Classes that YOU hate and love to face the most.

anyone under 2.2k health ( i can 2 shot them )
anyone above 2.2k health ( 3 shots is too much effort.)
Prot Paladin Vs Prot Paladin is my favorite. Me and laglol have had some seriously entertaining duels in our day. And fighting another prot in the gulch is always fun, because it's just so easy to distinguish between your typical pugscrub, and someone who actually knows what they're doing. It feels fantastic to dominate the scrub Paladins who tarnish our name.

I hate dueling rogues who like to wait forever to open, for no apparent reason.
Not kidding, I just beat 2 prot rerolls on my prot pally today. One had 1.6khp unbuffed but what ever.
I love to fight actually skilled players as it sorta helps me determine how far I've gotten and how much farther I need to go

Hate fighting scrubs who dont know what they're doing (applies to both factions). On a simpler note I just hate fighting lvl 24 spriests and lvl 24 rogues (only if there is more then 1)
when playing my ele shaman...

hate: nothing. and that's not epeen, because i'm basically a resto with better dmg.

love; druids and shaman. it's hilarious how many druids dont reapply hots after i've purged them, and how many shaman look around thinking wtf when i purge GW
For me it's Spriests. Lilhunter u got nothing to complain if Lilnurse is your toon. lvl 24 priest.

Can't kill em and they can keep a whole bg alive. Ruined the game or what was left. At least hunters you could burst down.

cata > mop
cata > mop

A wild cata hunter appears! :p

I don't usually have too much preference for what I fight. I really enjoy dueling most tough classes on my Rogue. Speed potting to kill druids outside never gets old, and tough fights against Pallies/Shamans are always fun. 1v1ing 24 rogues is good too :).

Most duels on my Mage are mildly frustrating. My finger still twitches to blanket silence a pally or priest getting low to prevent a LoH/PW:S and I occasionally jump turn/Arcane Explosion with melee on me (it took my Cone of Cold button D: ). Its rough losing your main tool for kiting when most classes gained significant mobility (disentanglement, double combat charge, pally talents, etc etc).

Monk I just run around spam throwing kegs at druids to keep them slowed. If I miss one and they start to get away, I pull them right back to me with clash. Its lols, and definitely the thing I love the most right now in this bracket.

I hate having to kill Shadow Priests, but in general they don't bother me too much. I mostly deal with them now by not engaging them (aka avoiding mid, where they inevitably are). If I do join a fight with one I'll try to lock them out of their shadow school to minimize their impact (we all know Spriest heals are self-cast only). When they actually play objectively and run flags, they're a terror. No bueno.

Personally, I like to face rogues because I beat them 90% of the time.

I hate fighting BM huntards because they have like 5 interrupts.

because you like to beat them ?.....or.....hate because someone has 5 interrupts ?

This is your game reference........?

So you like classes that you can easily beat but hate the ones that give you a challenge or a hard time.

For some of us it's about the player behind the class,not the class itself. Each and everyone of us plays his class differently.
I like when i'm up against a formidable oponent regardless of his class,you know why ? Because you
bring the player first and not the class. In other words the ppl that can really play this game, it doesn't matter what class or spec they play or what lvl they are. Ppl i spoke of will always make a difference in a BG regardlessly...

Tell you what i like,when ppl try to play their class to the fullest and thus provide a challenge. Then it's a privelege and an honor playing with/against them.What i dislike is ppl exploiting their class by hunting down helpless/undergeared/begginer players like sheep and feeling good about themselves, like school bullies........They bring the class first, you can easily recognize them for they are the ones that suddenly roll a FOTM class and only play that class the way i have described it, they also aren't team players noar have skills because you don't need to be to a genius to push 2 buttons that kill your opponent. For that kind of players the rest of us bring honor points and victory and they aren't even aware of that......

It is my sencire hope that not many of you feel or think this way.............
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