Cataclysm : Amazing screenshots

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Umpada said:
And again

Critters =/= Player

Because ES ignores armor entirely, that number would still stand. And reducing the AS by 35% still equates to a pretty big hit. The ES Number I came up with is for a lvl 10 Haste stacking Hunter and would only work if Blizz applies the DoT Haste changes to Explosive Shot (Shortening the duration until you have enough haste to get a new "Tick" added to its duration.)
Looks like Ret'll be as faceroll as ever

Inc 1012983719273819730128637912738179263891028361289 cow rets
Llare said:
Looks like Ret'll be as faceroll as ever

Inc 1012983719273819730128637912738179263891028361289 cow rets

Frost Bolt, Frost Nova, Blink, Conc Shot, Pet Snares roots and stuns, Fear, Travelform, Ghost Wolf, Earthbind Totem, Entangling Roots, Sprint, Worgen Sprint, Goblin Booster Rockets... You'll only faceroll when the enemy HAS to pass within 5 yards of you. I hope your cow doesn't mind being the local Warsong Rent-a-Cop.
lindenkron said:
And rogues will have Jump / Sprint + Slow(Waylay) Or Sprint / Sprint + Slow(Waylay).


Ze tables turn; generic overpopulated rogues magically turn into Ret Paladins.

No rerolls, it just happens.
Anyone on beta, can you check out stats of various green lenses? I know that its not specifically for 19s, but there is practically no one reading 39s in beta, at least thats willing to discuss it. Also, somewhat related to that, have '+shadow/fire/frost/etc' damage items been converted to int as well? Whats the conversion rate if so?
Falaris said:
Anyone on beta, can you check out stats of various green lenses? I know that its not specifically for 19s, but there is practically no one reading 39s in beta, at least thats willing to discuss it. Also, somewhat related to that, have '+shadow/fire/frost/etc' damage items been converted to int as well? Whats the conversion rate if so?

Hi :)

On the beta, they didn't changed the SP yet. So the lenses haven't changed for the moment !

Basically, Retadins will be the most kitable class in Cataclysm with Warriors a close second. Warriors have charge and mobility racials on their side with Rogues having Sprint and Shadowstep to accent the Racials.

For the moment, there won't be any kiting in Cataclysm. Everyone will 3-4hit everyone :s
Llare said:
Ze tables turn; generic overpopulated rogues magically turn into Ret Paladins.

No rerolls, it just happens.

Not worried about ret paladins because they will be able to endlessly pump out flash of light and never go oom. Most rets will probably adapt and stay in the base for traps and things like that they'll still be able to put out a lot of damage. Hammer of justice has a pretty long range 15 yds with a 6 secon duration. Rogues will be good to of course they are getting some major buffs, I don't think we are certain they are getting waylay yet though.

Supadrood said:
paladins will have the same problem rogues have now, but with out sprint.

again the fact that paladins will be able to put out some sick heals should not be over looked. It is possible that Healadins might spec ret for the mana regen.

Conrose said:
Basically, Retadins will be the most kitable class in Cataclysm with Warriors a close second. Warriors have charge and mobility racials on their side with Rogues having Sprint and Shadowstep to accent the Racials.

Warriors can't heal. you can kite paladins all you want but a ret paladin should be able to heal and reset/mana regen at anytime. We'll see don't get me wrong I plan on kiting a lot of paladins and warriors on my mage but i think rets will be ok.

On another topic

I wonder if druids are still going to be sheepable?
Grabco said:
Not worried about ret paladins because they will be able to endlessly pump out flash of light and never go oom. Most rets will probably adapt and stay in the base for traps and things like that they'll still be able to put out a lot of damage. Hammer of justice has a pretty long range 15 yds with a 6 secon duration. Rogues will be good to of course they are getting some major buffs, I don't think we are certain they are getting waylay yet though.

again the fact that paladins will be able to put out some sick heals should not be over looked. It is possible that Healadins might spec ret for the mana regen.

Warriors can't heal. you can kite paladins all you want but a ret paladin should be able to heal and reset/mana regen at anytime. We'll see don't get me wrong I plan on kiting a lot of paladins and warriors on my mage but i think rets will be ok.

On another topic

I wonder if druids are still going to be sheepable?

The paladin mastery Divine Purpose has been changed. They no longer get 1% mana/sec, they get something to do with holy power. Rets and prots will get Judgements of the Wise baseline, though without the replenishment effect. Now, if you changed ret to balance druid and FoL to glyphed HT you would be correct.

Ret might be a valid healing spec, though i have a feeling that the judgment of the wise effect wont be exactly the same as it is now. Also Rets will no longer apply a HoT when they crit heal, but they do still gain sp from attack power.

Druids will not be sheepable
Kore nametooshort said:
The paladin mastery Divine Purpose has been changed. They no longer get 1% mana/sec, they get something to do with holy power. Rets and prots will get Judgements of the Wise baseline, though without the replenishment effect. Now, if you changed ret to balance druid and FoL to glyphed HT you would be correct.

Ret might be a valid healing spec, though i have a feeling that the judgment of the wise effect wont be exactly the same as it is now. Also Rets will no longer apply a HoT when they crit heal, but they do still gain sp from attack power.

Druids will not be sheepable

Ok thanks for clearing that up, but I still think druids will be sheepable due to the change in dispel mechanic at end game pvp. Druids will be getting a friendly dispel but at the same time be able to shift out of sheeps, that is a clear counter class. Druids will either not be able to dispel sheeps in pvp or they will be sheepable, I think the jury is still out on this topic
Grabco said:
Ok thanks for clearing that up, but I still think druids will be sheepable due to the change in dispel mechanic at end game pvp. Druids will be getting a friendly dispel but at the same time be able to shift out of sheeps, that is a clear counter class. Druids will either not be able to dispel sheeps in pvp or they will be sheepable, I think the jury is still out on this topic

Yeah. I think its still a decision to be made by blizz, but as of you they havent implemented it and all we have to go on is a blue post. The tooltips for bear, cat and travel form on MMO all show that druids will be able to shift out of sheep
I did not overlook the paladin healing, the problem is that their heals will be vulnerable to some of the ranged interrupts and in the case of the Hunters, be taken advantage of by using a stream of steady shots to keep up the pressure while regenning focus. We must also not overlook the fact the ret and prot mana regen is now tied to being able judgement a target which won't happen against the mages and intelligent hunters who willingly pull back their pets when it isn't being used to apply a relevant debuff... and in the case of a stun, it can be used to get off a double aimed shot combo or used in conjunction with scatter shot to link up two explosive shots and a few steady shots all without giving the paladin the opportunity to heal themselves. The fact that ret and protadins will suffer from the full effect of spell pushback shouldn't be overlooked either.
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