Classes that YOU hate and love to face the most.

Skill barely matters when its prot pally vs warrior. The prot pally can back peddle the whole fight and still win.
When I play on my f2p I dont fight any classes. I just leave the BG as soon as it looks like we are going to loose, come on TI, and complain about how OP 24s are :)
When I play on my f2p I dont fight any classes. I just leave the BG as soon as it looks like we are going to loose, come on TI, and complain about how OP 24s are :)

Coming from the guy who has a 24 spriest...

or is that sarcasm?
Coming from the guy who has a 24 spriest...

or is that sarcasm?

not sarcasm
and btw I don't play an spriest. Just because I play a priest doesn't mean I play the under powered spec.
i'd say your jimmies are rustled
It's a shame they broke healing so bad. I used to enjoy playing my druid. Holy pallies are the worst though, at least for melee. Plate + shield + almost endless heals + bubble + stun + sprint. Rogue loses sprint, pally gets it lolwut?

I think the real issue with healing is that you don't oom anymore. Two pally healers can cross-self heal almost through anything. I'm all for slower longer fights, more like how vanilla used to be in the higher brackets, but without the threat of oom there is no real strategy, or careful CD usage. We could almost play on consoles now, which is a tragedy.

The amusing thing for me is how obvious it is now if you are bad if you are playing a healer.

It's a shame they broke healing so bad. I used to enjoy playing my druid. Holy pallies are the worst though, at least for melee. Plate + shield + almost endless heals + bubble + stun + sprint. Rogue loses sprint, pally gets it lolwut?

I think the real issue with healing is that you don't oom anymore. Two pally healers can cross-self heal almost through anything. I'm all for slower longer fights, more like how vanilla used to be in the higher brackets, but without the threat of oom there is no real strategy, or careful CD usage. We could almost play on consoles now, which is a tragedy.

The amusing thing for me is how obvious it is now if you are bad if you are playing a healer.


do you own a char that you've actually geared....
do you own a char that you've actually geared....

All the horde ones are pretty much done. Never bothered to update my sig.

I only reinstalled a few weeks ago out of curiosity. Wife still doesn't know I'm playing. Shhhhhh.

Hate: all healers cos its neverending story, while oponent is not a retard...
Superhate: efc running deer druid ;)
Love: non-healers cos i can kill em...
Superlove:unskilled 24 rogues
Love: facing rogues
Hate: facing rdruids and denounce spamming shockadins
Hmm, I'd say i love to fight Druids because i love to see them start to rejuvaniate(or however its spelled), as i just beat them down :D
I absolutely hate playing against Holy Paladins, although i get them low its just not fair
Hmm, I'd say i love to fight Druids because i love to see them start to rejuvaniate(or however its spelled), as i just beat them down :D
I absolutely hate playing against Holy Paladins, although i get them low its just not fair

We are not in Cataclysm hunter... in MoP u cant kill any thing that can cast a heal...
Well, short story thatr just happened:

In my server 90% of starter accounts roll BE prot pallies and duel all day in Falconwing Square. I was with my ele shammy chatting with some friends when a 2k health prot that was asking for duels and winning (I saw against rogue and hunter) asks me for a duel. OK. 14 minutes later, after many fake castings, hojs and shields in the head hitting like trucks and 4 bubbles I finally won the duel.

He says "lag" "fucking lag" and walks towards another pally asking for a duel.

Fuck me right?! I got mad at that stupid and said a few words to him.. and thats why I HATE PROT PALLIES HATE HATE HATE
he was a be, so id like him to waste his silence asap, and yes 5 bubbles... maybe duel lasted a bit longer than i thought

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