Crime, Punishment, & Laws

Naturaltalnt said:
From a reliable source


Of the 272,111 persons released from prisons in 15 States in 1994, an estimated 67.5% were rearrested for a felony or serious misdemeanor within 3 years, 46.9% were reconvicted, and 25.4% resentenced to prison for a new crime.

* The 272,111 offenders discharged in 1994 accounted for nearly 4,877,000 arrest charges over their recorded careers.

* Within 3 years of release, 2.5% of released rapists were rearrested for another rape, and 1.2% of those who had served time for homicide were arrested for a new homicide.

* Sex offenders were less likely than non-sex offenders to be rearrested for any offense –– 43 percent of sex offenders versus 68 percent of non-sex offenders.

* Sex offenders were about four times more likely than non-sex offenders to be arrested for another sex crime after their discharge from prison –– 5.3 percent of sex offenders versus 1.3 percent of non-sex offenders.

I am leaving work now - but I wanted to get this out - first: felonies and serious misdemeanors could be breaking and entering, assault, sexual assault (which could be grab-assing), etc. The above statistics are not fair representations of Capital Punishment Crimes. Do you really believe a man should be put to death for punching a guy in the face in a bar fight? By using the above statistics, you certainly represent the problem in overcrowding in prisons, but you do not fairly illustrate that 50% of murderers are committing murders again - nor are a significant percentage of the above represented in those statistics.

Violent criminals that fit the criteria of a person to be considered for a Capital Punishment Crime are not commonly released unless believed to be rehabilitated. Further, you're throwing away the 40-50% that never commit another crime.

Sure - injustice in law systems has been corrupt earlier than the turn of the 20th century. We hung men for stealing horses. We whipped a man for talking to a woman that didn't share her ethnicity. The difference is that by the time we reached the 20th Century, we strived to be better than most societies - and our politicians claimed us to be a shining beacon of fairness for all - an equal place for all. That's the standard to live up to - by acknowledging legal systems that get off the rich and white, we fail to live up to that standard. To not offer the same opportunity to the poor and minorities makes us nothing more than a Fundamentalist nation with process behind our unfair practices - instead of one that simply acts out.

That post was more about the thread in general, which started off being able to talk about any type of law/punishment/crime.

The thread just happened to focus primarly on the death penalty.

No where have I said I believe anyone other than murders should be put to death.


With that in mind, for your pleasure, here are some statistics about capital punishment.

Executions in 2008, by Country

China - 1,718

Iran - 346

Saudi Arabia - 102

United States - 37

Pakistan - 36

Iraq - 34

Vietnam - 19

Afghanistan - 17

North Korea - 15

Executions from 1976 - Oct 2009, by State

Texas - 442 (38%)

Virginia - 103

Oklahoma - 91

Florida - 68

Missouri - 67

Georgia - 46

Alabama - 44

North Carolina - 43

South Carolina - 42

Ohio - 32

Louisiana - 27

Arkansas - 27

All others - 149
Ok, obviously my insight is needed here, as you are all blinded from the truth.

What we need to do is:

Find a rather big island, and put all the death row prisoners on it. It will have food, springs, etc. Now for the fun part. As we all know, the government are sneaky sneaky snakes and are working on all kinds of neat new biological weapons. We obtain a copy of the zombie virus, (See Resident Evil Movies / Stories for more information on the T Virus Strain) and infect all the prisoners with it. This makes having food & water on the island irrelevant. Even more fun time - People pay to take a boat to the island, armed with a gun, 2 frags, 2 smokes, a side arm of their choice, and some select modifications. Their will be many ammo drop points around the island, or we will call these safe-houses. They will contain Ammo for the guns, restocks of nades, phone, food/water and first aid. The regular humans who participate in this game, are armed and allowed to kill any zombie on sight, as long as they do not kill fellow humans. Killing a teammate will result in immediate exposure to the virus. "Players" as I will call them, that are bitten will have about 1 day max to find a cure (via phone & call in help) to the virus, or they will be there left for dead. The game will end after 3 days, and the survivors will be boated / flighted back to the mainland. Of course, this will be a rather expensive event the government creates, so let it be known, entrance fees will be in thousands.

