4 hunters an arcane mage 2 heals and an fc.
Original quote that Kitn is replying to (by Drugs): yo, there is absolutely nothing wrong with queing with 5 people. theres a very good chance the other team will have 5+ high quality twinks on the other team, making for a good game. I mean, it's not like these guilds are queing 4 hunters and a holy paladin...

Yeah your absolutely right. except whenever there is a potentially good game, WT just afks and goes alliance.
& for your 2nd comment... well l m a o. Yesterday wt actually did que with 3 hunters.......a priest..... and yep.....a holy paladin.

If there's nothing wrong with queueing with 5+ people versus pugs then there was nothing wrong with fully armored men on horses slaughtering women and children in war-times. Its all about greed and power drunkedness... Does it happen? Yes, constantly! It even happens in today's wars. Should it happen? No and those who partake in it should be ashamed of themselves. I'm learning here that the people defending this practice have no shame or are completely broken by war.
In all fairness, we only did so to counter the 4 hunters and a holy paladin that Noodle Arms was queuing up with. This is what happens when one guild queues with so many hunters - it is like a chain reaction.

It is and its sad. There haven't been premade wargames with WT since, what January? Instead of your opponents setting up a wargame premade and for them to keep trying until they win, no matter how many losses there are, the bracket gets to eat all the guild's frustration... No bueno.
Not sure if serious, I don't que with anyone... I'm on sargeras... lol kats.

You seem to be taking the issue way to seriously, go make some 19 friends (HORDE SIDE) and que with them.
Problem solved, amen.

its not the point of having people to queue with, i have toons alli and horde side and guys to queue with both sides, i want a decent game. if its just any sort of game you want, 20s pop instantly.
its not the point of having people to queue with, i have toons alli and horde side and guys to queue with both sides, i want a decent game. if its just any sort of game you want 20s pop instantly.

I'll turn exp on. That's what that bracket is like.
If there's nothing wrong with queueing with 5+ people versus pugs then there was nothing wrong with fully armored men on horses slaughtering women and children in war-times. Its all about greed and power drunkedness... Does it happen? Yes, constantly! It even happens in today's wars. Should it happen? No and those who partake in it should be ashamed of themselves. I'm learning here that the people defending this practice have no shame or are completely broken by war.

Kony 2012
It is and its sad. There haven't been premade wargames with WT since, what January? Instead of your opponents setting up a wargame premade and for them to keep trying until they win, no matter how many losses there are, the bracket gets to eat all the guild's frustration... No bueno.

No one cares enough about WT to make them feel good about themselves.
this is actually a total lie lol. I was solo queueing, ran into your 7 man with 3 WT hunters then got some people on to queue and we pugged a couple hunters in with our 3 then you guys decided to afk and come back and queue an 8 man which consisted of 4 hunters an arcane mage 2 heals and an fc.

I counted 4+ NA hunters and 2+ NA healers in multiple games. I mean, looking at the guild roster, it's nearly impossible to queue up with a different comp.
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