A wild cata hunter appears!
I don't usually have too much preference for what I fight. I really enjoy dueling most tough classes on my Rogue. Speed potting to kill druids outside never gets old, and tough fights against Pallies/Shamans are always fun. 1v1ing 24 rogues is good too .
Most duels on my Mage are mildly frustrating. My finger still twitches to blanket silence a pally or priest getting low to prevent a LoH/PW:S and I occasionally jump turn/Arcane Explosion with melee on me (it took my Cone of Cold button D: ). Its rough losing your main tool for kiting when most classes gained significant mobility (disentanglement, double combat charge, pally talents, etc etc).
Monk I just run around spam throwing kegs at druids to keep them slowed. If I miss one and they start to get away, I pull them right back to me with clash. Its lols, and definitely the thing I love the most right now in this bracket.
I hate having to kill Shadow Priests, but in general they don't bother me too much. I mostly deal with them now by not engaging them (aka avoiding mid, where they inevitably are). If I do join a fight with one I'll try to lock them out of their shadow school to minimize their impact (we all know Spriest heals are self-cast only). When they actually play objectively and run flags, they're a terror. No bueno.
Brewmaster OP lol. Im sure they can be a good FC too with Clash, roll, and the AOE snare. I wish I could meet a Monk soon, but there are so few 20's that play in this bracket that are P2P