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McBankington said:

outkast ftw
1. autotune

2. "i moved out my mommas basement" - like he was some poor bastard. im sure he had a great big room in his rich canadian mansion. if he lived in the basement, it was by choice & im sure it was a spectacular basement from his acting money.

3. overall shitty lyrics

4. crappy chorus

5. ???

6. noprofit - drake sux
Nuhuh said:
u know what lol


nope, just umad your idol sucks at rapping
no its not, otherwise i surely would have said that. presumption fail
McBankington said:
Your not funny, your never going to be funny, please take your shitty 9 year old jokes out of here.

someone sounds mad

haters gonna hate

uh yea luv dat dance, yea like that
Nuhuh said:

haters gonna hate

uh yea luv dat dance, yea like that

You look like a new fag and autistic kid thrown together.
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