Cataclysm : Amazing screenshots

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UmpteenthTwink said:
How the hell do you have 11k health, Im not sure How you did, If im not getting something

presumably the buffs are not scaling down to the targets level for some reason in beta. This will probably be fixed though, so dont get your hopes up of fully externally buffed premades... however that could be the basis for some fun 10v10 arena... since you would be pretty worthless after 1 death ^^
plobb said:
Mamytwink are there any changes to skinning or mining yet? Keep up the good work.

No changes for skinning for the moment.

Haven't test Minning

Thx :)

Will also test if hast rating influences Explosive shot.
Mamytwink said:
No changes for skinning for the moment.

Haven't test Minning

Thx :)

Will also test if hast rating influences Explosive shot.

They are adding haste rating to herbalism so I wonder if they will add hit rating to either mining or skinning? They cant add crit cause that is core to skinning. I am struggling to think of another stat they could use that would benefit all classes.
Gravíty said:
Haste rating life blood on a haste stacked Kitty or a lvl 10 haste hunter(300% faster attackspeed here we come?) could be pretty legendary imo.

Well on my lvl 10 hunter it would be a low 236.6% haste (plus 15% stacking haste as a hunter).

That with the 15% would result in a 287.1%haste (shooting 3.87 times normal speed).

This is going to be fun.
Trespasser said:
Well on my lvl 10 hunter it would be a low 236.6% haste (plus 15% stacking haste as a hunter).

That with the 15% would result in a 287.1%haste (shooting 3.87 times normal speed).

This is going to be fun.

If my understanding of Haste Rating's "Cataclysm" effect on DoTs is correct and if ES is affected by Haste rating, that should be 7 Explosive Shot ticks + the initial hit in less than 2 seconds. It would be more if Haste Rating treats the initial hit as a DoT tick for the purpose of calculating haste thresholds for new ticks... resulting in 9 ticks and the initial hit.

The base damage of ES at lvl 10 as best as I can tell is 144-172 per tick and on the initial hit. If you have enough Haste to achieve 250% haste, that's 1,152 damage if all ticks were low end, and 1376 on the high end... and it ignores armor.
Mamytwink, how is armor scaling on the beta? How many % damage absorption do the various classes you have on beta have?
Cannabis said:
how are shamans looking in cata?

good healers?

what would be best spec thanks in advance

I am very excited to test the ENHANCMENT spec.

Because 50% of your AP = SP.

So an Agility/Intelligence gear would be great.

Currently, I leveled an 19 Goblin chaman so he is unstuffed. I only have the BTA 1hand (the one with SP) and I am allready at 220 sp.

So I think it will be possible to reach 400 sp as a lvl 19 chaman. This with double Flametongue.

Edit : Oh, btw, we have new screens from a lvl 19 Mage on the beta :

The Water Elemental got Frost nova !
You can't do Flametongue/flametongue in cata dw they said you'd have to do like Flm/Rock for example, or atleast they said youncant do wf/wf idk they might have changed it. Mammy could you try speccing resto on your shaman please to see earth shield heals and more thanks! :)
Ele sham will be #1 with Thunderstorm, Lava Burst and the mastery that adds 100% crit damage...
Despite enhance looking pretty strong, i have to agree with SSB64. A spellhance elemental shammy will probably be stronger than full enhance since enhance will oom damn fast, and ele will have better utility with stronger heals, more mana and thunderstorm. Enhancement doesnt really have that much to offer imo, other than the damage boost, since imp GW can no longer have 2 points put in it.
SSB64 said:
Ele sham will be #1 with Thunderstorm, Lava Burst and the mastery that adds 100% crit damage...

They won't have Lava burst, it is a bug.

You can't do Flametongue/flametongue in cata dw they said you'd have to do like Flm/Rock for example, or atleast they said youncant do wf/wf idk they might have changed it. Mammy could you try speccing resto on your shaman please to see earth shield heals and more thanks!

You can FT/FT for the moment
Oh, really? Well thats good to know!

And just the use of Thunderstorm alone - and its ability to also restore some overall mana just makes it a great abilitiy. I was contemplating Resto just due to the Mp5 it will add - making it a desirable talent tree purely for that... but in the end I find myself wanting to use Thunderstorm to isolate FCs or hit them off of roofs, erc.
SSB64 said:
Oh, really? Well thats good to know!

And just the use of Thunderstorm alone - and its ability to also restore some overall mana just makes it a great abilitiy. I was contemplating Resto just due to the Mp5 it will add - making it a desirable talent tree purely for that... but in the end I find myself wanting to use Thunderstorm to isolate FCs or hit them off of roofs, erc.

Windshear, warstomp, thunderstorm = OP. I also like the idea of isolating the FC, pretty easy to push FC off roof into an waiting offense. Shaman thunderstorn + mage pet nova followed by another mage nova if needed would be incredible for peeling support.

Mamy thanks for the mage SS link, looks like frost will be able to do some nice damage with shatters? and a 350+crit with arcane barrage instant cast also looks good as well.
Guess 19 bracket will become a joke...too much one hit win button imo. Part of the joy of 19s imo was the few moves and how you used them to survive.
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