can you disprove anything i said tho
all the pvp was utter garbage, 100% gear based which was okay back in the day because 98% of the playerbase had no idea how to gear or how to do the content to get the gear, everything is planned out when you ding 60 now that the achievement of getting gear is lost.
98% is a vast exaggeration. The achievement will still be there, because the dificulty difference to get better gear is still there.
PVP being utter garbage is entirely your point of view, and subjective. Gear has always been the biggest decider in PVP, not skill. That's just how it's always been. Sometimes more so then other.
the only 'fun' you have in BGs is the equivalent of stomping levellers in a twink bracket, which is laughable.
You're dictating how people have fun and what fun is to other people? That's just silly.
world pvp is still a joke, yeah you can look at a panned out camera view and be amazed but from a playing pov its a hot mess with nothing valuable gained
Nothing valuable gained? What is it you feel you need to "Gain" or "Achieve"? It's a game. It's for fun. What exactly is gained in the PVP you do now?
duels are just as useless as every other expac, classes countering classes zzz
Again, you are basing this entirely off what is fun for you. And saying because it's not fun for you, it's useless and pointless. Subjective, and not an argument.
pve will be a joke too with everything getting cleared first day of content release
If you think everyone is going to level to 60, gear up, and clear Naxx 40 on day one of release....Well, you are just wrong. Zero raids will be cleared on day one, and even with leveling being easier now that everyone knows where to go to do it the fastest way possible, it still is time consuming. No one is clearing things that fast. I'm going to guess you either forgot or simply never raided in Vanilla.
if you're hyping classic and think its going to be great gameplay you're an idiot,
Again, subjective. Your argument, yet again.."I don't like it, it's not great imo. You're an idiot because of this!". Just hogwash.
the pve is so basic and outdated where the only challenges is getting 40 people with the 3 brain cells necessary to complete it
Basic, yes. It's much more based around how tuned things are, and stat stacking than it is complex mechanics. This is not a good or bad thing. It is simply something some prefer or some do not. Out dated? Well, it's recreation of the game how it was in 2006. Did you expect something current in a remake of an old game?
the pvp is just a one shot fest with no real skill involved and severe class balance issues
Skill is still a factor, and no, it's not simply a "One shot fest". Is it more fast paced and less a mess of CC and the like (Or like resistance stacking). This is, again, something that comes down to preference.
Severe class balance issues? It's based on the most balanced time period of Vanilla. And class balance issues is something that has always existed in this game. At any given point, of any expansion. It is what it is. Saying it like its unique to vanilla and that we aren't flooded with FOTM now is just wrong.
if u idiots hyped up tbc/wotlk we couldve got a good server
Yes, because it makes perfect sense to instead bring back those instead of the original. And -gasp-...Again, this is basing on simply what
you want and think is good.
the biggest joke of classic is that 30-39 is the most balanced bracket on offer, not endgame
so if im on classic thats where im headed, wouldnt mind funding xo
30-39 was probably subjectively the most balanced bracket. And, you find at many, many times in the course of this game that a certain mid level bracket is more balanced overall than end game. That's, again, not unique to classic.
But hey, thanks for offering to fund. I'm surprised you're going to play, considering you basically said Classic is no fun, it sucks, and you hate it.