Counter a hunter!

Evade said:
I honestly don't know how a mage can beat a non-downie hunter, Just stay max range, and range spells.

Sheep, get close range. Keep them CCd. Win.
Mrcer said:
Sheep, get close range. Keep them CCd. Win.

Any hunter who lets himself get sheeped in a 1v1 needs to take a .45 and blow his brains out.
Level 85 mage could....

And why are there so many people acting like dicks? And here I thought that everyone on the internet was nice....
Anyone ever decided to give an enhancement shaman a shot? Purge AGM. Heals, specced MP5 for heals, ghost wolf to get into range, earthbind etc, sounds like the best bet to me tbh aside from triple charged retadin 1.1k single hits, or the boomkin blow ups. Ret is situational and doesn't work for 1v1 duels, boomkin will get interrupted a minimum of 2-3 times depending on race of the hunter during his long assed cast even with properly timed herb haste, still relies on crit for win. not to mention a good hunter will simply pop agm before the cast is completed. I would say Enh/Ele shaman and a good LOS stomping lock to win. Or a very good damned long fight with a holy priest.
Perky said:
Anyone ever decided to give an enhancement shaman a shot? Purge AGM. Heals, specced MP5 for heals, ghost wolf to get into range, earthbind etc, sounds like the best bet to me tbh aside from triple charged retadin 1.1k single hits, or the boomkin blow ups. Ret is situational and doesn't work for 1v1 duels, boomkin will get interrupted a minimum of 2-3 times depending on race of the hunter during his long assed cast even with properly timed herb haste, still relies on crit for win. not to mention a good hunter will simply pop agm before the cast is completed. I would say Enh/Ele shaman and a good LOS stomping lock to win. Or a very good damned long fight with a holy priest.

you are an awful troll.
Perky said:
Anyone ever decided to give an enhancement shaman a shot? Purge AGM. Heals, specced MP5 for heals, ghost wolf to get into range, earthbind etc, sounds like the best bet to me tbh aside from triple charged retadin 1.1k single hits, or the boomkin blow ups. Ret is situational and doesn't work for 1v1 duels, boomkin will get interrupted a minimum of 2-3 times depending on race of the hunter during his long assed cast even with properly timed herb haste, still relies on crit for win. not to mention a good hunter will simply pop agm before the cast is completed. I would say Enh/Ele shaman and a good LOS stomping lock to win. Or a very good damned long fight with a holy priest.

You don't really need the mp5 an enhance. Most of the time you are at full mana anyway so it would be wasted stats. You would also find yourself in GW alot more than you would like.

I've been having fun playing against bad hunters inside WSG base on my warrior.
Kore nametooshort said:
You don't really need the mp5 an enhance. Most of the time you are at full mana anyway so it would be wasted stats. You would also find yourself in GW alot more than you would like.

I've been having fun playing against bad hunters inside WSG base on my warrior.

don't feed the troll
TheLuckyg said:
Midfield Warsong encounters and a 1v1 duels in an arena siting (sight obstruction) are completely different stories.

I would think any class with DoTs/Heals would put up a good fight, if not win, in the Cat & Mouse Bandagefest of 1v1 arena.

Yes very good point. I can hold my own in the ally base even verse good hunters. However I will get picked apart in midfield, I am always mindful of my field awareness.
I agree 1v1 hunters aren't all that. Any good healer will outlast. Hunters get much better in numbers. Though non-healers in 1v1 I believe are at a disadvantage.
Secclusion said:
I agree 1v1 hunters aren't all that. Any good healer will outlast. Hunters get much better in numbers. Though non-healers in 1v1 I believe are at a disadvantage.

Windsword said:
don't forget to pop evasion on their wingclip either, you know they always use it as soon as you get into melee.

Yes please do! It makes me feel that much better about myself when I still get the wingclip on you. :)
I have a fully geared holy priest and tbh unless i have 0 los i can beat most hunters simply because i can bubble renew keep myself up long enough 2 just eat away at the hunter and chastise/fear when i need to get a flash heal off mostly just get around sumthing and use it on the pet so he cant sonic blast me.
i agree with augiddin, h priest > hunter 1v1. its only a matchup thats viable for duels. as the win takes too long in wsg though.

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