Counter a hunter!

another hunter and a priest who can dryhump Los
Prot paladin
Grody1 said:
If a mage can lock down a hunter and really outplays them, sure its doable.

i beat a twinked mage with my level 20 900hp hunter.
I've been testing it against Sylphe and on a rogue it relies on you dropping without using Shadowstep. Once you drop and get some ambush action and they run, you can shadowstep (or if you're a nelf and lucky enough not to have serpent sting on you, shadowmeld and stealth before the shadowstep) but pretty much you need to make sure you can close the gap fast because the damage potential and slows via concussive shot is really just too much. If you're lucky on your burst you can get the hunter down by a small margin, but really... it's rough, and in a multiplayer situation, a rogue would probably have better luck staying stealthed until someone else has damaged the hunter a little.
Im with Feenin, Ive beat tons of hunters on my decently-geared Mage. Of course, they were probably horrible...equal skill levels idk, I can see a mage winning with good use of LoS
All depends on the player. I for one will never lose to another class, but Hunter, unless they make some changes.
Maybe a lock if they can keep out of LoS, but Im just guessing. I havent played 19s for a few weeks.
I honestly don't know how a mage can beat a non-downie hunter, Just stay max range, and range spells.
Evade said:
I honestly don't know how a mage can beat a non-downie hunter, Just stay max range, and range spells.

frost mage, Blink, frost nova, freeze(from elemental pet) slow from frostbolt...

with a nice usage of LoS you can win...
as Arcane mage, i have this combo i usually use with hunters:

fireball + arcane barrage (if i get opening shots, that is) i double tap arcane barrage, which you can do, and lays down at minimum, 550 dmg.

blink the range difference. (no way you'll kick him in ranged after your opening shots), frostnova. herbhaste, frostball+arcane barrage again, (the tricky part is making sure you get behind him, alot of hunters has NO idea how to counter a squishy clothie in melee, and therefore will do keyturn (where you turn around with the 'D' or 'A' key,) instead of wheels. this will work well with most hunters, since the trick is, don't let him get any spells in on you.. and for the love of god, just give up on the idea of sheeping :\
chíll said:
as Arcane mage, i have this combo i usually use with hunters:

fireball + arcane barrage (if i get opening shots, that is) i double tap arcane barrage, which you can do, and lays down at minimum, 550 dmg.

blink the range difference. (no way you'll kick him in ranged after your opening shots), frostnova. herbhaste, frostball+arcane barrage again, (the tricky part is making sure you get behind him, alot of hunters has NO idea how to counter a squishy clothie in melee, and therefore will do keyturn (where you turn around with the 'D' or 'A' key,) instead of wheels. this will work well with most hunters, since the trick is, don't let him get any spells in on you.. and for the love of god, just give up on the idea of sheeping :\

for your own sake despite this being a twink forum where unfortuanetly the large majority are downright horrible players and despite them being hunters in this bracket, please dont assume they keyboard turn when your mage somehow gets in range. hunter still has disengage ready for the blink, and id go as far as saying that they can happily trinket pet nova without any serious reprocussions.
most hunter vs caster fights will most pobably go.

Intimidation(if bm speccd) or sonic blast to get close to the caster who keeps LoSing. Once close; wing clip and arcane shot / explosive shot + serpent sting and an auto shot. If by then hes still alive and about to do a spell which can take off 200hp ish theres scatter shot and another nuke.

If the nova is put into place the pet can dps the enemy to halfish hp. If the pet is trying to get nuked, 2 sec cast dismiss pet and resummon on full hp.

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