What I've learned today;
-Every class is now a 2 button class
-I haven't seen a druid that hasn't ran from a fight, Seriously, It's like a whack-a-mole game. There's 5 druids in every match, as soon as you deal 20% damage to them, they run, and another pops up. No joke. It's even worst in AB because there's usually 7 druids and you never spend 20 seconds fighting the same one, yet you're fighting at least one druid at any given time through the entire duration of the match.
-Heals are over powered, spell damage is over powered, and no one ever runs out of mana.
-Physical Damage dealers like warriors do really good, solid damage and have great survivability but no one notices because Heals are over powered, spell damage is over powered, and no one ever runs out of mana.
-At any given time, all the damage dealing classes will pause and sit for a while in an 8-10 man melee and wonder why they're even trying to kill anyone.
-Before this patch you NEVER SAW 30k healing done by more than one player of the team, after the patch at least 3 people have done 30k healing because again, people are hypocrites and are going to play the faceroll class. Before the patch it was hunters, After the patch It's Paladins, Druids and Priests.