This works in pro and con opinions of the death penalty. Technically, we are just sending prisoners to an island that were planned to die anyways, giving them a small injection of awesome, and letting them run free. By the time they are turned into "zombies", mutants, or whatever you want to call them, they are no longer human. All senses and feelings will be lost, and their main objective will be to feed ASAP on the tasty normal humans. The humans will shoot in self-defense of being attacked, making them have an even better reason to kill the zombies. Think of it as big game hunting, modern day style. Imagine all the revenue this would bring in as well, not to mention, zombies can live for pretty much ever until they get boom head-shotted, so for all you know, your serial-killer uncle is still alive and walking around mindlessly in a former shell of himself.

TL;DR - Cool story, read it now

You can thank me for ending this constant fight on this issue. <3 Ego.
hmm i like the idea ego but what if they got off the island and spread the diseases to people? we iz screwd
Cptheal said:
hmm i like the idea ego but what if they got off the island and spread the diseases to people? we iz screwd

We make a movie and sell it to surviving humans on the moon... duh
Ego said:
Ok, obviously my insight is needed here, as you are all blinded from the truth.

What we need to do is:

Find a rather big island, and put all the death row prisoners on it. It will have food, springs, etc. Now for the fun part. As we all know, the government are sneaky sneaky snakes and are working on all kinds of neat new biological weapons. We obtain a copy of the zombie virus, (See Resident Evil Movies / Stories for more information on the T Virus Strain) and infect all the prisoners with it. This makes having food & water on the island irrelevant. Even more fun time - People pay to take a boat to the island, armed with a gun, 2 frags, 2 smokes, a side arm of their choice, and some select modifications. Their will be many ammo drop points around the island, or we will call these safe-houses. They will contain Ammo for the guns, restocks of nades, phone, food/water and first aid. The regular humans who participate in this game, are armed and allowed to kill any zombie on sight, as long as they do not kill fellow humans. Killing a teammate will result in immediate exposure to the virus. "Players" as I will call them, that are bitten will have about 1 day max to find a cure (via phone & call in help) to the virus, or they will be there left for dead. The game will end after 3 days, and the survivors will be boated / flighted back to the mainland. Of course, this will be a rather expensive event the government creates, so let it be known, entrance fees will be in thousands.

This works in pro and con opinions of the death penalty. Technically, we are just sending prisoners to an island that were planned to die anyways, giving them a small injection of awesome, and letting them run free. By the time they are turned into "zombies", mutants, or whatever you want to call them, they are no longer human. All senses and feelings will be lost, and their main objective will be to feed ASAP on the tasty normal humans. The humans will shoot in self-defense of being attacked, making them have an even better reason to kill the zombies. Think of it as big game hunting, modern day style. Imagine all the revenue this would bring in as well, not to mention, zombies can live for pretty much ever until they get boom head-shotted, so for all you know, your serial-killer uncle is still alive and walking around mindlessly in a former shell of himself.

TL;DR - Cool story, read it now

You can thank me for ending this constant fight on this issue. <3 Ego.

I believe that's what Britain tried to do with Australia.
Naturaltalnt said:
As there has never been a thread similar to this on TwinkInfo, combined with all the recent events. I am curious to hear peoples opinions about various topics, such as ...

Court System/Justice System

Death Penaltys (Past/Present) - nobody should have a right to take another human beings life unless they remain a threat. people that commit murder out of cold blood should be put in prison with 0 outside contact. i think its hypocritical to be pro-capital punishment if you were standing next to the person with a cocked gun and unable to pull the trigger

and i dont agree with the awesome treatment prisoners get either. they should get food, clothing, and health care only if theyre deathly ill. nothing else.

Eye for an Eye - i believe in forgiveness

Punishments - pretty much the same topic as the last 2

Trial - a lot of tax dollars are wasted on people that want to jerk off instead of putting people straight into prison

Constitutional Rights - rights are rights, not privileges. they should never be taken away from anyone without a good reason

Second Amendment/Firearms - if guns are taken away, the people that are willing to commit crimes will still get them illegally. guns dont kill people.

