Counter a hunter!

problem is, that crossing midfield can be difficult when hunters are stalking it like vultures..

i like this hunter problem as much as i liked instant death by rogues back in the days.. which is to say not at all.
i do have a topend mage. i get my ass kicked by topend hunters. so yeah...
I agree with Jericho. With the addition of Focus hunters have an unlimited resource bar. As a holy paladin I really have no trouble with most of the hunters I see in WSG. top shelf hunters are a different story.

chíll said:
i do have a topend mage. i get my ass kicked by topend hunters. so yeah...

Don't you think it's funny that it takes less than 2 seconds for a hunter to drain over half your healthbar? - Well atleast that's the problem i have when playing as a mage.

like 4Sec cast on frostbolt since you get all those fast shots at you - And Arcane Barrage is just a joke compared to the damage a huntard's pulling on you.

AkAPatriot said:
Don't you think it's funny that it takes less than 2 seconds for a hunter to drain over half your healthbar? - Well atleast that's the problem i have when playing as a mage.

like 4Sec cast on frostbolt since you get all those fast shots at you - And Arcane Barrage is just a joke compared to the damage a huntard's pulling on you.


Thank you for clearing that up, I think none of us was aware of that.
Grabco said:
I agree with Jericho. With the addition of Focus hunters have an unlimited resource bar. As a holy paladin I really have no trouble with most of the hunters I see in WSG. top shelf hunters are a different story.


While athene reps this beyond belief, killing the pet won't really help you 1v1 unless you're a paladin/other healer. A rogue should never focus on the pet unless it's just there to whack at while waiting for a cooldown to close the gap imo
Windsword said:
While athene reps this beyond belief, killing the pet won't really help you 1v1 unless you're a paladin/other healer. A rogue should never focus on the pet unless it's just there to whack at while waiting for a cooldown to close the gap imo

At the least, killing the pet is like taking a "DoT" away from the hunter.
notoriousthf said:
At the least, killing the pet is like taking a "DoT" away from the hunter.

And a stun, and a very large damage attack on a 6 second cd. KILL THE PET sprint and disapear. Rogues should be able to sap the hunter and kill the pet instantly
As the above poster said, one, it relies on the hunter's trinket to be on CD. Two, the strategy backfires often, if you can't kill the pet in literally two seconds flat (maybe three if the hunter is bad) the hunter's gonna be able to tag you before you can re-stealth. Three, in the next patch, sap will only last for 8 seconds, and there's no possible way that the strategy will be viable then.
Pizza said:
All depends on the player. I for one will never lose to another class, but Hunter, unless they make some changes.


It's real hard to beat a hunter that doesn't play without two heals on him at all times. Solo, ive seen you get beaten. A multitude of times.
Grabco said:
I agree with Jericho. With the addition of Focus hunters have an unlimited resource bar. As a holy paladin I really have no trouble with most of the hunters I see in WSG. top shelf hunters are a different story.


they have focus, but it's not a unlimited resource as one might think, disappears fast and focus regen is not that great. you get 3 shot/spells basicly and are in wait mode having to use steady shot. intellect hunters prior to focus implementation would devastate a current hunter
i just got stomped by a hunter with less than 800 hp. admittedly, i had all spells on CD, double flag debuff, no teammates and ~500 hp left. but i i'll be DAMNED if i am going to die to ~800 hp hunters. this is now personal.

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