Hey a question lvl 70 Mage whit 525 Ingi & 507 Ingi ?
Bug ? Exploit ? any Info for this ? 525 = all Tinker whit lvl 70![]()
thx for Help
sick shit
you can get tinkers while on a Cata trial or on a fully upgraded Cata acct
i do have some questions about the "tinker" stuff.. im pretty sure on my 85 hunter that i had most of the tinkers? howcome u cant get more than 1 on lvl 70?
Hey my talk with a GM... Not that I believe it or anything but he seemed pretty sure? I was resetting my engineering while a gm contacted me after waiting 2 days, that's why i asked him to restore it back.
I suppose its possible but i highly doubt it since many have done literally thousands of crafts and the tinkers still dont get discovered
I tend to not trust gms on this subject as this thread has shown
if blizzard changes how tinkers are learned id be curious to know of it... however gms have said it is possible for 70s to get all of the tinkers for well over half a year now and thats just not the case at this time.
Has anybody recently gotten Tazik or Synapse? I've read that blizz hotfixed the gnome race change thing, so maybe it's possible they hotfixed Tazik and Synapse so that they can only be learned at later engineering levels?