Abortion - not going to discuss this on an internet forum


edit: and before you ask, no im not a hippie who goes around picketing with peace signs. i think if someone commits a crime they should be treated in a way that will make them never want to do it again (or able to do it again, depending on the degree). i just have a problem with killing people

Strydar said:
and our politicians claimed us to be a shining beacon of fairness for all - an equal place for all

politicians are just greedy idiots that would destroy a country if they ran it themselves. they dont give 2 shits about what a country stands for
Naturaltalnt said:
Bad you killed someone! And to show everyone it was wrong I'm going to throw you in a tiny box for a few years!

In which case, costs thousands of dollars per person, per year, and they have a very high chance of repeating their offense.

See the flaw in that logic? heh

so where do you draw the line as to how much money we should be spending on people who commit murder?
Boglund said:
EDIT: Oh and about death penalty. I don't like it. It's better that the guy rot in the cell compared to a quick snap to the neck. Death penalty isn't enough penalty for some of those bastards. Let them all rot. Btw do they write anything about the 2 norwegians stuck in Kongo in the US medias at all?

totally agree. i have nothing against executions. they are pretty darn human these days (to all those naysayers that say you feel too much pain under lethal injection/chair....guess what idiots, the person getting killed certainly deserves it. their pain isnt a big deal). if i was in a victims family, etc i would totally want life w/o parole though. much more satisfying to know the person is literally rotting away in prison rather than getting killed - aka the easy way out.
Falkor said:
totally agree. i have nothing against executions. they are pretty darn human these days (to all those naysayers that say you feel too much pain under lethal injection/chair....guess what idiots, the person getting killed certainly deserves it. their pain isnt a big deal). if i was in a victims family, etc i would totally want life w/o parole though. much more satisfying to know the person is literally rotting away in prison rather than getting killed - aka the easy way out.

or they at least have a chance to miraculously turn their life around and feel sorry for what they did
Powerglove said:
or they at least have a chance to miraculously turn their life around and feel sorry for what they did

yea that too. but they still have life w/o parole. so they can feel free to find god, allah, whomever and repent but it wont matter cuz they're still trapped in that hell hole getting mercilessly ass rammed while replaying their mistakes. knowing that would sure make me (if i knew the victim) feel better than knowing they got the chair and dont have to constantly think about their colossal fuckup.
Falkor said:
yea that too. but they still have life w/o parole. so they can feel free to find god, allah, whomever and repent but it wont matter cuz they're still trapped in that hell hole getting mercilessly ass rammed while replaying their mistakes. knowing that would sure make me (if i knew the victim) feel better than knowing they got the chair and dont have to constantly think about their colossal fuckup.

So glad we can take a big boy and big girl topic like Capital Punishment and turn it in to a butt fucking discussion.

Here's the thing. Murder is murder. A life's been taken or in some cases, lives have been taken. There is, however, a difference in the circumstances around some homocides. I could paint a laundry list of examples (e.g. self defense that can not be proven in a court of law, temporary insanity - like a father killing the adult that raped his child, etc). We really need to look at each case individually and decide what was going on that led up to the crime.

If you think everyone should have the switch pulled who commits a murder (and we know it to be true), ask yourself these rhetorical questions and decide for yourself. Would you believe that switch should be pulled with a quick, one and done trial if the person who was being executed was your child, your spouse or your parent? If it was a circumstance that was extraordinary, would you want that circumstance explained and considered in the punishment received? If there was a slim chance that your loved one was innocent and that loved one continued to claim innocence, would you want him or her to continue to have his or her story heard?

I would fight tooth and nail for my child if he was ever accused and eventually convicted of a murder. I'd fight for his innocence if I believed him to be innocent, and I'd fight for his life if I believed him to be guilty of making a mistake. The only time(s) I would give up is if my son claimed guilt of committing the crime(s) and could not stop himself from doing so in the future. I'd hope any of us would fight for our loved ones - and frankly, if you claim you'd be fine with your child, parent, spouse or loved one rotting in butt fuck-prison, hell or being put to death - you're liars - and deserve to be put on trial for crimes against humanity! ;)

