You gave your "data"... no one limited you to that. I gave my opinion after years of personal experience.
Suddenly all your past experience magically supported your position. If it did, why not include it originally, as I did?
Instead of magically pulling it out your ass afterwards in some transparently biased attempt at rebuttal? Your "sample size" just got larger and larger as you went... how convenient for you. Almost like you just
made it fit your opinion.... still waiting.
Or are you still busy typing one up?
but I've done some pretty extensive testing on ptr by copying chars with quests ready to hand in
I did write in my initial statement about my testing on the ptr, i just didnt include the exact numbers as imo there was no need for me to include the exact numbers. The only thing i didnt add was that I played in Wod as I honestly didnt think it was as relevant and that my testing in this patch was extensive enough.
But ok from now on I'll be sure to type every piece of information exactly as I've experienced in my initial statements instead of adding to it as people bring up arguements, and you never asked for the spreadsheet. I asked if you wanted to see if but you never replied.
2 days before the patch hit I discovered that low level quests could upgrade similar to how wod/legion worked, so i decided I wanted to test what the chance of this was, so the following day (the day before the patch hit) I went to the cudgel of naralax quest chain and did the quests until I had the reward ready to hand in, I then hopped on to the ptr and copied around 10 characters at the time, Sadly this one I did not count but I would say roughly in the world of 50-60 characters.
Then the day of the patch I repeated the same process with Field tested spear, which took me 22 attempts. Then troughout my questing on my various 29's and 20's I repeated this process 12 more times to try to get a grasp of the probability. for all of these attempts I noted down the ammount of greens and blues I got before I got an epic proc.
Then I went on to grind for double epic, here as well i did not write down the exact ammount of attempts as I was going on and off for 3-4 days but I would say roughly in the ballpark of 300-350 attempts before I was able to proc double epic, which was extremely lucky. In these runs I got 8 epics from the first target quest.
On my hunter now I've currently done around 80-90 runs and I'm running 2 accounts at the same time so 160-180 attempts at the crossbow and I've had 3 epic crossbows so far.
About Wod I don't really remember spesifics the same way, but from what I can remember that usually going from 90-100 would grant me 1-2 epics procs. and talking to one of my friends who leveled way more characters than most, that was also his experience.
Don't know how to upload the excel document on here but here is a ss of it
(edit- to help avoid your inevitable waste of reply, you decided to produce numbers and then pretty much tell everyone else they were wrong because of those numbers. I'm not saying you're wrong, i'm saying your sample isn't large enough to know. Artificially inflating it afterwards with bias doesn't change that. It's still just a small sample, not conclusive at all.)
First of all I've never said "no you're wrong, I've simply said that it's so far from my own experience I can't believe it.
And also You have not provided any information or numbers at all to back up your statements, you've just said "countless characters on 2x max level accounts". You're not really adding anything other than some numbers that you've seem to have pulled out of nowhere as you have not provided anything to back it up other than wish wash.