I posted to enter my input because I've actually done a decent ammount of testing this patch because I like to minmax my twinks so it felt like a worthwhile time investment for the long term. and the post i disputed had even lower % than me, he had it down to 1/400 aka 0,25 % for it to go from green to epic.
No I didn't. You just did napkin math and decided dropped items and quest items followed those rules. Tbh the person a few messages later even called out how that broke down to it likely being an even higher chance to go blue. So no not really, your just turning a 5% number I threw out into something more with my poor sample size. I just offered up my experience.
86 staves
16 blue
1 epic
So 20%~ (for the sake of easy numbers) went blue and of those 17 blues one of them went epic. So 1/20~
Honestly it feels like the green to blue chance is higher and the blue to epic chance is the 1/20 and i'd say that aligns pretty well with my experiences farming dropped epics and quest items. I had about 60~ pale skinners when I got an epic finally as well.