Confirmed 5.3 info for F2Ps


Current 22-Apr-2013 Build 16876:
  • BoA shields are available: these were available on the 5.2 ptr but were removed for the release candidate, they are now back on 5.3 [post=633989]Stim Pictures[/post]
  • Frostbolt damage increased ~15%: Live 314.5 damage, PTR 361.5 damage -- reverted (8-May-2013)
  • Execute damage increased ~4%: [post=634327]Dax post[/post]
  • Resilience nerfed, but still present on BoA's : live 1 res ~ 0.638%, PTR 1 res = 0.202%
  • Resilience increased for 85+ only: 20's still have 40%, but 90s now show 65%
  • Battle fatigue increased 15%: from 30% up to 45%
  • Searing Totem Health ~1k: [post=638270]Dax post[/post]
  • Shaman can cast lightning bolt while moving: [post=638270]Dax Post[/post]
  • Focused Aim tooltip corrected to reduce pushback by 70%, from 10%.: tootltip change, nothing more?
  • Battleground balancing: LFD tool is being used to select roles for entering battlegrounds. This can be abused, but is a step in the right direction. Ideally, people will select the role they intend to play and we can have 'role balanced' battlegrounds.
  • Transmog items from your bank: currently uses equipment manager 'clunky' interface--requires more work to go live imo
  • Trinket cd down to 2 minutes: Reduced cooldown from 5 minutes to 2 minutes for both heirloom and 55 honor trinket.
F2P PTR party:
  • Date: TBD
  • Time: TBD
  • Server: TBD
Reading "between the lines": blizzard intends to nerf healers. They are doing this two ways, with a slight damage increase and an increase to battle fatigue. Higher level healers will feel more progression with the increased effect of PvP power for healing, and low level healers will be nerfed. I wouldn't expect this to be drastic, Blizzard will incrementally reduce the relative power of healers.

Look at the PTR yourself to see how your character will change:

If you have a confirmed update from the PTR please respond to the thread and I'll update this post.
First hand confirmation only please

Update 9-Apr-2013:
I started this thread because I am frequently frustrated by the lack of availability of accurate patch information that focuses on F2P accounts.

Unfortunately, verifying information takes time. This thankless time could be much better spent on other tasks. And while I do gain some minor utility from parsing and distributing this information, the utility gain is currently insufficient for me to continue this project.

Furthermore, I suspect that most individuals neither sufficiently benefit from my analysis nor maintain clear understanding of it's meaning and intent.

Finally, if you share my frustrations on this topic, know that I felt your pain--but feel it no longer. - DV
Intended/Possible 29-Mar-2013:
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Current 25-Mar-2013:
  • Resilience will be increased: Current baseline for 90 and 20 shows 40%

Wouldn't that mean a decrease? Or since it's the ptr i'm guessing it could be just a mistake? GC posted an interesting blog on pvp gear in 5.3 right here explaining a few things as well as confirming that base res will indeed be 65%, so I guess we just have to be patient and see.
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Wouldn't that mean a decrease? Or since it's the ptr i'm guessing it could be just a mistake? GC posted an interesting blog on pvp gear in 5.3 right here explaining a few things as well as conforming that base res will indeed be 65%, so I guess we just have to be patient and see.

That link is also found in the text you quoted. In the notes it also states that 65% is for 85+. This is why my note shows that PTR resilience is still showing 40% for both 20s and 90s.
That link is also found in the text you quoted. In the notes it also states that 65% is for 85+. This is why my note shows that PTR resilience is still showing 40% for both 20s and 90s.

I see, so if that were the case then res would scale with lvl just like hp and mana, possibly. Sounds interesting... Let's see what happens.
I see, so if that were the case then res would scale with lvl just like hp and mana, possibly. Sounds interesting... Let's see what happens.

My guess is that there is just going to be a huge jump with resilience at lvl 85.

On another note I wonder how much they are going to increase battle fatigue by.
My guess is that there is just going to be a huge jump with resilience at lvl 85.

On another note I wonder how much they are going to increase battle fatigue by.

I agree with this, resilience will probably be a huge jump at 85. I suspect that battle fatigue may be the same way except: battle fatigue is currently (live and PTR) still a basic character ability, as opposed to resilience which is a character sheet item where level specific values makes sense. It seems more likely that battle fatigue will be applied across the board as a flat value. I have no reasonable guess as to what value, but I suspect 15-25% more. The value will depend on how cautious they will be, since this occurs in the middle of the season I suspect 15% is less disruptive. Giving a total of 45% battle fatigue. This is my swag (silly wild ass guess).
Does anyone know what the BoA shields will look like? Some screenshots or link(s) to some would be appreciated.
Does anyone know what the BoA shields will look like? Some screenshots or link(s) to some would be appreciated.

Currently there are no photos on WoWhead from the ptr - but I am sure someone would upload one soon enough.
Weathered Observer's Shield - Item - World of Warcraft
Flamescarred Draconian Deflector - Item - World of Warcraft

But I did find the Weathered Observer's Shield somewhere else:'sshield49.jpg
Whereas the caster shield I would assume to look more like it's copy - Draconian Deflector - Item - World of Warcraft - the non-BoA Draconian Deflector.
Links to see shields on your characters:
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cff0070dd\124Hitem:12602:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Draconian Deflector]\124h\124r");

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("\124cff0070dd\124Hitem:18485:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Observer's Shield]\124h\124r");
Why is blizz doing all this with battle fatigue instead of just fixing the obvious mana issues... I don't understand the logic some of the wow devs have sometimes...

I commend them for trying something new. People have been asking them for years to try to find PvP/PvE solutions without impacting the other.
I don't think classes should oom now that down ranking is gone. I don't think instant cast heals and blanket silences help the general skill level at all. There are many things wrong with the game, but I heard they have some new talent for building their pvp system. It's moving in the right direction. Skirmishes will return too -- but not in 5.3.
Screenshots of the shields at 20 and 24 (for BG scaling) on the PTR:




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