That's also a bit different from my orginal thoughts of the system being unfair to poor minorities. I still believe that to be true. Prison is for rehabilitation. Capital Punishment is for those that have literally no chance at rehabilitation and pose a high risk of committing murder again - IMO. Not everyone who cracked off a pistol in a liquor store hold-up fits those criteria.
Strydar said:
I would fight tooth and nail for my child if he was ever accused and eventually convicted of a murder. I'd fight for his innocence if I believed him to be innocent, and I'd fight for his life if I believed him to be guilty of making a mistake. The only time(s) I would give up is if my son claimed guilt of committing the crime(s) and could not stop himself from doing so in the future. I'd hope any of us would fight for our loved ones - and frankly, if you claim you'd be fine with your child, parent, spouse or loved one rotting in butt fuck-prison, hell or being put to death - you're liars - and deserve to be put on trial for crimes against humanity! ;)

if a child/spouse/parent was convicted of course i would fight for their innocence if & only if I truly believe they were innocent. theres no such thing as "making a mistake" however...murder is murder, or at least manslaughter; you cant take a life and write it off as a mistake. chances are the 'mistake' killings wont get the death penalty anyways, it would have to be premeditated, etc. to earn that. so yea i would let my child/spouse go rot in the can to get their shit together...theres no good excuse for killing.
Strydar said:
Prison is for rehabilitation. Capital Punishment is for those that have literally no chance at rehabilitation and pose a high risk of committing murder again - IMO. Not everyone who cracked off a pistol in a liquor store hold-up fits those criteria.

prison is certainly not for rehabilitation - "A 2002 study survey showed that among nearly 275,000 prisoners released in 1994, 67.5% were rearrested within 3 years, and 51.8% were back in prison" (wiki). clearly people in jail or prison have a VERY high risk of heading back.

everyone who cracked off a pistol in a liquor store hold up is a fucking retard who should be killed. "The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. It also has the highest total documented prison population in the world" (wiki), maybe if more people were killed there would be less overcrowding in the prison system and it might even deter people from committing stupid crimes. stop being a liberal panzy.
Falkor said:
prison is certainly not for rehabilitation - "A 2002 study survey showed that among nearly 275,000 prisoners released in 1994, 67.5% were rearrested within 3 years, and 51.8% were back in prison" (wiki). clearly people in jail or prison have a VERY high risk of heading back.

everyone who cracked off a pistol in a liquor store hold up is a fucking retard who should be killed. "The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world. It also has the highest total documented prison population in the world" (wiki), maybe if more people were killed there would be less overcrowding in the prison system and it might even deter people from committing stupid crimes. stop being a liberal panzy.

The statement did not identify the result of prisons... it was identifying the intended result. The two are different.

And being that I have read other posts of yours and enjoyed them, I'd say on this topic, stop being a cold-hearted conservative asshole.
Strydar said:
The statement did not identify the result of prisons... it was identifying the intended result. The two are different.

And being that I have read other posts of yours and enjoyed them, I'd say on this topic, stop being a cold-hearted conservative asshole.

i would say the statistics identified the result of prisons, that they have terribly high rates of recidivism. the intended result would of course be rehabilitation of inmates, but the system clearly doesn't work atm. especially b/c of the high number of drug arrests (especially for small amounts of pot) which just clogs the already full judicial and prison system & doesn't solve the offenders drug issues. one solution would be having rehab either in or out of prison to help get them off drugs, not just throwing them into a prison where they still have access and no help (we all know inmates still have drug access in the current system).

i have no problems with the death penalty. but like i said if i was a victim/family member i would get more pleasure, yes pleasure, from knowing the offender was away in prison and not getting the "easy" way out.

thank you for reading/enjoying my posts :D
Naturaltalnt said:
I would rather kill them off with no chance of escaping, if they got away they could either a) kill more people ... or b) pass on their genetic material.

Overall the death penalty would be a much more cost effective way to deal with high class criminals.

IMO the US way over complicates the death penalty system, with layers of appeals, courts, lawyers, etc.

now that's an interesting topic. Should people with any disabilities at all be allowed to reproduce or wouldn't it be better if we only allowed "good genes" to be reproduced. This would get rid of a lot of family based diseases and reduce other flaws. On the other hand it would be totally unethical, much like a death sentence.

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