Classic Launches summer 2019 (Official)

What made duels great? What made BGs awesome? Tell me about the meta.

A lot of outplay potential, your abilities hasn't been dumbed down yet, but also hasn't reached the peak that was wotlk. It's still really nice. Stealth and vanish immuning spells, every class and spec being viable (except for rets omegalul), endgame basically feels like twinks with all the gear swap mechanics etc. (doesn't trigger GCD btw, so fluent gameplay), engineering and other cool quest/vanity items, trinkets were great supplimental uses that weren't frowned upon and gave the player a broader toolkit to play with. You could have some really cool stuff, reflects, MC, vanishes etc. Honestly just look at Perplexity (youtuber). If that doesn't get you hyped, idk what will.

The thing that made BG's great is the community, much like twink brackets. You kept seeing the same people, and you could tell beforehand if a game was gonna be good. WSG was seen as the most competitive (AV was just a clown fiesta that could last for days, still fun though). The DR of flag drop / pick was different back then. Legit non existent. You could drop flag and INSTANTLY repick it again, which allowed for some nice clutch gameplay in my opinion. And honestly, that mechanic wasn't imbalanced, taking into account what was available at the time, it just added a nice mechanic with great outplay potential.

Overall damage can be very bursty (and at times very RNG - windfury lul), but once you understand the game, it becomes a lot easier to play around, and you'll realize that you actually have a lot of options (especially if you play something like rogue/mage).

If you'd want a clear meta,

Rogues, mages, priests, hpals, hunters (pretty fkn faceroll), shamans/warriors (heavily gear dependant, more than most), druids (hard to play as you are pretty squishy, have the most buttons ingame and so much shit to min-max), warlocks.
That's what comes to mind without thinking about it too hard.
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Yes it's dope as hell. Changing weapons, no punishment, changing trinkets, no 30 seconds wait timer etc. It makes for some really interesting plays.

Sap > change weapons to weapons without poison > cheapshot (no poisons, so no procs to ruin sap) > stopattack (to not ruin sap) > expose armor + stopattack > restealth > change weapons back to weapons with applied poisons > sap > pool energy > ambush.

Or changing to daggers to backstab other rogues that has popped evasion, etc.

Ferals changing to caster maces and off-hands when pooling mana or healing etc.

Warriors changing to mh + shield for shield bash and revenge spam etc.
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I would not play it tbh lol... xD
Also they implemented changes to have group finder in there... which is rip af :/

No they didn't. It's just accessible through the '/' command, but it will be removed, along with all the unnecessary clutter that is left after reforging the new client into Vanilla.
looking forward to recreating my 39 rogue twink from nost on classic, will take time and effort to do i cant wait
No they didn't. It's just accessible through the '/' command, but it will be removed, along with all the unnecessary clutter that is left after reforging the new client into Vanilla.
Yeah ur right, checked it and it will be removed. Another thing, sharding is going to work like it does for BFA. At least in the starting months to avoid server crashes (Their reason being that a lot of players will cluster the starting zones), then after some time it will be removed.
At least in the starting months to avoid server crashes

A time period has never been stated, and if anything Blizzard is hinting that the sharding will only be active first few days - first week, not a few months. You even gave the reason for this yourself:

(Their reason being that a lot of players will cluster the starting zones), then after some time it will be removed.

They have said that once people have migrated to other leveling areas the sharding should stop. Of course sharding still sucks big time, but i would still prefer it to dynamic spawning or nothing being done.

I leveled at the beginning of nostalrius launch when there was a massive queue and constantly 12-14k online, if anyone tried leveling on Nostalrius in the beginning, you'll see its impossible and not fun at all. (If you have experienced that insane and massive launch rush and still want to experience it, that's cool with me, but I doubt many people agree).
I really don't want to see a launch where it takes hours getting out of the starting zone and even more hours to even get online. Now ofc there are ways around the realm queue issue with more blizzard servers, but I can still see it being an issue.
Even Nostalrius ended up implementing dynamic spawning which I would argue is worse than sharding.
A time period has never been stated, and if anything Blizzard is hinting that the sharding will only be active first few days - first week, not a few months. You even gave the reason for this yourself:

They have said that once people have migrated to other leveling areas the sharding should stop. Of course sharding still sucks big time, but i would still prefer it to dynamic spawning or nothing being done.

