Cataclysm : Amazing screenshots

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examinerEU said:
Guess 19 bracket will become a joke...too much one hit win button imo. Part of the joy of 19s imo was the few moves and how you used them to survive.

I'm worried about this too... but I guess we will have to see how the damage actually scales.
I think the will probaly try to keep damage somewhat balanced in the lower levels, if only to appeae the many people that level through PvP.
Mamytwink said:
I am very excited to test the ENHANCMENT spec.

Because 50% of your AP = SP.

So an Agility/Intelligence gear would be great.

Currently, I leveled an 19 Goblin chaman so he is unstuffed. I only have the BTA 1hand (the one with SP) and I am allready at 220 sp.

So I think it will be possible to reach 400 sp as a lvl 19 chaman. This with double Flametongue.

Edit : Oh, btw, we have new screens from a lvl 19 Mage on the beta : Wow-twink Forum ! - Voir le sujet - [Cata] Screen Mage

The Water Elemental got Frost nova !

thanks for the screenies mammmmmmyyyyy ^_^
Blizzard seems mainly concerned with making rerolling more attractive and levelling ridiculously easy. This is the reason why all the starter zones and quests are redone. They know that they need people to reroll to keep the cash rolling in. This is the main reason such OP abilities and damage outputs are available at such a low level. I doubt that low level pvp is even on their radar. Unless some retuning is done we are screwed. Alternatively they could place a +100% health buff on BG/arena but I can't realistically see this happening.
If people have no fun PvPing in low levels they will lose new accounts and rerollers as well, why else would they have separated us? The XP- off queues prove that blizzard cares about the average player's low level PvP experience.
Hi there,

I have realy no time to do further tests this week (to much work), but there are some guys on the forum of that are on the Beta.

One of them, Lomithrani, made a short video about Mages in Cataclysm :


Additional info : The Water elemental has 500 HP. The arcan spec is much more OP for the moment (4 second CS, Speed after transfer, etc.)
Mamytwink said:
Hi there,

I have realy no time to do further tests this week (to much work), but there are some guys on the forum of that are on the Beta.

One of them, Lomithrani, made a short video about Mages in Cataclysm :


Additional info : The Water elemental has 500 HP. The arcan spec is much more OP for the moment (4 second CS, Speed after transfer, etc.)

I think First damage sequence is a fireball follwed by an instant arcane barrage (239 and 209 non crits NICE) the next is a frost bolt followed by fireblast 132 and 172 both non crits again. 4 second counterspell in a 40 yd range is going to give mages a lot of control. Interupt first spell with CS, poly until diminishing returns, Counterspell and or Blood elf silence? looks like arcane is definately hitting pretty hard too, again 40 yd range from what it looked like. Fire just looks slow 5 sec pyroblast going to get interupted. Frost shatter combos look pretty good and the elemental is hitting for like 85-91 . If it is too squishy, 500hp seems like it could get 1 shot by most classes, you're right arcane may be the way to go. Didn't see evocation or blink in the video which would have been cool to see but it looks like a good sumarry of the new damage options. Arcane missle proc for ~96 was decent too.
Woot woot woot !!!

Paladins got a new primary skill (replaces Divine storm) :

Templar's Verdict - Spell - World of Warcraft

Templar's Verdict

And there it is :

Mamytwink said:
Woot woot woot !!!

Paladins got a new primary skill (replaces Divine storm) :

Templar's Verdict - Spell - World of Warcraft

Templar's Verdict

And there it is :


Daym, thats strong

Edit: Any chance you can have a look at the balance druid primary abilites. MMO seems to think that starsurge is both a primary ability, and learnable to lvl 25.

Edit2: nvm i found a quote somewhere else saying that balance druids on beta get it at lvl 10
Mamytwink said:
Woot woot woot !!!

Paladins got a new primary skill (replaces Divine storm) :

Templar's Verdict - Spell - World of Warcraft

Templar's Verdict

And there it is :


Nice, I read that holy power are like combo points for a pally they can be consumed to increase the effects of ability. 225% of weapon damage is going to be very good. any idea of that pallies gear?
These high numbers are really putting me off. I hope these havnt been scaled down yet. Because if these are the scaled down figures. Lord have mercy.
examinerEU said:
These high numbers are really putting me off. I hope these havnt been scaled down yet. Because if these are the scaled down figures. Lord have mercy.

225% is standard. Doesn't scale at all, it's just %. Here it is:

Templar's Verdict - Spell - World of Warcraft

Remember. You got to get 3 holy power to get the 225%. meaning crusader, judgement, crusader and THEN you can use this. Other classes have way easier ways to achieve that insane 'instant' burst.
lindenkron said:
225% is standard. Doesn't scale at all, it's just %. Here it is:

Templar's Verdict - Spell - World of Warcraft

Remember. You got to get 3 holy power to get the 225%. meaning crusader, judgement, crusader and THEN you can use this. Other classes have way easier ways to achieve that insane 'instant' burst.

The big thing is that Holy Power is stored on the Paladin rather than the target, target switching when the current target gets out to range and proceeds to kite them.
Conrose said:
The big thing is that Holy Power is stored on the Paladin rather than the target, target switching when the current target gets out to range and proceeds to kite them.

Paladins still going to get major kited.. No HoF, no friendly dispel classes. Just don't hug him constantly and you should be fine.
lindenkron said:
Paladins still going to get major kited.. No HoF, no friendly dispel classes. Just don't hug him constantly and you should be fine.

I guess I would rather have this than divine storm? with a 6 second stun that should be a nice nuke. I hear you on the time on target issue, might need to switch to human for a faster trinket guess we'll have to see how the races pan out.. But aren't we getting exorcism too?
Not sure about exorcism. Have heard it though ye.

I don't know if they're going to down-scale stun, but it's currently 6 seconds which could potentially kill someone in a stun, that's true.

Crusader strike, judgement (that's 3 sec GCD on a 4 sec crusader cd), stun(6 sec inc), crusader strike (it's up again), Templars verdict, judgement, crusader strike... I don't know, but if they don't fix that stun CD at 19, you're going down after trinket for sure.

Then again, hunters aimshot 1.1k..? Explosive shots 1k+? Way easier to do since you have a major hard time locking down range classes, compared to melees.

Bring a frost mage and paladin is standing still :p
lindenkron said:
Paladins still going to get major kited.. No HoF, no friendly dispel classes. Just don't hug him constantly and you should be fine.

What I was saying is, You crusader strike say a hunter, HoJ them, get another Crusader Strike on them before they come out of the stun and kite you. The Retadin silently curses at the Hunter, turns to the random rogue who just happened to be running near by, Crusader Strikes then dumps 3 holy charges worth of Verdict on him and sentences him to death by bludgeoning.
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