I leveled at the beginning of nostalrius launch when there was a massive queue and constantly 12-14k online, if anyone tried leveling on Nostalrius in the beginning, you'll see its impossible and not fun at all. (If you have experienced that insane and massive launch rush and still want to experience it, that's cool with me, but I doubt many people agree).
I really don't want to see a launch where it takes hours getting out of the starting zone and even more hours to even get online. Now ofc there are ways around the realm queue issue with more blizzard servers, but I can still see it being an issue.
Even Nostalrius ended up implementing dynamic spawning which I would argue is worse than sharding.
Lol I didnt say it in a negative way, was merely stating what they said in Blizzcon q&a
I agree on the 40-50, that was my least favorite part. I enjoyed 50-60, even though it took a good while. I just enjoyed those zones the most.

I agree on what you said, and I think it will end up on release very much just like Classic. Which, I think is the best way to do it.

They've said that would never be in it a few times.

I ran out of quests. Ended up going 58-60 just grinding silithids. I don't think people remember that part. Run out of quests in Westfall? Too low level to pick up new quests in Duskwood? Just kill a million pigs until you level up.

I won't sub for it, but I want to do the Legend of Stalvan Mistmantle quest chain again. That was one thing about vanilla. The quests chains took you all over the place. The first time I ran to SFK from IF took hours.
Buying gold with real life currency or currency/items from others games are against the rules and always has been. Classic and retail are not the same game. That would make people selling retail for vanilla items/currency a gold/item buyer and blizzard will ban them just like the others who used gold selling websites. I don't understand how you can be so silly and say confirmed wow tokens in classic.
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I ran out of quests. Ended up going 58-60 just grinding silithids. I don't think people remember that part. Run out of quests in Westfall? Too low level to pick up new quests in Duskwood? Just kill a million pigs until you level up.

I won't sub for it, but I want to do the Legend of Stalvan Mistmantle quest chain again. That was one thing about vanilla. The quests chains took you all over the place. The first time I ran to SFK from IF took hours.
Well, the long grindy style of play is something quintessential to MMOs of yesteryear, and something many enjoyed.

And considering how Vanilla was? Comparing it to Ultima Online or Everquest? It was a huge cake walk, and a walk in the park.

In the original UO, being killed by players and then having them loot all your stuff? Yeah, ouch.
Well, the long grindy style of play is something quintessential to MMOs of yesteryear, and something many enjoyed.

And considering how Vanilla was? Comparing it to Ultima Online or Everquest? It was a huge cake walk, and a walk in the park.

In the original UO, being killed by players and then having them loot all your stuff? Yeah, ouch.
Totally. WoW was carebear central compared to EQ or UO.

I didn't mind the grind since I was a LW and needed to kill a million pigs anyway. What I definitely DO NOT miss was having half my bag space taken by bullets/ arrows. Also, I was a lazy SOB who couldn't be asked to find the right type of food for my pet, so I just used a boar since they ate anything lol.

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I think it being much more forgiving, yet still having some of those quintessential traits, was really part of it's success. It catered to a larger group of people than the very hardcore gaming base that most MMOs had.

I think it hit a happy medium for people.
I'm really excited for this. I have a very nostalgic connection to vanilla and the old times. I played a little bit on the classic private servers and it was fun. The fact that they include it with the regular sub means there's going to be a lot of activity. The whole community aspect of the game was insane back then, and it should be similar to that again. I'm not going to twink on classic, but level some toon, go for end game PVP, and possibly do raiding for the first time. Should be interesting trying out for big raids. Just not sure if I'll have the time for it all.

P.S.: @Mcconnell cheers to you and asmon for being great ambassadors for WoW, glad to see you on the site I once knew and loved :) Watched you versus THE BEAR...LOL....

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